I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 185 Turn On The Crazy Flash Killing Mode! (2Nd Update)

"Brother, stop coveting us and get in the car quickly!"

"Do you have to be greedy for us before every sale? My mouth is almost watering!"

"Yeah, the anchor is so bad, it whets my appetite!"

"Sour and sweet, it's me, Hong Xiangfei raisins, I'm sure to buy it!"

"The raisins recommended by Goddess Ranba are of course a must-buy..."

"Anchor, hang up your shopping cart as soon as possible, we can't wait!"

After hearing Tang Chen's description of the taste, fans immediately couldn't wait and protested in the barrage, wanting him to hang up his shopping cart as soon as possible.

Seeing that everyone was so interested, Tang Chen nodded and smiled at them: "Okay, I will calculate the price and quantity and put it up for everyone right away!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Chen turned to look at Guli Amon: "Uncle Amen, what's the price of Hongxiang Fei?"

"Hongxiang Fei?" Hearing Tang Chen's words, Guli Amon said with a smile: "This one is cheap. The price of ordinary Hongxiang Fei and Green Xiangfei are the same. The original price is sixteen yuan per catty. Now I give it to Mr. Tang. Fans will receive benefits, all for only six yuan!"

"Six dollars?!"

Upon hearing this number, everyone fell silent.

"Hongxiang 21 Fei costs six yuan, which is definitely the lowest price in the world!"

"I have never heard of a price lower than this. I give the anchor and the fruit farmers a thumbs up..."

"Haha, I won't say anything else. I have to support you. I want to make ten deals this time!"

"Brothers upstairs, can you give us a chance? If everyone bids ten orders, how can we get it?"

"That's right, we are newbies here, please give us a chance..."

"With this kind of price, people will definitely go crazy for it later, so everyone must prepare their hands quickly!"

Upon hearing this price, the fans in the live broadcast room immediately went crazy and expressed their feelings on the barrage.

Six yuan for raisins was the first time they had heard of it.

Although the ordinary Green Xiangfei and Hongxiangfei are a bit smaller, in supermarkets in other places, the price is not less than fifteen yuan, and they are all very expensive.

However, given the remoteness of Xinjiang's terrain, it is reasonable for the price to be cheaper in the country of origin.

After all, postage is also a large part of the expenditure. Fortunately, Tang Chen has a charity fund for the agricultural assistance program. Otherwise, the postage would not be such a price.

Tang Chen was also shocked when he heard the price Guli Amon gave.

This is indeed a favorable price. It is estimated that except for his live broadcast room, no other anchor can get this kind of price.

Thinking of this, Tang Chen glanced at Guli Amon and asked, "Uncle Amen, how much inventory does Hongxiang Fei have?"

"Hongxiang Fei?" Guli Amon thought for a moment, picked up the phone and said, "Let me do the math..."

"By the way, Uncle Amen..." As soon as Guli Amon finished speaking, Tang Chen suddenly remembered something: "Let's count the inventory of Green Xiangfei and Hongxiangfei together. Their prices are not Are they all the same? In that case, we will sell them together later!"

"Okay Mr. Tang, I will do some statistics..."

When Guli Amon heard this, he nodded like a rattle.

This is the most excited he has ever been. If all the red and green fragrant concubines are sold out, then all the unsalable agricultural products in their market will be sold out this year.

They were excited at the thought that the raisins, which had given everyone a headache before, were about to be sold out.

"Mr. Tang, fans seem to be asking questions about cantaloupe..."

While Tang Chen was talking to Guli Amon, Xiaoyue came over.

"Hami melon?" Tang Chen was stunned and asked: "What cantaloupe?"

Xiaoyue explained: "Look at the comments, fans are shouting to buy cantaloupe!"

Hearing Xiaoyue's words, Tang Chen quickly turned his head and looked towards the live broadcast room.

The screen was filled with comments about cantaloupe.

"Anchor, I heard that the cantaloupe in the local market is delicious. Can you buy some for us?"

"Yes, the cantaloupe in Tushi is the sweetest. Just thinking about it makes my mouth water..."

"Friends, please come one by one, okay? The Hongxiang Concubine hasn't even had a second yet, and you already want cantaloupe..."

"Hongxiangfei wants seconds, but you also have to buy cantaloupe. It's not bad if you don't blow it. The cantaloupe in the local market is really delicious!"

"I want to eat cantaloupe too!"

"Anchor, please, help us get some cantaloupe!"

I don’t know which foodie started the rhythm of cantaloupe. Now all fans are craving for cantaloupe.

However, if you think about it, since you have already arrived at the local market, you can't just buy raisins. Cantaloupe is also a special fruit.

Thinking of this, Tang Chen turned to look at Guli Amon who was counting: "Uncle Amon, do we have cantaloupe here?"


Hearing Tang Chen's words, Guli Amon was stunned.

It took him a long time to recover from his daze: "Yes, there are cantaloupe! But, this Red Fragrance Concubine..."

"It's okay, Hong Xiangfei will continue to count!" Tang Chen laughed and reminded: "It's just that the fans are hungry for cantaloupe and want to wait a little longer [let's wait until Hongxiang Fei finishes the cantaloupe group!"

"Okay, okay, I'll do the statistics right away!" Guli Amon nodded quickly.

He was really shocked just now. He thought the fans didn't want Hongxiang Fei anymore, but only wanted cantaloupe.

Hami melon is not a slow-selling fruit, and it is not as important as Hongxiangfei.

After about two or three minutes, Guli Amon finally counted 560 of the numbers of Hong Xiangfei and Green Xiangfei.

He was so busy that he was sweating profusely. He took the notepad on his mobile phone and said to Tang Chen: "Mr. Tang, the statistics are out. Hong Xiangfei has a total of 500,000 orders, and the ordinary Green Xiangfei has 50,000 orders..."

"Add the two together, one million orders?" Tang Chen asked.

"Yes, a million orders in total!" Guli Amon said.

Tang Chen nodded thoughtfully: "Okay, one million orders is not bad, enough for fans to kill instantly!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at the live broadcast room and shouted to the fans: "Friends, the statistics are out, the order of Hongxiang Fei is 500,000, and the order of ordinary Green Xiangfei is also 500,000, all for six yuan. One pound..."

"Five hundred thousand orders? Okay, okay, this may not hurt anymore!"

"This quantity is really good, at least everyone can grab it!"

"Haha, not necessarily. Brothers, don't be too careless. After all, there are many fans of Goddess Ranba here."

"Yeah, why did you forget this? There were a lot of new fans here just now!"

"No matter whether you are a new fan or an old fan, the ones you can grab are the good fans, so hurry up and get ready!"

"Open the second, open the second, open the second..."

Hearing Tang Chen's words, the barrage immediately started to stir again, and everyone began to prepare for the war.

"Friends, are you ready?"

Just when they were panicking, they suddenly heard Tang Chen shouting to the camera. .

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