Mu Feng needed to see what the prey was before he could determine it.

Only after seeing the number and distribution of the prey could Mu Feng arrange the hunting operation.

Several times of cooperation also made the wolf king understand the importance of "arranging tactics", so it looked at Mu Feng with a clear meaning - what to do?

Mu Feng reached out and touched Dou Dou's head, and "woohooed" told the wolf king: I want to go to the front to see what prey there is, and then decide how to start. Are you going?

The wolf king tilted his head and thought about it, and replied: I'll go!

So one man and one wolf walked side by side to the front, with their respective tribes clearly separated but peaceful behind them.

If someone else saw it, they would only find it incredible - a strange combination.

Mu Feng led the wolf king and followed Lang Shao and Dou Dou forward.

Dou Dou was making a fuss again, always wanting to be one step ahead of Lang Shao to show its identity as a "leading wolf".

For such provocative behavior, both the wolf king and Lang Shao were extremely calm, without a trace of resentment, and just glanced at Dou Dou lightly.

Mu Feng sensed something was not right, and thought things were not that simple.

Because he thought of a saying - a biting dog doesn't bark.

The same is true for wolves.

Sure enough, Doudou, who had not walked far, was still shaking his head and baring his teeth in silent protest to the wolf whistle the second before, and the next second, the wolf whistle pounced on his neck and bit him.

Mu Feng frowned and looked at the wolf king.

It turned out that the wolf king was really as calm as an old dog, with an expression of "this is their business, let them solve it themselves".

Judging from the situation, it is very confident in this wolf whistle.

But Mu Feng showed a strange smile on his face, thinking: "Although Doudou is not yet an adult, his strength and speed are not comparable to this wolf whistle!"

Sure enough, seeing that the wolf whistle was about to bite Doudou's neck, Doudou actually "reacted" and jumped on the spot, more than one meter high, "coincidentally" avoiding the wolf whistle's pounce.

At the same time, when it fell, its two front paws directly pressed against the wolf whistle.

Wolf Whistle had already landed on the ground and wanted to roll on the ground to avoid the claw, but Doudou's mouth bit its neck directly!

Wolf Whistle, whose neck was bitten, dared not move instantly - it felt Doudou's terror, and also felt that Doudou was only controlling the enemy, not killing him.

The wolf king's "face" was a little embarrassed, and he whispered "woohoo" to warn.

Doudou then loosened his mouth and turned to the wolf king with his teeth bared.

"Oh my god!" Mu Feng was stunned in his heart, "How come Doudou is now the same as Mingguang, Qingya and others, so crazy!"

In fact, he was not surprised that Doudou defeated Wolf Whistle.

First, although Doudou was not an adult in size and was slightly smaller than Wolf Whistle. But he ate well and well at Jiang's, and his body was more agile and strong than Wolf Whistle.

Second, Mu Feng used the Wood Dao Derivation Technique to strengthen Doudou's body.

In addition, Doudou's own "sly" nature must have confused the opponent and made the opponent underestimate him.

But Doudou dared to provoke the wolf king, which surprised Mufeng.

He knew Doudou, who had always been the kind of person who was sleazy and used dirty tricks at critical moments. Now that he had strengthened his body, he dared to confront the wolf king head-on?

Fortunately, the wolf king "respected his status" and did not really do it. Instead, he grinned and whispered "woohoo" to Doudou twice before returning to Mufeng.

Mufeng almost laughed out loud after hearing the wolf king's voice, because the wolf king told Doudou: Boy, don't be presumptuous, you wait!

The wolf whistle that got up from the ground obviously also noticed Doudou's strength, and shrank to the side with its tail between its legs. It was obvious that Doudou had left a shadow on it.

The unexpected conflict ended here, and Mufeng once again felt the confrontation between the wolves and Doudou's cunningness.

He growled at Doudou, who immediately wagged his tail and led the way alone.

As for the wolf whistle, it was obviously in low morale and followed behind obediently.

Mufeng laughed dumbly.

One man and three wolves walked for a long time before they came to Damazi and the other three wolf whistles.

The two groups of wolves were in two places, and it was obvious that they were secretly not getting along.

Mufeng was once again shocked by the hostility of the wolf pack towards the "traitor". He shook his head and looked forward through the dense bushes.

What came into view was a group of animals that was much larger than the last time!

There were almost twenty rhinoceroses with one horn.

There were also quite a few wild sheep with two horns, which looked like there were about a hundred of them.

There were also no less than a hundred horses without horns.

As for those with many horns, they were horned deer, and there were also quite a few of them, about a hundred or so.

What surprised Mufeng the most was what Doudou hadn't mentioned just now, that there were more than thirty giant toed birds!

"Hmm?" Mu Feng was a little disappointed, "No red deer?"

In fact, heHe roughly guessed that the last time he encountered the red deer, there was also a component of luck in it.

After all, the red deer's range of activities is very large, including the deep jungle and the edge of the grassland.

He sighed in his heart, "What a pity", thinking that he didn't know when he would meet the red deer again.

Fortunately, there were enough horses in the herd in front of him, and they looked about the same size as Dachun and the others - it was obvious that the breed of horses in this area was the same.

Without the red deer as a hunting target, Mu Feng could do more.

He made a plan in an instant: catch horses, horned deer and wild sheep.

As for the horned rhinoceros, he automatically ignored it.

Instead of wasting a lot of time on the horned rhinoceros, it would be better to catch a few more horses for the tribe to use as mounts.

At least for a tribe like theirs, as long as there are mounts, they will definitely occupy an absolute advantage in the tribal competition.

It's not that Mu Feng didn't think about taming the horned rhinoceros as a mount, but as soon as he considered the difficulty of capturing the horned rhinoceros, he decisively gave up this idea.

Mu Feng looked at the terrain again and found that there was no Hulukou terrain like last time. There was only one side with extremely dense bushes, which was where they were.

Mu Feng had already made up his mind. He looked at the wolf king not far away and nodded to it.

The wolf king understood and stood up and followed Mu Feng back.

Back to the "main force", the wolf king squatted down and looked at Mu Feng, waiting for his deployment.

It can be seen that the wolf king has completely gotten used to his deployment.

Mu Feng had a strange idea: "I don't know if the wolves of later generations will be able to hunt and deploy. Did they learn from humans or did they learn it themselves?"

"The terrain this time is a bit special. It's too late to dig traps. So we need to surround them on three sides and drive them to the bushes."

"Mingguang, you take half of the people to go around from the left, and Hanshu, you go around from the right. Be careful when you lead the mounts over, and use the grass cages prepared in advance to lock their mouths to avoid making any noise!"

"Wait after you arrive at the designated location, and the rest of the people with mounts will follow. Together with the wolf king, lead the wolf pack to the position in front of them, shoot arrows first, shoot a wave of the outermost horned deer and wild sheep, and then ride the horned deer to ram them. Throw out all the flying stone ropes you carry during the ramming process!"

"Yes!" Everyone agreed.

Mu Feng turned to the Armored Earth Dragon and began to speak: "Don't smash it this time! There is a female bird that can lay eggs over there. As long as you catch it alive this time, you will have eggs to eat when you go back!"

The Armored Earth Dragon suddenly became excited: "Okay, okay! I will do whatever you say!"

Mu Feng breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, you stay here in the bushes, if there are horned rhinos coming, let them go, and block the rest of the prey!"

"Okay!" The Armored Earth Dragon agreed happily.

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