The roar of the engine overwhelmed the noisy wind.

An off-road vehicle was speeding through the field.

Although it is not yet the stage of driving helicopters and fighter jets to catch Pokémon in the future.

But driving a jeep is still no problem.

As for the location of this mission, it is in the hunting zone near the Crimson City.

At this time, the hunting zone is not a place where you can catch Pokémon with your trainer status in the future.

Instead, it is a large ecological protection area with many Pokémon living in it, but they are all protected by the alliance because they are close to the Crimson City and are also protected by the Crimson City gym.

It is simply a waste of natural resources.

After speeding all the way for five days, we finally reached the edge of the hunting zone.

After arriving at the place, Johnny, the team leader, told Sakaki and the other five team members:

"It's not good to move during the day. Let's wait until night and take advantage of the forest rangers' rest before we move."

"Our area is the closest to the Kentaro gathering place. After the operation, we can quickly return."

Axin and the others responded in unison, "Yes, Captain."

The jeep was temporarily hidden and rested for a while.

As time passed, Sakaki looked up at the bright moon covered by dark clouds and gently clenched his fists.

When the sound of cooing sounded in the night.

The operation officially began.

Johnny made a few gestures and told them:

"You three go from the left, and Asin and Sam go to the right."

As Johnny's order was issued, Asin and the others responded, then opened the Poké Ball and released the Pokémon one by one, "Yes."

Then Johnny said to Sakaki very kindly:

"Master Sakaki, please come with me, so that I can protect you."

Sakaki did not refuse, "Okay."

Johnny then released his Pokémon one by one.

Seven Pokémon, three Arboks, a Smellyflower, a Diglett, a Beedrill and a Mosquito, all of which were high-level Pokémon above level 30.

Overall, this guy is really strong, with all the skills of land, sea and air.

He is also a top figure among the team leaders.

If he wants to protect Sakaki, he can do it.

Sakaki took out a Poké Ball and pressed it lightly, and Nidoran was released from it.

It looked at the environment outside in surprise, and jumped twice on the spot, as if it was dreaming, and it didn't believe this down-to-earth feeling.

But before it could be happy, Sakaki's voice sounded in its ears, making its whole body tense and almost stiff.

"Don't think about it. If you want to run away today, I will definitely kill you."

It thought for a while, turned its head and showed Sakaki an ugly smile.

Let alone the threat of Sakaki to it, Sakaki has been quite good to it recently. How can Nidolang be ungrateful?

It's just afraid that Sakaki will encounter danger, not because it is afraid that Sakaki will kill it.

Yes, that's it.

Johnny said to Sakaki with a smile, "Sakaki-sama's way of getting along with elves is really special. But if the elves are disobedient, they still have to be taught a lesson."

Although he always showed a very flattering look to Sakaki, a different emotion would unconsciously flash in his eyes.

"I know." Sakaki replied casually.

Johnny led the elves to walk slowly forward, "You just follow behind me."

Sakaki looked at his back, lowered his head and whispered to Nidolang:

"Wait a while, I may use your treasure. If it is lost, I will give you a better one in the future."

Nidolang hurriedly shook his head to refuse, but after seeing Sakaki's cold and ruthless eyes, he could only agree.

After all, the things were given to it by Sakaki, and it was easy for Sakaki to take them away.

Tap tap!

Sakaki followed Johnny and walked forward. The crisp footsteps seemed a little abrupt in the silent night.

The nearby elves had been scared and scattered.

Not far away, a dark mass was located on the field. It was one of the Kentaro tribes in the hunting zone. There were at least 150 of them here, which was already a large tribe.

In order to prevent fighting between Kentaro tribes, it was also to prevent fighting among all the elf tribes in this hunting zone.

To maintain balance.

Usually, if a gym-level or higher Pokémon is born in these tribes, it will be captured by the alliance.

This gave Johnny and his team an opportunity.

The Pokémon's sixth sense of danger is still very accurate.

In addition, the smell of Johnny's eight Pokémon is very strong.

As Johnny and his team kept approaching, the Kentaro tribe became agitated, and they stood up and roared one by one. Several big milk tanks in the middle surrounded a particularly strong Kentaro and looked around cautiously.

The strong Kentaro in the middle gently pushed away several big milk tanks and slowly walked to the front of the tribe.

This one is the leader of the Kentaro tribe. Although his strength is not at the gym level, he is also a powerful elf at the senior level.


It lowered its head and roared, aiming at the front where it felt the most dangerous, which was where Johnny and Sakaki were.

It suddenly raised its upper body, then stepped down suddenly, and rushed forward like an off-road vehicle.

Not only that, the tribe behind it, led by it, also rushed straight forward.

The charge of 150 Kentaro made the earth tremble! A thick cloud of dust was raised!

This situation was naturally discovered by the five members of Team Rocket, but except for Ashin who secretly said that it was not good, the others didn't care.

Ashin said loudly:

"Not good, Lord Sakaki is still there."

Sam beside him waved his hand indifferently, "What are you afraid of? He will be fine. Captain Johnny is not here. He will definitely protect that kid."

"You can see that Captain Johnny wants to lower his head to his feet. It's obvious that he wants to surrender to the leader of this future organization."

Ashin frowned. Is that so?

Regardless of the bad premonition in his heart, he still set off with the elves to rush there as soon as possible.

At the same time, in the ranger post in the hunting zone, a middle-aged fat man with yellow and black skin who was sleeping soundly on the table suddenly raised his head.

He looked at the dark night in the distance and then released a Slowpoke.

The Slowpoke followed his gaze and looked into the distance, growling at him twice, "Slowpoke."

The fat man stood up suddenly, "The Kentaro tribe? They are usually very well behaved, something is wrong!"

He released another Pidgeot, left a piece of paper on it, and told it, "Pidgeot, go to the Crimson Gym!"

The Pidgeot nodded, spread its wings, and flew into the distance in the darkness.

The middle-aged man stood up and took Slowpoke to the Kentaro tribe quickly!

PS: It's time to introduce some new characters, and more familiar names will appear later.

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