Hearing Mingguang's "I remember", Mufeng looked forward to it: "Where did you remember seeing it?"

"Yeah!" Mingguang nodded and said excitedly, "It's over there in Baishuyuan. Last time we hunted, we went from the direction of the tribe, and ramie is over there where Baishu is hiding."

After a pause, he added: "The Manglong tribe is in that direction, and their tribe has linen!"

"Huh?" Mufeng was stunned for a moment, "The Manglong tribe has linen?"

"Yes! When I went to the Manglong tribe with my grandfather to exchange salt, I heard them say that they have linen clothes. If you want to exchange, you need fifty animal skins!"

"I'll go!" Mufeng He exclaimed in his heart, "Two animal skins can make almost one piece of clothing, and fifty animal skins are equivalent to twenty-five pieces, which is comparable to the difference between cheap clothes and luxury clothes in the previous life."

But at the same time, another idea emerged in Mu Feng's mind: "If the Jiang clan is strong enough to protect itself and has linen clothes, wouldn't it be possible to obtain a large amount of development materials?"

Thinking of this, he immediately became excited and said excitedly: "Have you seen such ramie? How much is there?"

Mingguang shook his head: "I don't know how much there is, I just know that there is a piece over there that you can't see the end of."

"Haha!" Mu Feng laughed excitedly.

Regardless of whether what Mingguang said is true, at least one thing is certain, that is, this piece of ramie exists in pieces, and there is a lot of it.

"Mingguang, arrange for people to go over there tomorrow to pull all the ramie back. Well, be careful to get some ramie with roots and soil, and leave some in the wild!"

After a pause, he immediately said to Lihu: "Uncle Lihu, let the slaves leave more land when they cultivate the land, and use it to grow ramie!"

"Grow ramie?" Lihu was surprised, "Isn't it used to grow corn for food?"

"Then leave a piece of land and plant ramie. Although ramie can't fill your stomach like corn, it is also a treasure!"

"All over the body is a treasure?" Li Hu was even more surprised, "Besides spinning and making linen clothes, what else can it be used for?"

"Ramie roots can be used as medicine and can protect the fetus. Ramie skin can be used to spin linen and weave cloth. Ramie seeds can be used for planting and can also be used to extract oil."

At this point, Mu Feng's eyes lit up and his face was full of smiles: "Just like lard, it can be used for cooking, and it is healthier than lard. And ramie leaves can also be eaten!"

He wanted to say that in many places in his previous life, there was a custom of using tender ramie leaves to wrap rice.

He still remembered that he had a friend from Jiangxi who told him that there was a custom of making ramie buns with fresh ramie leaves and rice flour in his hometown on July 15.

Ramie leaves are also high in protein and taste good.

Speaking of edible ramie leaves, Mu Feng suddenly thought of another more delicious hemp crop - hibiscus!

Ramie is only about one meter tall, but hibiscus can grow to two meters or even higher. Not only does it produce a lot of ramie, but the freshest leaves at the top of the hibiscus are delicious if you pick them and rub them and put them in your mouth.

It has a light sour taste. If you blanch it and mix it with garlic paste, it tastes even better.

Mingguang and Lihu were still excited about having linen clothes to wear soon, but they didn't expect that Mufeng had already been distracted by the world and was thinking about "food".

"Great Chief, Great Chief!" Mingguang saw Mufeng grinning foolishly, not like he was in a meditative state, and he dared to interrupt his reverie.

"Ah?" Mu Feng finally reacted and said hurriedly, "Wait a minute, I'll tell you about another hemp crop. If you can see it, bring it back!"

"And more?" Mingguang was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise, "Is there anything that can be used to make linen clothes?"

"Yes!" Mu Feng said as he drew a hemp plant that was taller and thicker than ramie, and whose leaves looked like five claws.

With ramie as a comparison, the introduction of hemp seemed much simpler.

But after listening to it, the two shook their heads and said, "I haven't seen this thing. Maybe it's farther away!"

Mu Feng was a little disappointed, but when he thought that ramie had been found, he immediately became happy again.

"Okay, that's it. Tomorrow you take a few people to find ramie. Focus on ramie and try not to cause trouble. When you come back to the tribe, you can watch and hunt some prey!"

"Yes!" Mingguang nodded in agreement.

"Okay, Uncle Lihu, find a few people to clean up the things in the earth building tomorrow, and find someone to cut some thin bamboo!"

"Cut bamboo?" Lihu was puzzled, "What do you cut bamboo for?"

Mufeng smiled and said, "The tribe will move into the earth building soon. Not only do we have to clean up, but we also have to burnFireworks for good luck!"

He felt a little regretful that he had forgotten about it when the earth building was completed.

But now he must set off firecrackers to move in.

In his previous life, whenever he moved to a new house, the owner would not only set off firecrackers to ward off evil spirits, but also treat guests to a meal, and relatives and friends would give gifts and red envelopes, which was called "burning the bottom of the pot".

He didn't have firecrackers at the moment, but burning bamboo could also make a "crackling" sound. Anyway, bamboo was used to burn during the earliest ancestor worship.

As for treating guests to a meal, he had also thought about it. When the time came, the tribe would directly kill pigs and sheep, have a big meal, and celebrate the relocation of the entire tribe.

Mu Feng thought that since he was the head of the tribe, he should make the tribe look like a "home" - warm and humane.

As long as the people of the tribe feel that they have this feeling together, they will be more united.

And when the people of the tribe are united, they will have stronger cohesion and combat effectiveness, and the tribe will be stronger!

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