Hanshu took Muye, Shuofeng and the others to pick red deer.

Because Qingya had chosen one in advance like Hanshu, he did not take up the quota this time, and Shuofeng and Huangshi took over instead.

The four people excitedly chose red deer, Huangshi chose Qingming, Wangyue chose Guyu, Baiqiu chose Lixia, and Shuofeng chose Xiaoman.

The four people were overjoyed. Under Hanshu's leadership, they each learned how to make stirrups, how to get on the horse's back, and finally how to get familiar with the red deer.

Step by step, Hanshu strictly followed Mufeng's instructions and taught them the four people.

The four people were obviously very excited, and they got familiar with the red deer pen one by one, just like a child who suddenly found a toy that he had been longing for for a long time, and was reluctant to let go.

As a result, they did not go back to find Mufeng that afternoon, but kept getting familiar with it.

Seeing that the few people did not come back, Mufeng guessed the general situation and did not care. He waved his hand and asked Mingguang to take Qingmu and the other four to pick horses.

Mingguang couldn't help asking, "Chief, four of the seven horses have been named, what about the other three?"

Mufeng waved his hand, "Let them name the horses themselves, and tell me when they are done!"

"Ah?" Mingguang was surprised, and looked at Mufeng hesitantly.

Mufeng waved his hand, indicating that he should go to work.

Mingguang didn't dare to ask any more questions, and went out puzzled.

Mufeng stretched his waist and said, "Finally I can take a breath! But it seems that I have to give them a crown tomorrow, which is another hard day!"

The next day, Lihu, Mingguang and Hanshu came with a few people, and everyone was excited.

Because they knew that the chief would give them a crown and make bows today.

For the sense of ceremony, Mufeng changed into a new animal robe and sat on a stool against the wall, looking like an old master.

A dozen people entered the room together, and it didn't seem crowded. After all, Mufeng's room was the largest in the entire tribe, but it had the fewest people living in it.

"Great Chief!" Everyone was excited and saluted Mu Feng respectfully.

Mu Feng waved his hand and got straight to the point: "According to the agreement before the competition, only three of you can get the initiation, but I discussed with Li Hu and Ming Guang. The tribe now needs brave warriors, so we selected six more of you to participate in this initiation."

"Some of you are suitable for charging in the front, and they chose sika deer. Some of you are not strong enough, so they chose horses. They are all arranged according to your characteristics."

"Yes!" Everyone responded respectfully.

And some of them quietly breathed a sigh of relief, obviously because of Mu Feng's explanation.

"So it's for our consideration!" Someone thought.

"Okay!" Mu Feng continued, "Because there are so many of you, I can't give all of you the initiation in one day. How about this, I will give four of you the initiation in one day, and then make bows for you after the initiation is completed."

"Yes!" Naturally, no one dared to object to this.

"Well, today I will first give you the initiation, Qingya, Shuofeng, Qingmu, and Wangye, and then make bows for you according to the situation after the initiation!"

He deliberately chose two people from each of the four people who chose horses and the four people who chose red deer to avoid making them feel "differentially treated".


The people whose names were not called went to get familiar with their own mounts under the leadership of Hanshu, and the remaining four stood in front of Mufeng.

Mufeng called: "Qingya, you go first."

"Yes!" Qingya knelt on one knee, bowed his head, and was very humble.

Mufeng was slightly stunned, shook his head slightly in his heart, and did not explain much.

He knew that the tribe needed some "deified" existence now, so that it could have a deterrent effect.

He deliberately showed a mysterious smile, nodded, and signaled Lihu and Hanshu to take the other three out, and then covered Qingya's head with one hand.

After nearly half an hour, the initiation was finally over.

"Okay, the initiation is over. You go out and adapt to the changes first, and let Shufeng come in!"


Shufeng came in soon, and Mufeng did the same.

Then Qingmu and Wangye did the same.

After the initiation, Mufeng stood up, took a long breath, and felt it for himself. If nothing unexpected happened, he could still give initiation to two or three people.

But considering that if he really did it, he would not be able to give initiation tomorrow, and he would have to rest for at least a day, so he gave up.

And he also promised to make bows and arrows for the four people today, and he also wanted to see what changes would happen to these four people after being "strengthened".

The four people were still adapting to their own changes. When they saw Mufeng come out, they looked at him respectfully. After experiencing the initiation, the few people had worshipped Mufeng as a god: "Great Chief!"

Mufeng waved his hand and smiled: "How is it?"

Qingya spoke first"Chief, I am much stronger now than before. I feel that my bow strength has also increased, and my punching speed has also increased!"

"Yeah!" Mu Feng nodded and looked at the others, "What about you?"

Shuo Feng smiled and said, "I think if I fight with Brother Qing Ya again now, I should be able to win!"

Unexpectedly, Qing Ya grinned and said, "Are you sure?"

Shuo Feng was full of fighting spirit: "Why don't we try now?"

Qing Ya laughed strangely: "Let's try!"

The two of them went straight to the Moon Tower to fight. Mu Feng ignored them and turned to look at Qing Mu and Wang Ye: "What about you?"

Qing Mu thought for a while and said, "I feel the same as Qing Ya. My bow strength has increased, and the bow and arrow I use now doesn't seem to be suitable for me. And my speed has also increased!"

Wang Ye on the side also nodded in agreement.

Mu Feng smiled and said, "That's right, now you guys pull this bow for me to see!"

Mu Feng took out Han Shu's bow.

The two looked at the nine long and three short on the bow, and immediately reacted: "Han Shu's bow?"

Mu Feng nodded and smiled: "Yes!"

Qing Mu hesitated for a while before saying: "I'll try!"

He took the bow from Mu Feng's hand, held the bow in one hand, pulled the string with the other hand, and with a struggle between his two arms, the bowstring pulled a semicircle!

"This!" Wang Ye exclaimed, "How is this possible!"

Everyone in the hunting team knew that Han Shu's bow and arrow were specially made by the chief, and few people except Han Shu could pull his bow.

Even if someone could pull Han Shu's bow, very few could pull it to a semicircle, at least Qing Mu couldn't.

At the moment, Qing Mu not only did it, but also seemed to have some spare strength.

Qingmu took another breath, and with his right hand, he pulled the bowstring back to the position of a fist. It was obvious that he was much stronger than before!

Qingmu then let go of the hard bow, his face full of excitement: "Great Chief!"

Mufeng nodded, and looked at Wangye again: "What about you?"

Wangye was originally timid when he saw Hanshu's bow, but now that he saw Qingmu pulling open Hanshu's three bows, his heart was also burning.

"Great Chief, I want to try!"

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