Li Hu and Ming Guang were just worried, but when they saw Mu Feng's confident and relaxed look, they immediately felt relieved.

They thought of the great chief who had never done anything without confidence.

Especially when they saw that the two juniors, Shuo Feng and Han Shu, had no worries or fears at all, but dared to advocate fighting, their bloodiness was also aroused at this time.

"Fight!" The two of them whispered this word almost at the same time, and exhaled heavily at the same time, and when they looked at Mu Feng again, they were already full of fighting spirit.

"Chief, what do you think we should do?"

Mu Feng nodded with satisfaction: "Okay! Then I will start to make arrangements.

Li Hu, take some people to the back mountain to cut bamboo. No matter how thick or thin, cut them into the length of your forearm and sharpen them. The more the better!

Ming Guang, you take the people in the hunting team to make bamboo arrows quickly, grind the arrowheads, roast them on the fire, and then go to the manure pit behind the pigpen to smear the arrowheads with manure! Be careful not to get it on yourself!

Han Shu and Shuo Feng, take other people who are not in the hunting team to dig traps in that forest to make sure that people who fall into them cannot climb out, and the traps are also The more the better. Cut down all the bushes near the trap and clear the space!

If they really want to come, it should take three or four days at the fastest, so everything should be done as soon as possible! "

Several people agreed: "Yes!"

But Li Hu immediately asked again: "Captain, do you want to let the slaves help cut bamboo and dig traps?"

Mu Feng shook his head: "No, the tribe is our heartland, slaves are not allowed to enter! As for the trap, the slaves must not know, let alone dig it!"

"Why?" Li Hu asked curiously.

"I have arrangements for the slaves later!" Mu Feng threw out such a sentence, and then waved his hand, "Okay, you guys hurry up! I'll think about whether there is anything else to arrange!"


Soon the four left, and each of them was busy without stopping.

Mu Feng carefully considered whether there were any omissions in the arrangement and made a careful plan: "

Dig deep and deep traps, bury bamboo thorns inside, and sprinkle thorns. If you fall into it, you basically can't get out, and you have no fighting power. It should be enough to consume a wave.

The bamboo arrows are coated with feces and carry bacteria. As long as they can hit people, they don't have to worry about them running away. If they run away with bacterial diseases, they can harm a group of people.

Clear the bushes near the traps to prevent them from finding cover. There will be fewer obstacles when shooting arrows, and the hit rate will be higher!

As for those slaves , naturally they can't know where the trap is, otherwise how to make bait? Slaves as a cover should be able to deceive many people, right? "

Mu Feng thought while calculating how many enemies each arrangement could kill, and finally slapped his head: "You can't catch a wolf without sacrificing a child, you have to spend some blood, don't fight an unprepared battle!"

So saying, he waved to the five wolves again and said: "Go, go out again!"

The five little wolves hurried to follow, although they didn't know what Mu Feng was going to do, but as long as they went out into the forest, they were very happy and excited.

As for fighting, they had no idea at all, so naturally they wouldn't worry.

Mu Feng took them into the forest again. Not long after walking, when he came to the big tree, he found that the horned deer had disappeared.

Obviously, as soon as they put down the prey, the wolf king sent someone to take it away.

He looked around and didn't find any traces of wolves, but he was sure there were wolves nearby.

Because when the five little wolves entered this area, they sniffed around and immediately bent their backs with their hair standing up, looking alert.

Mu Feng calmed down a few little wolves, and then opened his mouth and roared "Awoo, Awoo" to the surroundings.

Mu Feng: Wolf King, where are you, come out!

After the first time, there was no response, so he roared again, but still no response.

After the third time, the response from the Wolf King came from not far away.

This time, the Wolf King actually came from behind Mu Feng and the others!

Mu Feng understood that the Wolf King was very cautious and alert, and he didn't want Mu Feng to find his trace.

Not long after, the Wolf King appeared in front of him, still alone, no, a wolf.

The five little wolves were eager to try again, and the Wolf King bared his teeth and whispered "Woo", then looked up at the five little wolves proudly and ignored them again!

Damazi was not convinced, and this time he actually rushed up.

"Fuck!" Mu Feng exclaimed in his heart, "Ma Zi, you idiot!"

As a result, there is no need to think too much, Ma Zi fell to the ground in the hands of the wolf king in less than three rounds!

After all, that is the wolf king!

And Ma Zi has not even grown up yet!

The wolf king opened his mouth and bit Ma Zi, and it can be seen that he did not kill him, otherwise Ma Zi would have died here in such a short time..

"I don't know if the wolf king is thinking of the friendship of the same tribe or giving me face." Mu Feng thought, and finally breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, he poked the ground with a stick: "Damn seed, come back!"

Hearing Mu Feng's shout, Damn seed "woooo" signaled, struggling to get up from the ground.

The wolf king was stunned for a moment and relaxed.

Damn seed then tucked its tail and ran to Mu Feng, "woooo", and stopped provoking the wolf king.

The wolf king looked at Mu Feng again, waiting for Mu Feng to speak.

Mu Feng: Did you take away the prey that I asked the tribe to put here?

Wolf King: Yes!

Mu Feng: Well, I'm here to cooperate with you again this time!

Wolf King: Hunting?

Mu Feng: No, there may be people from other tribes coming to rob our tribe recently, so according to the previous agreement, you need to help me pay attention to the movements in this area and tell me in advance!

Wolf King: That's no problem!

Mu Feng: In addition, can you help us when we fight them?

Wolf King: Help you kill your own people?

Mu Feng was surprised, but shook his head: I have no intention of killing my own people, but they want us to die. I just want to protect myself and my people!

The wolf king showed a thoughtful look, and then shook his head: I can help you, but without prey, it will not be good for us!

Mu Feng was surprised.

Wolf King: Human meat is not delicious!

Mu Feng was shocked: "Fuck!"

But he continued to communicate: I will give you the corresponding prey, as long as you help us, I will give each of you a sheep!

When he said this, he was rubbing his teeth. Although the tribe now has people hunting every day, and the number of sheep has reached more than 130, he still felt painful to take out so many at once!

But for the safety of the tribe, he must make all the preparations he can. After all, if the sheep are gone, they can be caught again, but if the people are gone, they are really gone!

The wolf king nodded: OK!

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