After returning from the wilderness, Mu Feng spent more than a day with the little wolf, until the little wolf followed him everywhere, and then he relaxed.

Now he is very familiar with the little wolf, and sometimes the little wolf will even lie on the ground, showing its furry belly, and let Mu Feng tickle it.

The taming thing is considered to be effective, and the system has also asked him to hand in the task. It seems that it won’t be long before the tribe will have tamed wolves to help them hunt.

"After the first batch of tamed wolves, there will be a second batch. Anyway, there are more than 20 wild wolves in that group, so I will treat them as my taming base!" Mu Feng thought.

I just don’t know what the new wolf king would think if he knew that Mu Feng was planning to attack his wolf pack like this.

The next day, Li Hu and Ming Guang came to find Mu Feng again.

Mu Feng was playing with the little wolf in the cave.

The two were obviously stunned, and their expressions changed from shock to surprise.

"Great Chief!" Mingguang said in a low voice, "You can actually get so close to the little wolf!"

Lihu was also amazed: "When Hanshu told me yesterday, I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true. You really brought back the little wolf from the wolf pack!"

Mufeng nodded and smiled: "Well, after these little wolves are tamed and grow up, they will become hunting dogs in the tribe and can help you hunt. If we have enough food, we will tame enough wolves and let them help us protect the tribe!"

"Taming wild wolves to help us hunt?"

"Protect the tribe?"

Lihu and Mingguang looked at each other, and they saw the incredible in each other's eyes, and also saw the strong expectations in each other's eyes.

"Taming wolves to protect the tribe, even the big tribe can't do it!" Lihu murmured to himself.

"Is it really possible?" Mingguang's eyes lit up.

"It will definitely happen!" Mu Feng smiled confidently, "Just wait and see!"

"By the way, what are you doing here?"

"It's about the bathhouse." Li Hu scratched his head, "You said last time that you would fire the kiln after digging up the clay. I wanted to ask when it would start."

"Also, the outer protective wall of the tribe has been built. Should we send someone to watch it in the future?"

"Ah!" Mu Feng slapped his forehead, "I almost forgot what I said before I left."

He began to give instructions: "The opening of the bathhouse kiln can start soon.

First, send a few people from the hunting team to guard the outer protective wall, and then the twenty people who were taken out yesterday will be incorporated into the hunting team. Uncle Mingguang, you will train them and give each of them a bow and arrow and a bamboo spear.

Also, Uncle Li Hu, you Find someone to pull out the weeds, be careful not to break the corn seedlings! "

Mingguang nodded: "Yes!"

Lihu was puzzled: "Why do we have to pull out the weeds? Such small grass is useless?"

Mufeng shook his head: "Those grasses are useless, but they can compete with the corn seedlings for fertility in the soil. If they are not pulled out, the corn seedlings will not grow big!"

"Oh, I understand!" Lihu nodded, "I will find someone to do it right away."

"Well, good!" Mufeng looked at the two people who did not move, frowned slightly, "Do you have anything else to do?"

Lihu said with a worried look: "Chief, the rainy day is coming, and many people's caves are leaking, so how to arrange the tribesmen to move this year?"

"Rainy day, move?" Mufeng was surprised, and searched his memory carefully, and then he remembered what Lihu said about "rainy day".

"Rainy days" refers to the rainy season in mid-spring every year, which lasts for 20 to 30 days. Not only will the tribe get little from hunting, but the cave dwellings of the tribe members will also become damp because of the continuous rain.

The most troublesome thing is that many caves are leaky, and the continuous rain will flood the caves and be ankle-deep.

So every year before the rainy days come, the old chief will organize everyone to live in a few caves that do not leak rain, so as to survive the rainy days.

Now Li Hu estimates that the rainy days are coming soon, and it is time to make preparations.

"Rainy days, ankle-deep, move?" A series of words flashed in Mu Feng's mind, and he frowned and thought.

Seeing Mu Feng like this, the two dared not say a word, for fear of disturbing his thinking.

Mu Feng was indeed thinking, but he was not thinking about how to solve the problem of the tribe members' living in rainy days-in his opinion, this was not a problem at all.

He was thinking about other things.

"It has been raining for 20 to 30 days, and it is mid-spring. This is a bit like the plum rain in my previous life." Mu Feng thought, "If it is really the plum rain, then the rainfall is quite a lot!"

In the previous life, in the south of the middle and lower reaches of the Huaxia River, plum rains would fall in April and May every year, lasting for more than a month, so there is a poem called "During the plum rain season, every household has rain, and there are frogs everywhere in the green grass pond."

"These 20 to 30 daysBefore the rain, it was a natural disaster for the tribe, but not necessarily for me. "Mu Feng's mind was spinning rapidly.

Then he smiled and said to Li Hu: "No need to move!"

"No need to move?" Li Hu was puzzled, "If we don't move, the tribe will catch a cold, and I don't know how many people will die by then?"

Li Hu said sadly: "Before the rain last year, there were more than 400 people in our Jiang clan, but after a rainy day, there were only more than 300 people in the Jiang clan, plus going out hunting, and the last time the Manglong tribe robbed, we are now less than 300 people."

"Oh my God!" Mu Feng was shocked in his heart. He didn't expect that a rainy day would have such a big impact on the Jiang clan.

"Don't worry, I said I can solve it, and I will definitely solve it!"

Mu Feng smiled and said: "No need to move this year, we will build a house!"

"Build a house?" Li Hu and Ming Guang were both stunned, "What is building a house? "

Mu Feng waved his hand: "You don't understand now, it doesn't matter. I will teach you later. In addition to building houses, we also need to dig ditches along the gullies on the mountain to gather water in one place - outside the protective wall."

"In that case, the protective wall will be washed away by the water, right?" Li Hu asked.

"Don't worry, it won't!" Mu Feng smiled, "I will dig a moat there!"

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