Mu Feng walked out of the cave, followed by four wolves. The hemp seed, who was originally in the front, fell behind this time.

He just thought it was funny, and didn't pay much attention to it. He went straight to the small wild onion and shepherd's purse field planted nearby.

After Shuofeng, Mingguang and others continuously transplanted wild onions and shepherd's purse from the wild, these two plots of land have become about the size of one fen.

The small onion is more than one foot high and as thick as a chopstick.

The shepherd's purse is attached to the ground, about an inch square in size.

"Although they are all growing, they grow very slowly!" Mu Feng shook his head, looked around to see that there was no one, and then he was relieved, squatted down, and pressed his hands towards the vegetable field at the same time.

He chose wild onions, he felt that wild onions were easier to see the effect.

When performing a spell, it is much more complicated than a single skill.

Because it is a combination skill, he needs to make two skills work at the same time. In other words, his first sentence is the wood way technique, and the second sentence is the earth way technique, which tests his attention and memory very high.

What's more, there is also a kind of inexplicable telekinesis that seems to exist in the mind and the surroundings.

Fortunately, Mu Feng had developed concentration for a long time when he was doing research in his previous life. The citations required for each research were complicated, which also trained his memory.

Therefore, it was not a big problem for him to use the two methods at the same time.

He half-closed his eyes, his hands were still a distance away from the green onion leaves, and he muttered something. Even he himself did not understand these seals for a while, let alone others.

The most active of the five wolves, Damazi, squatted on the ground at this time, not daring to move, because it fell down just after Mu Feng stretched out his hand.

Obviously, this guy had a psychological shadow on Mu Feng's gesture.

When the other four wolves saw Damazi calm down uncharacteristically, they couldn't help but have fun.

Especially Maizi, who actually jumped and shouted around Damazi, with a gloating look of "Mack, Mazi, what's wrong with you?"

Damazi knew the danger well, so he turned his head away with a look of disdain: Just wait, wait until the master has time to deal with you!

Seeing the wheat jumping and hopping to the shepherd's purse field, Damazi actually grinned and showed his back teeth, showing a gloating look in a humane way.

Mufeng's spell casting had reached the final stage, and he clasped his hands together in the air, and then slowly opened his eyes.

The small wild onion in front of him was growing taller and thicker visibly!

"Oh my!" Mufeng exclaimed, "It grows so fast!"

Mufeng stared at the small wild onion in front of him, watching them little by little, just like the computer downloading a large memory thing in his previous life, every second they were growing taller and thicker!

But unlike the anxiety when waiting for the download, Mufeng was full of surprise watching the small onion grow taller, and he even felt that he would not be bored if he watched it all day.

"I don't know how tall this onion can grow!" Mu Feng thought, "It should be more than two scissors high now, more than 30 centimeters, and the scallion white is as thick as the index finger."

You know, onions as thick as chopsticks were extremely rare in his time, and onions as thick as the index finger had never been seen before!

But the small piece that Mu Feng cast the spell on was still growing, until the whole onion grew to 40 centimeters and the scallion white was close to the thickness of the thumb, then it barely stopped.

Mu Feng looked at the onion that had grown taller and thicker, and compared it with the small onion that had not yet been cast on the side, the difference was huge, and he was very surprised.

But he still had some regrets: in the previous life, the scallions in the Donglu area could grow to one or two meters high, just like sugarcane in the field. If these onions could grow that high, wouldn't it save a lot of land!

But he also knew the truth that "haste makes waste".

It took months of cultivation for the scallions to grow so high, fertilizing, watering, and soiling, each of which took a lot of effort.

Just casting a spell like him, making the green onions grow so high in a short time is already beyond common sense.

Especially looking at the green onions in front of him, it seems that they have reached the limit of their growth.

"It seems that acceleration is not completely unlimited. At least it needs to be based on the limit of existing organisms. Although there are some breakthroughs, they will not be too exaggerated."

Mu Feng understood that those things that can grow into giants in the future have been cultivated for several generations or even dozens of generations.

It is obviously unrealistic for him to make the green onions grow as tall and strong as in the future.

"Next, try shepherd's purse!" He turned around and cast a spell on the shepherd's purse.

But when he saw the wheat still rolling and playing in the shepherd's purse field, his face suddenly fell: "Dead dog, stinky wheat, come here!"

Feeling Mu Feng's "thunderous anger", the wheat stood up in the shepherd's purse field, ran to the side, grinned at Mu Feng, stuck out his tongue and wagged his tail, with a flattering look on his face.

"It's becoming more and more like a dog!" Mu Feng felt in his heart.Such an illusion, "Could it be that living with humans naturally accelerates the process of their domestication?"

"But no matter how much domestication, wolves can't be domesticated directly into idiots like Erha?" Mu Feng was a little unbelievable, "A cub from a wolf pack is so different?"

Seeing that Maizi was going to be unlucky, Damazi finally became happy, grinning and barking wildly, jumping and jumping in front of Mufeng, and yelling at Maizi from time to time, and his appearance was clearly encouraging Mufeng to beat him!

Mufeng kicked it angrily: "Get out of the way!"

Damazi retreated "woohoo", feeling very aggrieved.

Mufeng looked at a messy shepherd's purse field and said to Maizi viciously: "Just wait, if you dare to mess up the vegetable field again, I will break your legs!"

Maizi saw that Mufeng had no intention of punishing him, so he stayed aside in shame and didn't dare to act wild again.

Mu Feng then shook his head and looked at the shepherd's purse field, took a deep breath, and began to use the two skills at the same time.

Not long after, the shepherd's purse that had been damaged by the wheat and had rotten leaves and broken stems began to move, and each of the shepherd's purse was visibly taller and stronger.

The shepherd's purse field that had been rotten regained its vitality, and the shepherd's purse had grown to more than an inch tall and two inches square in size - close to the modern cultivated shepherd's purse.

"It really works!" Mu Feng's heart was burning, "If these two skills are used on corn, what will the corn look like?"

He vaguely remembered that the system had said before that corn in his environment needed a growth cycle of sixty to seventy days, but after using the two skills of civil engineering, the cycle could be shortened to half the time.

In other words, it has been more than a month since the corn was planted. If this combination of skills is used, won't it be possible to eat corn soon?

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