Mu Feng used the Wood Dao Derivation Technique to treat the Armored Earth Dragon before returning to the earth building.

He originally wanted to discuss with the Armored Earth Dragon whether he could let it "move" to help him look after the fifty wild horses, but he gave up when he thought of its bad temper.

Horses gather together and easily make trouble. If it is really annoyed, so many horses may not be enough for it to cause trouble.

He had to give up.

There was no other way. Before taming these wild horses, he could only choose to let the Jiang clan spend some manpower and material resources to take turns to look after them.

Then take advantage of this time to tame them one by one.

"It seems that I still have to teach the clan members how to tame horses. If I come, a few horses at a time are fine, but fifty or sixty horses will be troublesome. Not to mention the time spent, in the end these horses will only recognize me and not these clan members, so the effort will still be spent!"

After making up his mind, Mu Feng decided to find Mingguang and Lihu to teach them the technology of horse taming.

Although he had been to the grassland in his previous life and had seen Anda lassoing horses on the grassland, he was just a bystander and could not understand the tricks.

Now he had to teach his tribesmen, so he had no choice but to spend 100 achievement points to exchange for the technical instructions and proficiency of lassoing and horse training - it shows that Mu Feng attaches great importance to taming these horses!

He looked carefully and found that there are probably two "purely manual and no routine" horse training methods: lassoing horses with bamboo poles and lassoing horses with ropes, and then adding bridles and reins, and then strengthening the relationship between the trainer and the horse.

One point here is that whoever tames the horse will show absolute obedience to the trainer in the future. This may not be the case for those who are not the first to tame it.

But those who can recognize only one person and ignore others are generally one in a thousand or even ten thousand miles of BMW horses.

In ancient times, they were either Red Hare, Fenxue, or Lu, Yushi.

Mu Feng hopes that there will be a few such horses among this large group of horses.

But judging from the enhanced Dachun and Sanqiu, it is probably difficult.

So according to his idea, he taught a dozen people how to tame horses, and then let them tame these horses, and then pass the tamed horses to other people to ride.

First, it saves his time.

Second, it can also allow these tribesmen to learn more skills.

Third, horse training is a "skill" far beyond the current era, and he doesn't want to start right away.

So when he came out of the armored earth dragon, he went straight back to the earth building, ready to find Lihu and Mingguang to talk about horse training.

Unexpectedly, when he just returned to the earth building, Lihu was waiting for him there, and there was a large piece of cloth beside him.

"Linen?" Mu Feng was surprised, "Are you all woven?"

Li Hu also nodded excitedly: "Yes, Chief, our tribe can weave linen by ourselves!"

"Good!" Mu Feng reached out and touched it, and it felt softer and lighter than fur.

He smiled and said, "Okay, from now on, we Jiang clan members can wear light linen clothes!"

Li Hu hesitated for a moment before saying, "Great Chief, I think we don't need to wear linen clothes, we can exchange linen for other things!"

Mu Feng waved his hand, "Let's not talk about the exchange, put these linens aside for now."

"Then, Great Chief, do you have anything else to say?"

"Yes!" Mu Feng nodded, told Li Hu about the horse training, and also told him about the encounter with the Black Tooth Tribe again today.

After hearing this, he was first surprised, then clenched his fists and said angrily: "It's the Black Fang tribe again! Fortunately, we have mounts now!"

Mu Feng nodded: "So you see, the most important thing now is not whether to exchange linen for something, but the rainy days will end soon, and there may be chaos in the wilderness! What we have to do is to strengthen ourselves as soon as possible to prevent other tribes from looting or attacking!"

"Yes!" Li Hu nodded quickly, "Who are the people who are looking for horse trainers?"

Mu Feng thought for a while and said: "They need to be strong and flexible!"

Li Hu thought for a while and said: "Then except Qingmu and Huang Sang, basically these few who have mounts can meet the requirements."

Mu Feng nodded: "Okay, then wait until the fence over there is built, gather them to the training ground, and from now on, it will be called the horse farm!"

"Horse farm?" Li Hu repeated, "Yes! Then I'll go and talk to them now!"

"Okay!" Mu Feng waved his hand.

After Li Hu left, Mu Feng took out the linen again and said with a sneer: "Is this guy crazy? He took out so much linen to exchange at once, and he wants to repeat the same mistake?"

He stroked the linen again and sighed: "Compared to the fur on my body, it is definitely softer and lighter, but compared to the previous life, it is still a bit prickly!"

But he knew that there was nothing he could do about it.

After all, he made the weaving machine himself, and the weavingThe work was done by the women in the tribe.

"Forget it. Good things must be tried by yourself first!" Mu Feng said, comparing his body shape, cutting a few pieces of cloth, and exchanging 100 achievement points for a box of needles and sewing skills.

For the sake of simplicity, he wanted to sew himself a more "impressive" piece of clothing - a robe!

Of course, these linens are definitely not enough to make just one piece. He thought about making a set first, and then starting with Li Hu, Ming Guang and Han Shu, and gradually changing new clothes for all the tribesmen.

And as the chief of the tribe, he has the right to deal with these linens.

Mu Feng hummed a little song from his previous life that only he could understand, "Today, we ordinary people are really happy", while happily sewing clothes.

After humming a song, Mu Feng naturally hadn't finished sewing the clothes yet, and he began to mutter again: "If you don't show off when you are rich, it's like wearing fine clothes at night, but the world outside is so chaotic, you must not show off your wealth when you leave the tribe!"

"Li Hu, that guy, is still too young!"

"If I really take such a large piece of cloth out, won't I be targeted?"

The clothes were quickly made, and Mu Feng hurriedly put them on, but the problem came again-without a mirror, he didn't know how it would look!

"Fuck!" Mu Feng said angrily, "This is really a nonsense thing. I didn't think about going out to show off, but I can't take a look myself?"

No choice, he had to grit his teeth and exchange for a mirror, which was the size of two palms and cost 200 achievement points!

As a result, when exchanging, Mu Feng looked at the remaining achievement points: 600 points!

"Fuck, what's going on?" Mu Feng exclaimed in his heart, "Didn't I make a spinning machine and a loom before? I still have 900 achievement points left!"

System prompt: "You exchanged for horse training skills, consuming 100 achievement points!

You exchanged for sewing needles and thread and skills, consuming 100 achievement points!

You exchanged for a mirror, consuming 200 achievement points!"

Looking at the "consumption record" on the system, Mu Feng was stunned for a moment: "Fuck, I exchanged for horse training skills, why do I exchange needles and thread for sewing clothes? It's enough to wear clothes, these people can't tell the good from the bad?"

Mu Feng beat his chest and stamped his feet: "Am I getting too arrogant? I'm so casual about spending achievement points now!"

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