In addition to the armored earth dragon and the four horses, both the Jiang clan and the wolf pack, after several rounds of hunting, have long been familiar with Mu Feng's "circling back, ambush and sneak attack" tactics.

So after Mu Feng gave the order, all the people and wolves circled to the designated position in a short time and arranged properly.

Mu Feng looked around and found that there were about fifty or sixty horned deer, more than thirty wild horses, and more than twenty red deer. He was calculating how many red deer he could catch.

Originally, he was thinking about catching more horses this time, but after the red deer, those bald horses were no longer taken seriously by Mu Feng!

Now all he saw and thought about were red deer!

He looked at the wolf king beside him and felt a little strange - as a modern man, he inexplicably appeared in this primitive society and brought a group of wolves to hunt red deer!

He calmed down a little, suppressed his excitement, took out a hard bow from his back, put an arrow on the string, and shot an arrow at a standing horned deer.

The sika deer was now his treasure, and he didn't want to hurt one with this arrow!

With a "whoosh", the bamboo arrow hit the standing horned deer, and with a "thump", the horned deer fell to the ground!

Mu Feng jumped out of the bushes and roared "Oh oh oh"!

At the same time, the wolf king behind him also understood and raised his head and roared: "Awoo!"

Then all the wolves roared "Awoo--"

The herd of animals that were still hiding from the rain under the big tree suddenly moved from a static state.

The first to move was the horned deer.

The horned deer were the most agile, and they all stood up with a swing of their hooves, turned around and ran to the side.

Then the wild horses and sika deer moved almost at the same time.




Various calls came one after another, and the scene suddenly became chaotic.

Mu Feng waved his hand, and the wolf king behind him led the wolf pack to pounce on it together, without any concealment.

Mu Feng had already told the wolf king: "He only wants to catch the one with the 'branch' alive, and doesn't care about anything else!"

And the wolf king also knew that they were now collectively and undisguisedly going out to drive the beasts to the opposite trap!

The more noise they made, the less the beasts dared to escape from this side.

Sure enough, the noise made by more than 30 wolves going out together directly suppressed the beasts.

They all fled to the other three directions.

But after running a few steps, more than a dozen people appeared on the left and right, holding flying stone ropes in their hands, turning them and throwing them at the beasts.

"Puff puff puff!"

There were deer and horses, and they were all tripped by the flying stone ropes.

Because Mu Feng said that no arrows were allowed, all the Jiang clan members could only throw out the flying stone ropes in their hands.

But there were too many trees and bushes in the jungle, which blocked a dozen flying stone ropes.

Even so, not to mention the horned deer and horses that were caught by the two rounds of flying stone ropes, three red deer were caught!

In the face of danger on three sides, the herd had no choice, and there was no time to think, and they all ran towards the direction where no one was.

Mu Feng continued to shoot arrows and continued to press forward with the wolves.

The herd ran straight away and jumped towards the trap on the other side of the gourd mouth.

As expected, the horned deer and horses fell into the trap one by one!

Because the scene was chaotic, no one could see how many prey fell into the trap.

But because the red deer started the latest and ran at the back, they didn’t fall into many, but three or four horses did!

The beasts stopped their movement when they sensed something was wrong, and after a series of "Awoo" shouts, they all turned around and began to flee.

When disaster strikes, everyone flees!

At this moment, the beast group consisting of three kinds of beasts fell apart in an instant.

The horned deer, wild horses, and red deer each fled in all directions.

The difference is that the horned deer and wild horses only want to escape, while the red deer turned around and rushed towards the people and wolves who were besieging them!


The big red deer rushed forward fearlessly, charging at the wolves and the crowd.

"Flying Stone Rope!" Mu Feng shouted again.

At the same time, he kept running and dodging, and he was ecstatic: "Haha, they are indeed red deer, and their ferocity is definitely stronger than Dachun and the others. They dared to attack the wolves, it seems that I still underestimated them!"

After the Jiang clan threw out the flying stone ropes, they became more targeted, because only red deer dared to rush towards them.

So this wave of flying stone ropes directly knocked down six big red deer!

Mu Feng dodged and looked at the tripped red deer, laughing wildly in his heart: "We are rich, we are rich, we are really rich this time!"

At the same time, when the wolves saw the red deer turn around and rush towards them, they were obviously stunned, and then they all lowered their bodies and prepared to pounce on them..

Mu Feng immediately realized that something was wrong. If more than 30 wolves really wanted to deal with the remaining ten or so red deer, even if they paid a price, they would be almost done.

He hurriedly shouted to the wolf king: Don't kill these big guys with horns!

The wolf king dodged the big red deer and responded: Then we can only let them go!

Mu Feng looked at the big red deer that was running rampant, and he was reluctant, but helpless, so he had to grit his teeth and stamp his feet: Let them go!

The wolf king shouted "Awoo", and the wolves dodged and let the red deer rushing over.

They turned to surround the horned deer and horses that had not left the field.

The red deer that "smoothly" escaped the encirclement only paused for a moment, looked back, and then spread its hooves and fled.

Mu Feng felt sorry again and shouted: "Quick, tie up these red deer!"

All the hunting team members went forward to take action, regardless of the horned deer struggling to get up, some with sticks, some with ropes, and tied up the red deer on the ground tightly, and then turned back to catch the horned deer.

Taking advantage of this time, a few horned deer really struggled to run, but were bitten to death by the wolves!

At this time, the trap also became restless, and two red deer actually jumped out of the trap, and were about to land and escape.

Suddenly, a huge tail flew in front of them, sweeping them into the trap again!



Two extremely angry but helpless calls came from the trap.

Then another wild horse jumped out of the trap, and it was obvious that it jumped higher, and the place where it landed was a huge monster!

This huge monster was none other than the Armored Earth Dragon!

The Armored Earth Dragon roared angrily, raised its big tail high, and directly knocked the wild horse that was about to fall to the ground to the side!

"Ang shi--"

The fallen wild horse struggled to get up, but couldn't get up. It was obvious that the Armored Earth Dragon had broken its bones!

"Fuck!" Mu Feng exclaimed, and just as he was about to stop it, another horse jumped out of the pit!

"Bang!" There was another extremely dull landing sound, and the horse was hit to the ground by the Armored Earth Dragon's tail again.

And this horse's fate was even worse. When it landed, its eyes rolled up, and it was deader than dead!

"Fuck!" Mu Feng's heart was bleeding, "I asked you to hit it, but you really had the heart to do it, you are so rude!"

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