The people of the Black Fang tribe hated the people of the Manglong tribe at this moment. They swore that as long as they could go back, they would kill all the people of the Manglong tribe no matter what!

"What? There are only more than fifty Jiang barbarians who can fight. There are at least hundreds of them!"

"These idiots of the Manglong tribe dare to say that they have robbed the Jiang barbarians before!"

"If it weren't for them, how could the leader die!"

"These idiots died well!"

At this time, the Jiang clan members were throwing stones with Wuduo far behind them. The young man who rushed to the front of the team was obviously their leader. They even heard someone calling him the chief!

At this time, they also wanted to turn around and kill the young man, so that they could avenge their leader.

But the Jiang clan members rushing behind him were everywhere, and they were all aggressive, and it seemed that they wanted to leave them all behind.

At this moment, in the eyes of these deserters of the Black Fang tribe, the Jiang clan members were fierce and ferocious, and Mu Feng, who was in the middle and in the front, was like a god descending from heaven!

They were terrified and scared!

But what scared them even more was yet to come!

Before they had run far, they suddenly realized that the people behind them had stopped throwing stones. What surprised them even more was that the Jiang clan members who had been chasing them actually slowed down and stopped!

"What's going on?" Someone from the Black Fang tribe wondered.

Before they could react, the person running in the front suddenly stopped again.

The people behind were wondering, but they heard someone shouting in a trembling voice: "Wolf!"

With a "woof", it was the wolf king with his clan members who appeared!

There were more than 30 wolves, nearly 10 more than before. They crouched down one by one, and made a "woof" low roar from their throats, baring their teeth and approaching the people from the Black Fang tribe in a fan shape.

The people from the Black Fang tribe suddenly realized that it was because of the wolf that the Jiang clan members stopped.

"Wolf?" All the people from the Black Fang tribe were pale. There were pursuers behind them and blockades in front of them. Are they really going to die here?

"Don't panic!" Someone from the Black Fang tribe shouted, "We have more people, and these wolves are no match for us! Move aside and let them see the barbarians of the Jiang family!"

"They must have had many conflicts with the barbarians of the Jiang family in this area. Maybe they are here to seek revenge on the Jiang family!"

"Yes, that's right, move aside!"

So all the people from the Black Fang tribe hurriedly made way, and pointed at the Jiang family members behind them.

At the same time, someone said, "We also have a grudge against the Jiang family. If you want to take revenge, go ahead!"

The wolf king bared his teeth, saw Mu Feng through the path made by the crowd, and let out a long "wool".

"It's true!" When all the people from the Black Fang tribe saw the wolf king roaring at Mu Feng, they were more certain that they were here for revenge.

"Don't be anxious! Wait and see how they fight, we want revenge!"

"Yes, kill all the barbarians of the Jiang family!"

"Revenge for the leader!"

But their voices stopped again.

Because after the wolf king roared, he didn't pounce directly on Mu Feng, but tilted his head to look at Mu Feng, looking like - asking! ?

Mu Feng was obviously stunned after hearing the wolf king's cry.

The wolf king was indeed asking, and he never thought of the question he asked.

Because it asked: Do you keep your word?

Mu Feng frowned and thought quickly that the wolf king's question must be related to the agreement between them. The agreement between the two is that the wolf king will lead the wolf pack to attack, and he will give each wolf in the wolf king's group a sheep!

"Huh?" Mu Feng looked behind the wolf king, suddenly widened his eyes, and exclaimed in his heart, "Fuck!"

Because the people standing behind the wolf king are definitely not more than 20 before, but more than 30!

"Fuck!" Mu Feng exclaimed again, "This damn wolf king didn't tell me how many people he has!"

But he immediately realized that the wolf king had never said that his tribe was only more than 20, and he had never communicated with Mu Feng about the number.

Mu Feng himself thought that the wolf pack would "move out in full force" every time.

But he also knew that this was not the wolf king raising the price at the last minute, but that they had not made clear the specific number in the "communication" before!

"More than 30 sheep!" Mu Feng felt distressed and looked at the people of the Black Fang Tribe fiercely, "It's all because of you that I have to pay more than ten sheep!"

Mu Feng's almost angry roar made all the people of the Black Fang Tribe stunned: "More than 30 sheep, sheep?"

Just before they reacted, Mu Feng stomped his feet in hatred and raised his head to the sky with a very loud wolf howl: "Awoo, awoo!"

"Nonsense, I will definitely keep my word!"All the Black Fang tribe members turned pale instantly, with boundless fear in their eyes.

They thought of an absurd possibility that they had never thought of before - these wolves were not here to seek revenge on the Jiang family, but to help them!

And the actions of the wolf king confirmed their guess.

After hearing Mu Feng's roar, the wolf king's eyes changed from questioning to firmness, and when he looked at the Black Fang tribe members, he was already a fierce look ready to eat them.


The wolf king roared, leaped into the air, and pounced on the Black Fang tribe member closest to him.

And the wolves behind him saw the wolf king take action, and they rose up one after another without hesitation, "woooo" and roared at the Black Fang tribe members.


The Black Fang tribe members, whose "military spirit" had already collapsed, completely collapsed.

Up to now, they have not even touched a finger of the Jiang clan members, but more than half of them have been killed or injured!

"It's witchcraft!"

"Their chief knows witchcraft!"

"He summoned these wolves with witchcraft!"

"He didn't raise these wolves, did he?"

"Ah, no!"

"Please let us go!"

"We came here because we believed what the Manglong tribe said!"

"We won't dare to do it again!"

But no matter what he said, it was useless now. Mu Feng had already taken his tribesmen to collect Wu Duo, and they were pressing forward step by step with bamboo spears clenched.

The people of the Black Tooth tribe no longer cared about their own tribesmen. Regardless of the people around them being knocked down by wolves, they continued to flee forward in the chaos.

After all, the wolf pack was limited, and only 20 to 30 people could be knocked down. More people ran away from the wolf pack.

Mu Feng sneered and shouted: "Draw your guns!"

So all the tribesmen threw out their javelins together, crossed the wolf pack, and "Puff puff puff" stabbed another 20 to 30 people from the back!

The fallen people knocked down and tripped dozens of people!

Less than a hundred people escaped completely!

At the same time, Mu Feng waved his hand and said "kill"!

The tribesmen took out their spears again and roared and rushed towards the people of the Black Fang tribe.

The people of the Black Fang tribe were terrified. Those who ran far away never dared to look back. Those who fell to the ground were already trembling all over and urinating and shitting.

There was no will to fight anymore.

"Huh?" Mu Feng fanned his nose and frowned at the fleeing people.

Another shot was fired, and the tribesmen followed with another wave of bamboo spears.

"Chief, are we still going to chase them?"

"No need!" Mu Feng shook his head, "They are already scared out of their wits. Even if we give them more courage, they won't dare to come!"

"What should we do with these people?"

"What else can we do?" Mu Feng sneered, "Those who can still work, capture them as slaves, and those who are disabled or injured, kill them!"

The Jiang clan members were full of vigor and felt extremely happy today. They immediately beat their chests and stamped their feet, and shouted to the sky: "Oh oh oh!"

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