"We're rich, we're rich!" Mu Feng shouted in his heart, "With so many prey, we're going to return with a full load this time!"

He originally thought that the wild sheep and wild boars he saw in the jungle near the tribe were already a large group of wild animals, but he didn't expect that there were more group animals on this grassland.

"This is simply a natural mobile granary!" Mu Feng sighed.

But immediately a basin of cold water was poured on his heart, and he suddenly reacted: "There are so many wild animals, only if you catch them can you count them as prey, if you don't catch them, you may be trampled to death by this group of wild animals!"

The size of the horned deer is not bad, between sheep and cattle, and if they want to hide, they may not be able to hide.

But if those giant toed birds, horned rhinos and "zebras" rush over, it may not be certain.

"No wonder Mingguang said that they used to hunt here carefully, and people would get injured and killed at any time." Mu Feng thought, "With so many herbivores, even if there are no ferocious beasts, they will be in trouble."

On the other hand, the wolf pack seems to be much wiser. They have always been active in the edge of the grassland. Although the prey is relatively small, they are not in danger of life.

"What should we do?" Mu Feng frowned and thought.

With so many wild beasts, it is definitely not possible to act recklessly.

If they really shoot an arrow and expose the target, so many big guys will rush over together, and they are simply not enough.

"We have to think of a way to make these prey move first, but they can't run to our side." Mu Feng began to calculate, "As long as they run, it's like muddying a pool of still water, and it's easier to fish in muddy water!"

If the whole hunting team shoots arrows here, it can ensure that the wild beasts don't run here, but in that case, the wild beasts will run along the side, which is not chaotic.

In that case, the harvest will definitely be greatly reduced, and the hit rate of one or two arrows can only be counted.

Especially these horned deer and horned rhinoceros, they stand at different positions, one blocks the vision of several, and you can't hit many arrows if you really shoot arrows.

Not only that, it is difficult for wolves to catch up with the horned deer running along the side.

The best way is to let the horned deer, horned rhinoceros and giant toed birds run together.

At that time, due to the differences in size, speed and height, there will inevitably be a "trampling incident".

In this way, this hunting can be maximized, and their collective hunting this time will be worthwhile.

After figuring out the key points, Mu Feng began to make arrangements.

He stretched out his hand to wave to Han Shu, indicating that he should come to his side.

Han Shu is a wise man. He came to Mu Feng quietly and lowered his head to listen.

Mu Feng said in a very low voice: "You take a group of people to go around the horned rhino, be careful not to disturb the horned rhino, and when you get near the horned rhino, give me a signal, and I will tell you to shoot arrows when you act, shoot the horned rhino's eyes!"

"Yes!" Han Shu responded in a low voice, turning around to leave.

Mu Feng grabbed him and said: "Bring hard archers, up to three waves of arrows, and keep a few arrows for each of you to save your life!"

Han Shu nodded seriously, crouched down and greeted people.

Mu Feng also held down the big dagga who was ready to move beside him, and whispered: "Be honest, I'll leave the few that are alone to you later!"

The big dagga really calmed down and lay in the grass ready to go.

Mu Feng looked back and whispered: "We are here, and when Han Shu and the others shoot arrows, we will also shoot arrows at the group of zebras and horned deer, also three waves of arrows!"

Everyone nodded silently.

Mu Feng looked towards the wolf pack again. That direction was full of giant-toed birds, which were the slowest of the animals.

When the three beasts were attacked, they would surely run to the horned deer in a commotion.

At that time, as long as the wolf king was not stupid, he only needed to let the wolf pack block them. The giant-toed birds, horned rhinos and zebras rushing behind would be enough to trample the entire beast pack.

After making these arrangements, Mu Feng was inevitably a little excited. He had estimated the speed and habits of several animals. Now he was just waiting for Han Shu to get to the horned rhinos and start the show.

After a long while, Han Shu finally brought a dozen people to the horned rhinos and gave Mu Feng an extremely concealed signal - this was also what Mu Feng taught him before leaving the tribe.

After receiving Han Shu's gesture, Mu Feng decisively drew out the three-piece bow on his back, half-squatted on the spot, knelt on one knee, put an arrow on the string, and responded with an arrow.

With a whoosh, a bamboo arrow shot straight at the horned deer closest to him.

The bamboo arrow hit the horned deer's neck, and the horned deer fell down with a plop.

At the same time, bamboo arrows from the side where Han Shu was also shot out, all of them swept towards the horned rhino!

Almost at the moment when the horned deer fell to the ground,At this moment, the horned deer around it immediately realized that something was wrong, stamped their hooves on the spot, turned around and ran away.

Mu Feng waved his hand: "Shoot!"

The Jiang clan members behind him also shot bamboo arrows at the moment he finished speaking, "Puff, puff, puff", three or five horned deer fell, and two or three "zebras" also fell.

Although there were not many, all the horned deer and "zebras" realized that there was danger here, and they all ran in another direction.

But before they ran far, a huge horned rhino came from that direction!

In just a moment, many horned deer and "zebras" were knocked down by the horned rhino.

The three beasts mixed together and ran to the other side together - that was exactly the direction where the wolf pack was.

In just a few breaths, ten seconds, the scene had developed completely according to Mu Feng's expectations.

Now the wolves had no choice but to attack - if these beasts were allowed to merge successfully and rush over, the wolf pack would be in trouble!

How could the wolf king, who was born as a hunter, not understand this principle?

He roared, jumped high on the spot, and rushed towards the horned deer that was about to rush to them.

With his roar, the wolves behind him naturally rushed out together, howling and rushing towards the horned deer.

With just one pounce, more than ten horned deer were knocked down in an instant!

The horned deer running in the front hurriedly turned around, but was hit by the "zebra", giant toe bird, and horned rhinoceros, and could not move forward or backward.

In just one encounter, I don't know how many beasts were trampled to the ground.

The scene became even more chaotic!

Mu Feng was stunned. He didn't expect that just a wave of bamboo arrows would have achieved the effect he wanted!

"Another wave of arrows!" Mu Feng shouted loudly.

This time he stood up, pulled the bowstring to the full, shot an arrow, and shouted "Oh oh oh"!

At this time, all the members of the Jiang clan stood up, pulled the bowstrings in their hands, and shot bamboo arrows in unison, while following Mu Feng's roar of "Oh oh oh"!

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