I Am The Best Delivery Guy In The World

Chapter 188 Grab It, Grab It, Sell Out! (Update 5)

2.8 million orders?

What is this concept?

Even for the most well-known e-commerce websites, the total sales volume in a day may not exceed 2 million orders.

But Tang Chen sold out 2.8 million single raisins in less than an hour.

This is the total amount of raisins stored in the entire city, and one can imagine how terrifying it is.

Hearing Tang Chen's words, all the fans in the live broadcast room were excited.

"Oh my god, 2.8 million orders, which is incredible!"

"Even if the order costs one yuan, it's still 2.8 million. The anchor is so awesome!"

"This is the result of the brothers' joint efforts. Half of us are on the honor roll!"

"Yes, as fans of the anchor, we are very proud!"

"Although I am a new fan, I am still happy with the host's achievements because I also contributed a single!"

"Haha, I bought a lot of raisins today, so I can eat them to my heart's content!"

For a time, all fans were discussing the 2.8 million single that made history.

For fans, the sense of participation is very important. If they participate in these 2.8 million orders, they will be proud of these 2.8 million orders.

Guriramba was also shocked by this number.

Although she knew Tang Chen's sales ability, it was indeed a bit exaggerated to sell out 2.8 million orders in one hour.

Some ordinary anchors can sell tens of thousands of orders in one hour, which is already very impressive. How can anyone create such a miracle?

Therefore, she didn't know what to say, so she could only listen quietly.

Tang Chen looked at the fans' comments and asked with a smile: "Friends, tell me boldly, is there anyone else who hasn't grabbed it?"

Barrage 1: Yes, anchor, but I didn’t get it. I was delayed because I answered the phone!

Barrage 2: Anchor, I didn’t grab it either. My internet speed is too slow and the shopping cart can’t be refreshed.

Barrage 3: Same as above, it was also due to the Internet.

Barrage 4: Anyway, I got it, but there are probably only a few people who didn’t get it, right?

As soon as Tang Chen finished speaking, a barrage flashed across the screen.

I didn’t expect that some fans didn’t get it.

However, after all, it was 2.8 million orders. Except for these fans who had personal reasons, everyone else still grabbed it, and some even grabbed several orders directly.

Seeing these barrage, Tang Chen nodded and said: "Okay, friends who didn't grab it, don't be discouraged. When you have such an opportunity next time, just seize the opportunity to place an order!"

After saying that, he paused and said, "By the way, I just heard some friends say they want to eat cantaloupe. If anyone wants to eat it, please send me a comment and let me know how many people want it!"

“I want to eat, I really want to eat!”

"Anchor, I like to eat cantaloupe the most, can you have more?"

"I have never eaten cantaloupe from Tushi, and I really want to try it. Can Tian satisfy my request?"

"Me too, I really want to try the cantaloupe from Tushi..."

"I heard that the cantaloupe in Tushi is sweet and delicious, and tastes much better than other places!"

"Absolutely. After all, the climate and temperature difference in Tushi are different from ours, so the fruits grown are naturally very sweet!"

Following Tang Chen's inquiry, numerous barrages about cantaloupe appeared on the screen.

It can be seen that the Yin family is very obsessed with the city's cantaloupe.

Being treated like this, even Tang Chen wanted to try the cantaloupe here.

Thinking of this, Tang Chen smiled and said: "Since everyone wants to buy it, then we will satisfy everyone's request!"

"Thank you host!"

After hearing Tang Chen's words, the screen was instantly filled with the words "Thank you, host", and gifts were sent out one after another.

Xiaoyue has been staring at the gifts in the live broadcast room. She just made a prediction and estimated that today will set the same record as yesterday.

Yesterday, the number of gifts given by fans alone exceeded 200 million.

Fans went crazy and sent several batches of gifts today, and they will definitely be indispensable.

However, as for how much everyone has given away, we can only count it after we are done.

"Uncle Amon, the fans want to eat cantaloupe, what should I do?"

Tang Chen glanced at Guli Amon and asked with a smile.

"Haha, does this need to be said?" Guli Amon laughed and said to Tang Chen: "Since the fans like it, then we must satisfy the fans' requirements!"

After finishing speaking, he pointed outside the warehouse and said: "There is a melon field not far ahead. Let's go over and taste it together. Then I will count the yields of the melon farmers!"

…please give me flowers…………

"Okay, then I'll trouble Uncle Amen!" Tang Chen nodded and said.

"What's the trouble? This is what we should do!" Guli Amon said with a smile: "Mr. Tang, you are our great benefactor. If you want to eat any fruit in the future, just tell me directly. I promise. I’ll send it to you anytime!”

"Okay, thank you Uncle Amon!" Tang Chen laughed and walked forward with Guli Amon.

The raisins have been sold out, and the rest are packed and shipped. It is estimated that the logistics staff and villagers of the agricultural assistance operation will have to be busy for at least a few days.

Not long after everyone walked forward, they saw a beautiful melon field filled with dense cantaloupe melons.


"Harizi, we have a guest, come out and meet the guest!"

From a distance, he shouted to a small house next to the melon field.

As soon as he finished speaking, a man about fifty years old ran out of the room.

This man is short, has a beard, and wears a yellow melon cap on his head.

"Amon, why are you here when you are free?" The man asked happily when he saw Guli Amon.

Guli Amon glanced at him and introduced him: "This is our great benefactor Mr. Tang. He has just solved the problem of unsalable grapes in our entire local market with his own efforts!"

After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Tang Chen and said respectfully: "Mr. Tang, his name is Harizi, he is a melon farmer here, and his cantaloupes are the most delicious here.

"Hello, benefactor!"

After hearing Guli Amon's introduction, Hariz quickly stepped forward and shook hands with Tang Chen.

Guli Amon reminded: "Mr. Tang wants to help you sell all the cantaloupe. You quickly find the most delicious cantaloupe for Mr. Tang to try!"

"Okay, I'll go right away!" Hariz nodded and quickly ran into the fields.

Taking advantage of this gap, Tang Chen pointed the camera of the live broadcast room at this melon field.

The cantaloupes in the melon field are already ripe, and their attractive appearance immediately arouses the appetite of all fans.

"Friends, this is the cantaloupe that you have been longing for. Do you want to eat it?"

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