Mu Feng returned to the earth building, and after learning about the children's teaching today with Li Hu, he let him go.

The next morning, all the children came to the Moon Building to learn skills as usual. Mu Feng took advantage of the break to call Li Hu, Mingguang Hanshu and others to tell them that they had to go out hunting.

This time, the three of them had no objection.

Because they went out to hunt prey yesterday, all the tribesmen came back to take a bath and drink soup, and no one has any abnormality so far, let alone illness.

This shows that the raincoat made by the chief is effective, and their Jiang clan will no longer be bound by rainy days.

"Chief, I have something to tell you!" Li Hu said, "Now all the straw in the tribe has been woven into straw raincoats, and there are only about 60 of them."

Mu Feng was stunned for a moment: "So many straw, but only 60 of them were woven?"

Li Hu scratched his head: "Well, a few women were not very skilled in weaving, so some were wasted."

Mu Feng waved his hand: "Okay, it's not a big problem. I'll find a way to deal with the straw. It's not sunny now, and the jungle is much more dangerous than before!"

"Yes!" Li Hu nodded.

Mu Feng said again: "Put the straw aside first. For the more than 60 straw raincoats, except for a few left for use in the tribe, the rest can be taken out for hunting."

"You should all know what happened yesterday. Straw raincoats can keep out rain, and there are many wild animals taking shelter at the edge of the jungle. The jungle is very dangerous now, and it is also an opportunity for our tribe to grow and develop!"

The three of them looked at Mu Feng together, their eyes full of excitement.

Mu Feng continued, "It's raining now, and other tribes are hiding from the rain. We should seize this opportunity to catch more prey and mounts. Once the rain ends, our Jiang clan will have a well-equipped team of warriors."

"When the time comes, whether we go out hunting or protect the tribe, we won't be afraid of anyone!"

"Especially once the rain ends, all the wild animals will return to the grasslands again. It will be difficult to catch them. Other tribes that have been patient for so long will also come out to hunt, and there will naturally be more people competing with us for prey!"

"Also, after the rainy days are over, all the young and strong adults in the tribe need to marry and have children. I said that Jiang's men will no longer marry outside the tribe, so we need to have enough food and enough 'bride price'!"

"Only when we have more people in the Jiang family, enough food, and more weapons and equipment, can we become stronger and stronger!"

After saying this, Mu Feng looked around and asked, "Do you understand?"

Li Hu, Ming Guang, and Han Shu nodded. They understood everything Mu Feng said, especially the matter of "marrying" which was related to the three of them.

Li Hu's sons Qing Ya and Bai Ya, Ming Guang's son Shuo Feng, daughter Da Duo, and Han Shu himself, have long been old enough to get married.

If it weren't for the special situation in the tribe in the past two years, some of these people would definitely not be in the tribe!

But now Mu Feng has made the final decision and confirmed that none of them will have to leave the tribe in the future. How can they not be happy?

"Yes, Great Chief!"

"Well, Mingguang and Hanshu will ask the hunting team to prepare. We will go out again soon. This time, whether it is a rhinoceros, a wild horse, or an elk, we will catch everything we can!"


Mufeng waved his hand: "Okay, you two go and get busy! Lihu stay!"

The two got up and left.

Mufeng said to Lihu again: "Have the ramie and mulberry bark been soaked?"

Lihu nodded: "They are all soaked, and they have been washed and dried in the shade according to your requirements!"

"Okay!" Mufeng nodded, "Go get all my carpenter tools, I want to make linen clothes!"

"Linen clothes!" Lihu was surprised, "Are we finally going to make linen clothes?"

"Yeah!" Mufeng nodded, "I thought about it and made linen cloth first. I'll see how much cloth I can get. If it's suitable, make two sets of clothes first, and keep the remaining cloth. When the rain is over, we can take it to other places. "I want to exchange things with his tribe!"

"Yes!" Mingguang got excited, "I heard from my grandfather that linen is a scarce commodity in the tribe, and a piece of cloth can be exchanged for many things!"

"Okay!" Mufeng nodded, "I know, you go and prepare it, wood, animal tendons, etc., prepare them for me, first make a spinning machine, then a loom!"

"Spinning machine, loom..." Lihu murmured, all things he didn't understand, but he still nodded honestly, "Yes, I'll go and prepare it right away!"

Mufeng nodded.

He had seen both spinning machines and looms. He even made the homemade spinning machines in the countryside in his previous life, but the loom was not that simple.

However, these did not bother him. He directly asked the system to exchange the skills and proficiency together, a total of 400 points.Just!

It is indeed a considerable expense.

But since this experience of catching a big red deer, Mu Feng has understood a truth: when it is time to spend "money", you must not be restrained, otherwise you may miss a lot of things.

Now he has enough achievement points. After exchanging for an advanced animal taming technique, he still has 600 achievement points left. Moreover, he caught another red deer yesterday and tamed it successfully, which can earn achievement points again!

He did what he said. While Li Hu was preparing, Mu Feng communicated with the system: "System, hand in the task!"

"Successfully tamed the red deer, and obtained 300 achievement points!

The achievement points are now: 900 points!"

Mu Feng said again: "System, exchange the skills and proficiency of the spinning machine and loom!"

The system prompts: "Are you sure you want to use 200 achievement points to exchange for spinning machine skills and proficiency?"


"Ding, exchange successful!"

"Are you sure you want to use 200 achievement points to exchange for loom proficiency?"


"Ding, exchange successful!"

"What a hassle!" Mu Feng complained, and after looking at the 500 achievement points left in the system, he was rubbing his teeth!

Just as he was about to exit the system, the system suddenly popped up another interface: "Dear host, since you have consumed 10,000 achievement points in the Great Chief System, the system will upgrade your level by one level, and your corresponding authority will be upgraded. Activate the achievement point credit limit of 2,000 points. Do you want to activate it?"

"Credit limit?" Mu Feng was a little confused.

System: "The achievement point credit line can provide you with 2000 points of assistance. If you pay it back within ten days, you only need to pay 5% achievement interest!"

"Oh my god!" Mu Feng exclaimed, "You also have a credit card function? Does that mean I want to exchange skills or props, and I don't have enough achievement points. I can borrow anything within 2000 from you, and then I can pay it back within ten days. The interest is 5%, right?"

System response: "You can understand it this way!"

"Fuck!" Mu Feng exclaimed again, "Are you robbing? The country has stipulated that the highest annualized loan interest rate shall not exceed 24%. If you want to pay 5% interest in ten days, you are loan sharking!"

System prompt: "You are talking about the Chinese regulations, but you are dealing with the Great Chief System now. Just like a credit card, you can choose not to activate it."

The system's answer can be said to be very arrogant, clearly showing "I am the master of my own territory", with an attitude of "use it if you like".

But Mu Feng at the moment really can't do anything with it, and really eats this trick.

He thought of a friend in his previous life who had fifteen credit cards: "If you want to live fast, you have to have some debt!"

Thinking of this, he grinned and laughed: "Activate!"

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