Mingguang was directing the Jiang clan to pick people from a pile of captives, and he turned back to look at the captives of the Huangfeng tribe.

With just one glance, he found that these people had no sense of relief after surviving the robbery, nor did they have the fear of saving their lives after the failed robbery. Some of them were still greedy.

Even though Mingguang stripped them of their animal skins and clothes one by one, when they looked at the Jiang clan, their eyes were full of hatred.

"Huh?" Mufeng's heart trembled, and then he realized that he was too kind.

"If you don't make a decision when you should, you will suffer from the chaos!" Mufeng narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Mingguang!"

Mingguang was puzzled: "What's wrong, Chief?"

Mufeng sneered at the captives and grinned: "I regret it. Except for those who stayed, everyone else must die!"

"This..." Mingguang was a little overwhelmed, wondering why the chief changed his mind so quickly.

Mu Feng sneered and said, "From now on, anyone who is an enemy of my Jiang family will either die or become a prisoner. There is no other way! Otherwise, anyone can bully the Jiang family."

Everyone felt the coldness and killing in Mu Feng's words.

The Jiang family members were all shocked and looked at the prisoners with unfriendly faces.

Now they finally knew how to be afraid, and they all exclaimed, "Don't kill me, I can work!"

"Don't kill me, I won't dare to do it again!"

"As long as you don't kill me, you can let me do anything!"

Mu Feng no longer looked at these people, because Ming Guang's next move had already explained everything.

I only heard Ming Guang shouting, "All those who have the strength to carry things, stay. Everyone else, stab to death!"

"Yes!" All the Jiang family members responded in unison.

And Mu Feng's decision and the Jiang family members stabbing the prisoners to death one by one seemed to stimulate the blood of the wolves. They also showed their fangs and bit at the prisoners.

The result was no surprise. The remaining captives survived, about 40 people, and they were already covered in blood.

They looked at their companions who were still alive not long ago, trembling, and when they looked at Mu Feng and the others, they had lost their greed and hatred.

The fear of death has made them dare not hate and greed anymore.

"If I had known this, why did I do it in the first place!" Mu Feng snorted coldly and turned to look at the wolf king.

He thought silently for a moment, and then "Awoo awoo" communicated with the wolf king again.

Mu Feng: I have someone to carry the prey now, so these prey can only be given to you as I said at the beginning!

The wolf king was obviously also shocked by the murderous aura on Mu Feng at this moment, and he responded: Good!

Obviously, it was unexpected that Mu Feng could share the prey with it according to the agreement after the successful hunting.

But Mu Feng "Awoo" said to it again: Don't worry, I have made an agreement with you, and I will not regret it. Now if you want ten more prey, you have to partner with me!

The wolf king was obviously surprised. He originally planned to turn around and call the wolves to leave with the prey. He immediately turned back and asked: How to partner, you won't regret it, right?

Mu Feng shook his head: As long as you partner with me, we will look for you when we go hunting in the future, and we will give you a portion of the prey we catch!

Wolf king: Okay, what do you need me to do?

Mu Feng expressed his thoughts: You bring your tribe to hunt near our tribe, there are also wild sheep there. You can't touch the people of my tribe, and my tribe will not attack you. If you encounter other humans coming to our tribe, you need to let your tribe notify me in advance!

The wolf king shook his head: There are only wild sheep near your tribe, it is too difficult for us to hunt!

Mu Feng thought about it and said: Then, you hunt outside my tribe, and I will let the tribe come out to help you if it is not enough!

The wolf king agreed now.

"Okay!" Mu Feng smiled and said, "In this case, our partnership is settled! Mingguang, let these slaves take all the prey back, and also help the wolf pack take some!"

"Slaves?" Mingguang was puzzled, "What slaves?"

Mu Feng pointed at the captives and said, "In the future, whenever the tribe captures such people, they will be tied together with animal tendon ropes. They are different from us, so they are called slaves!"

"Slaves..." Mingguang muttered a few times, laughed and nodded, "Okay!"

But he immediately reacted: "Chief, now we can take these prey away by ourselves, do we still need to give so many horned deer to the wolf pack?"

"Here!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "In the future, these wolves will appear near our tribe and help us guard the tribe. If other tribes want to rob us, they will find out in advance and notify us!"

"This!" Mingguang opened his eyes wide and looked excited, "Chief, are you saying that these wolves will help us guard the tribe?"

"Yes!" Mu Feng nodded, "In the future, the wolf packThey will appear outside the tribe."

"But if they attack our people..." Mingguang looked worried.

Mufeng shook his head: "You can rest assured about this. I have already agreed with the wolf king that we will live in peace and will not attack each other. When necessary, they will help us protect the tribe, and our people need to help them hunt in normal times!"

"Of course, the harvest from hunting will be shared by both parties."

"You know, wolves are more trustworthy than people in keeping promises!"

Speaking of this, Mufeng thought of a book he had read in his previous life, called "Wolf Totem", which said that wolves and old herdsmen on the grassland have always kept an unwritten agreement with each other, whether it is catching yellow sheep or eating yellow sheep.

Later, this agreement was broken by humans first, and the wolves began to break the agreement.

Mingguang was completely relieved when he heard Mufeng's explanation - the things the chief said had never gone wrong.

"Okay! "Mu Feng began to retrieve the bamboo arrows and found that some of the arrowheads were broken and could not be used anymore.

"It seems that we have to find a way to improve the arrows, otherwise when the prey know how to avoid them in the future, the success rate of hunting will be reduced!"

Mu Feng knew in his heart that the reason why this hunting was so successful was largely because these prey had never seen bows and arrows before and had never thought about how to defend themselves.

When they see more in the future, they will naturally be prepared.

Although Mu Feng was only using bows and arrows for hunting on a large scale for the first time, he had foreseen what would happen in the near future.

"It's better to take precautions before it happens! It seems that I have to find a way to make the arrowheads harder and sharper when I go back!"

"But the harvest this time is really worth it!"

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