After catching the rabbits of Lao Wang, Mu Feng happily took them back.

However, the big damp seeds and the others were not so happy. They were "wooooooing" around Mu Feng, obviously complaining that Mu Feng "ate alone" and monopolized so many rabbits.

Mu Feng patiently explained to them: Don't worry, I won't eat them now. I'll take them back and raise them. When these rabbits grow up, I will definitely give them to you.

The big damp seeds were still unwilling to give up, and repeatedly asked Mu Feng to give them a snack. Mu Feng was so annoyed that he held a stick and threatened: If you keep yelling, you will be beaten!

Now the big damp seeds and the others lost their temper and ran away in a flash. They rushed back to the tribe first, and I don't know what they were doing next.

Mu Feng said angrily: "You are not short of food every day, and you are still yelling here!"

Before he reached the gate of the tribe, he saw five wolves circling around a man, crowding and threatening him to push him out of the tribe.

Mu Feng looked carefully and found that it was Han Shu.

Han Shu was confused by the five wolves and didn't know what they wanted to do.

Mu Feng realized that they wanted Han Shu to get some prey for them.

It was really a dog relying on the power of the master!

"Dead dog!" Mu Feng stamped his feet, and the five wolves shuddered and wanted to drag Han Shu away.

Mu Feng held the rabbit in one hand and the stick in the other, and sneered: "Damage, you are itching again, right?"

Damage shuddered, turned around and ran away, not caring about Han Shu.

Doudou, who was holding Han Shu's bow and arrow in his mouth, let go, threw away the bow and arrow, and turned around and ran away, determined not to provoke Mu Feng.

The other three wolves also ran away quickly.

"It's becoming more and more like a dog!" Mu Feng sighed in his heart.

Han Shu finally came to his senses: "Great Chief!"

Mu Feng nodded: "These fools asked you to hunt for them again?"

Han Shu thought about it and slapped his head: "No wonder they insisted that I bring a bow and arrow!"

"Well, I caught a rabbit, but I didn't feed them. You can take them to Ji Yang to get some meat and bones later!"

"Yes!" Han Shu agreed, and immediately said in surprise, "What is this, a rabbit?"

"Well! I keep it for breeding. As long as this little thing can be raised well, the tribe will have another source of food in the future." Mu Feng smiled, "And its meat tastes very good!"

Han Shu's eyes lit up: "Then leave this to me, I'll go build a pen!"

"Pen?" Mu Feng shook his head, "This kind of animal can't be kept in a pen, it has to be kept in a cage!"

"Why?" Han Shu was surprised, "What is a cage?"

"The rabbit will Fat along the ground, so you can't put it in the cage separately! As for the cage is relatively simple, you can make it directly with wood, branches, or bamboo! " What? "" Eat the grass! "The wooden wind refers to a kind of grass with purple flowers next to the family." This is OK! " OK! "Mufeng returned to the Tulou with the cold tree, and taught him how to be a rabbit cage, and told him the precautions. During the period, he also came with the white teeth with white teeth. When he saw the two of them was making a rabbit cage, he was curious and watched. Unexpectedly, White Fang liked the "ugly" and "sly" rabbit Lao Wang very much, and he held its two big ears and studied it for a long time.

The brown rabbit Lao Wang was so angry that he kept "clucking" and grinding his teeth, which made it clear that he wanted to bite people.

Mu Feng slapped the fat rabbit that weighed no less than seven or eight pounds: "Why are you yelling? Otherwise, I will stew you!"

Then it calmed down. It seemed to be particularly in awe of this person who could order the wolf to catch him.

White Fang was surprised, and said with a pair of big black eyes: "Oh, brother Mu Feng, it seems to understand what you say!"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "It doesn't understand what I say, it's afraid of death!"

"Afraid of death?" White Fang looked at the rabbit curiously, blinking his beautiful eyes.

"Well, I asked Damazi to catch it!" Mufeng pointed at the brown rabbit's big teeth, "Be careful, this thing bites people!"

"It bites people!" Baiya was startled and stepped back a few steps, "Didn't I hear you say it eats grass just now? Why does it bite people?""It bites even if it's a vegetarian!" Mu Feng smiled and shook his head. "There's a saying that 'even a rabbit bites when it's angry', which is what it means. If you push it to the edge, it will bite! Not only it bites, but the red deer in the tribe is not ambiguous when it bites horses and wolves."

"And the armored earth dragon in the cave behind, although it doesn't bite, but what it likes most is to use its big tail to smash the beasts it doesn't like to death!"

"Ah?" Bai Ya's pretty face turned pale, "I passed by it before, and I just thought it was lazy, not that fierce!"

Mu Feng sighed, because the armored earth dragon didn't want to care about the people in the tribe before.

But later, there were more creatures in the tribe, and its irritable nature began to be exposed.

"That guy is very fierce!" Mu Feng shook his head and said, "Stay away from him in the future!"

"Oh, I know!" Bai Ya looked scared.

After a pause, she said, "Brother Mufeng, I tried the pottery making method you told me last time, and it really has many patterns on it. I came here to bring you pottery this time!"

"Oh?" Mufeng put down the work in his hands, motioned Hanshu to continue, and then took out bowl-sized pottery vessels from the animal skin bag brought by Baiya. They looked like cups and small bowls, with leaves on them, which was quite magical.

"How is it?" Baiya asked nervously.

"Well, not bad!" Mufeng praised sincerely, "I didn't expect you to be so talented in pottery making!"

"Really?" Baiya laughed, her pretty face full of excitement.

"Well, of course it's true! Let me teach you another method. You can take a thinner bamboo piece and draw some patterns you like on it, then burn it. After it's burned, you can see it on the pottery!"

"Draw something on pottery?" Bai Ya frowned and thought carefully, "What should I draw? Drawing you teaching Han Shu to make a rabbit cage? Or drawing you hunting together?"

Mu Feng was stunned at first, and then his eyes widened again, and he exclaimed in his heart.

Because he remembered that when he was studying history in his previous life, he had seen murals far beyond the period of historical records, patterns engraved on bronzes, and pictures on ceramics.

When he was studying history, he was skeptical about the things in these paintings.

But now Bai Ya's words made his eyes light up. Those things are very likely to be recorded silently by a "bystander" like Bai Ya!

The carriers that record these things - pottery, caves, bronzes, etc., have been floating and sinking along the long river of history, and will one day see the light of day again, telling people a piece of history!

Thinking of this, his heart was burning: No matter where I am now, if this place is true, will this piece of history also see the light of day in the future?

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