I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 178 Set A New Record In The Sales World! (Update 5)

Seeing the comments from fans, Tang Chen looked back at Guli Amon and asked, "Uncle Amon, how much blackcurrant do we produce?"

"Output?" Guli Amon took out his mobile phone to calculate and said to Tang Chen: "For this warehouse, based on an order of five kilograms, there will be at least one hundred thousand orders..."

"One hundred thousand orders?" Tang Chen frowned and asked, "What about other warehouses?"

"That's a lot..." Guli Amon was stunned and asked: "Mr. Tang, do you want to count all the inventory~?"

At first, he thought that Tang Chen could only sell to one warehouse at most, so the inventory in other warehouses was not counted at all.

Only when I heard Tang Chen's words did I react.

"Yes, count all the stocks!" Tang Chen nodded and said: "After all, we are the origin of raisins, let the fans grab them today!"

Hearing Tang Chen's words, fans immediately became excited.

After all, there are more than 10 million people online in the live broadcast room. If there are only 100,000 orders, it is estimated that only a small number of people can grab it.

If you want most people to be able to grab it, you have to have at least one million orders.

Guli Amon almost broke out in a cold sweat. He had never seen anyone with such momentum.

Even the general dealers in the entire local market dare not say such big words.

When they come to buy raisins, they buy them in batches. After selling one batch, they buy the next batch again.

This was the first time Guli Amon had encountered someone like Tang Chen who asked him to count all his inventory.

However, although he couldn't believe it in his heart, he still counted it honestly.

After all, Tang Chen is the hope of their entire local market. If they offend the God of Wealth, their grapes will rot at home.

In fact, they don't worry about the storage of raisins, after all, they have less water and are easier to store.

But the new season's grapes are about to arrive. If the warehouse is not cleared, the new grapes will have to wait to rot.

After careful calculation, Guli Amon put down his cell phone and turned to Tang Chen: "Mr. Tang, I asked just now that the total inventory must be around 90 to 1 million orders. ..."

As he spoke, he said with some worry: "One million orders, this... This is really a lot!"

"It's okay, you just need to ask for the specific number!" Tang Chen glanced at him and said to him: "After we have the specific number, we will start the second.

If there are no specific figures, once fans have more seconds, we will not be able to deliver goods to them.

Therefore, it must be accurate.

Hearing Tang Chen's words, Guli Amon calculated carefully again, then raised his head and said: "Mr. Tang, I have just calculated everything, at least there are more than one million orders!"

After finishing speaking, he paused and said: "This is the current total blackcurrant production in our local market..."

"Okay, I understand!" Tang Chen nodded and shouted to the fans in the live broadcast room: "Friends, I just found out that there are a million orders of black currants. This time, the Japanese don't have to worry anymore. Can’t get it!”

"What the hell, one million orders? This..."

"This is incredible. Do you want to break new records every day? Yesterday, we set several new records, and today we have another one..."

"Haha, isn't it good to break a new record? At least we can have fun in seconds!"

"Brothers, to tell you the truth, I can finally get off the router this time. I can definitely grab one million orders!"

"The anchor is awesome, today is the moment to witness a miracle, you must be quick!"

"Is everyone ready? The anchor has already obtained so much inventory. If he can't grab it, he can only blame himself!"

As Tang Chen finished speaking, various discussions suddenly came from the barrage.

It's clear that most fans are excited.

In the past, when there were only tens of thousands of orders, the chance of grabbing it was about the same as winning a lottery. Now that millions of stocks are available, everyone can definitely grab it.

Not only the fans, but also Xiaoyue on the side began to get excited.

"Mr. Tang, this is one million orders..." Xiaoyue said excitedly: "When I watched your live broadcast before, it seemed that there was no such a large amount!"

"Yes!" Tang Chen nodded: "This is the first time for more than one million orders!"

"So, I'm going to witness history?"

Hearing Tang Chen's words, Xiaoyue's eyes suddenly opened wide.

"Probably so!" Tang Chen shrugged and said: "This is the first time I have sold so much, it just depends on whether the fans can grab them all...

"Definitely..." Xiaoyue reminded: "With more than 20 million viewers in our live broadcast room, isn't it easy to make one million orders per second?"

…Please give me flowers…

After saying that, she paused and said: "Hey, I'll also place an order in seconds to support Mr. Tang!"

Tang Chen laughed, turned to the fans in the live broadcast room and shouted: "Friends, are you ready?"

After hearing Tang Chen's words, a large barrage suddenly flashed across the screen.

"It has been prepared for a long time, and I have been refreshing the shopping cart!"

"Anchor, please get in the car quickly, my phone is almost broken!"

"I must get it this time and fight hard..."

"Report, everything is ready, anchor please get in the car!"

Seeing the comments from fans, Tang Chen nodded and said, "Okay, haven't you guys been asking me to add more orders? Today I'll directly place one million orders to see if you can create the highest history!"

In the past, when he placed an order of 100,000, all the fans who couldn't get the order would call him to place more orders. Tens of millions of comments like this had already been posted.

Today, Tang Chen directly fulfilled their wishes and increased the odd number ten times.

Tang Chen glanced at the live broadcast room, paused and said: "Friends, a pound of special black currants only costs 8.8 yuan. The total order is 1 million. I will give you five seconds to prepare. Everyone is ready to go. !”





These short five numbers touched the hearts of millions of people. All fans put their hands on the shopping cart and kept refreshing the shopping cart.

Although there are a million orders, who can guarantee that they will be able to grab it?

After all, if such high-quality and cheap black currants are sold out again, then I will really fall short.

"Let's grab it!"

As Tang Chen finished speaking, a continuous order notification sound came from the shopping cart.

"Ding, you have a new order...

"Ding, you have a new order..."

"Ding, you have a new order..."

After just a moment, the screen of the phone went black.

Xiaoyue also kept refreshing the shopping cart, and finally managed to grab an order among thousands of people.

When she raised her head again, the screen of Tang Chen's mobile phone had gone dark and the order notification tone had completely disappeared.


Seeing this scene, Xiaoyue was immediately stunned. .

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