"It's a bit embarrassing!" Mu Feng sighed in his heart, thinking of his contempt for "I choose me" as the class monitor when he was a child, but he didn't expect that he would shape himself into the "idol" of the group of people in front of him.

"Ahem!" Even though no one saw the "shame" on Mu Feng's face, Mu Feng felt that he couldn't be so shameless anymore.

He waved his hand: "Keep going!"

All the teenagers reacted at this time, suppressed the shock in their hearts, and followed the hunting team on the road.

Because the wolf king was nearby for protection, Mu Feng relaxed a little. He walked outside the crowd and explored the jungle from time to time, hoping to find new herbs.

After all, he found three herbs that can be used as medicine last time he went to the river.

Sure enough, the world is left to those who are interested.

Not long after, he found a small plant with purple stems and leaves.

These leaves are half the size of his palm, a single plant without branches, only the stems on the surface of the leaves are purple, but the back of the leaves are purple, and a special fragrance fills the nose.

"Perilla!" Mu Feng exclaimed in surprise, and hurriedly reached out to pick a piece, rubbed it in his hands, kneaded it into a ball, and stuffed it into his mouth to chew.

"It is indeed Perilla!" Mu Feng grinned.

In his previous life, he had been to the Northeast. When the big brother from the Northeast took him to eat, he ate the local dishes of the Northeast, Perilla leaves wrapped in rice, a rice ball in one bite, so delicious!

"Oh, I've wanted to taste this for a long time!" Mu Feng sighed in his heart.

But his actions were completely different in the eyes of the young men in the tribe.

They whispered.

"What happened to the chief? Eating grass?"

"Is he hungry? I saw him eating when he came out!"

"My father told me that the chief likes to eat flowers and grass when he goes to the wilderness. He even ate flowers last time!"

"The chief is not poisoned, you see his eyes are narrowed!"

"Don't talk nonsense, how could the chief be poisoned?"


Mu Feng finally reacted and laughed.

"What are you talking about? This is called Perilla. It is very fragrant and can be eaten. It can also cure diseases!" Mu Feng explained to them.

"Can this be eaten?" Mingguang came over first.

He is different from others. He was the first to know that bamboo shoots, mushrooms, wild onions and shepherd's purse can be eaten. The chief told him.

Especially every time Mu Feng told him that something can be eaten, it seems to taste good.

He came to Mufeng, picked a piece of perilla leaf, rolled it into a ball and put it in his mouth, chewing it with a frown: "What a strange taste, chief!"

Mufeng was stunned and shook his head. Then he realized that the taste of perilla was too special and not everyone could get used to it.

"Well, this is called perilla, which is a kind of spice. It can be put into cooking like onions. It can also be used as a herb to treat diseases!"

"Why is it both a herb and a spice?" Mingguang shook his head, "This thing is not delicious, not as delicious as corn!"

As soon as he said this, many hunting team members who were eager to try retreated: It's just a piece of grass leaf, it doesn't taste good, and it won't fill you up, so it's better not to eat it!

Mu Feng was at a loss for words, thinking: "You won't think so when you know how to eat it!"

But he was too lazy to explain, and he stood up and said: "Dig up all the basil in this area with the roots, take the soil, and plant it in the tribe!"

"Yes!" No one dared to disobey Mu Feng's order.

"Okay, let's keep going!"

Mu Feng continued to look for herbs while walking on the road, and he found another plant that can be used as both medicine and cooking - plantain, also known as pig ears!

When Mu Feng saw this thing, he thought he was back to his hometown in the countryside.

When he was young in the countryside, in front of and behind the house, in the fields, there were clusters of plantain that looked like pig ears everywhere.

Every time he saw plantain, he always liked to beat the plantain with a branch.

At this time, some old people would say: "These children, don't they know that these are vegetables and can be eaten!"

Mu Feng heard that plantain was a bit bitter, so he never wanted to eat it as a vegetable since he was a child.

But now that he saw it here, he felt very close to it.

After Mu Feng found the plantain, he was very happy: "Wow, I haven't found the sedge grass yet, but I've already found two herbs. I've already earned achievement points! If I find another sedge grass, this trip will definitely be worthwhile!"

"Let's go!" Thinking of his achievement points, Mu Feng became completely excited and waved to everyone to hurry to the river.

Seeing Mu Feng's happiness, Ming Guang smiled and said, "Chief, we are all waiting.As for you, we can actually go faster!"

Mu Feng then realized that it was actually him who had been slowing down the team.

"Oh!" Mu Feng nodded, "Okay! Let's go!"

A group of people hurried and finally got out of the jungle and entered the grassland.

Mu Feng began to look carefully at the grass on the grassland.

The two times he came to the river before were to dig yellow clay, and his mind was on other things, so he didn't notice the grass on the grassland at all.

As a result, when he looked carefully, he found that there were many kinds of grass in the grassland.

There are big dogtail grass, small dogtail grass, white grass...

There are both recognizable and unrecognizable ones.

And he can distinguish between big dogtail and small dogtail grass because these two kinds of grass can be seen everywhere in the countryside.

As for white grass, it is because when studying history, it is often related to the things used in ancient sacrifices and divination, one of which is white grass.

And Mu Feng saw After the white grass, he had a plan in mind. If he couldn't find the sedge grass by the river, he would use the white grass instead.

After all, the leaves of the white grass are also long and narrow. Although they are not tough enough, they can still protect against wind and rain.

Fortunately, this grassland did not disappoint him. The closer he walked to the river, the more types of grass he found. Finally, near the river bank, he found a cluster of slender and delicate sedge grass about one meter high!

The place where sedge grass originally grew was the riverside and the moist sand. The leaves were slender and tough, and the longest ones could even be taller than people.

In autumn, clusters of sedge grass were topped with clusters of snow-like grass fluff, which was as beautiful as scenery.

And sedge grass fluff is also an indispensable material for weaving cotton shoes to keep warm in winter!

"Haha!" Mu Feng laughed, "I got a straw raincoat!"

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