"Protective wall, javelin, stone..." Mu Feng whispered.

What he had to do now was to come up with countermeasures as much as possible to prevent the possible arrival of the Manglong tribe.

Logically speaking, the Manglong tribe had looted their furs, stole the sacred fire, and even robbed a lot of the tribe's stone jars and wooden sticks. The entire Jiang family had not much valuable things left.

But last night Li Hu said worriedly that there was one more thing: women!

Mu Feng suddenly woke up.

In his previous life, when he was studying history, he had learned about this kind of information. The battles between primitive tribes were often due to three problems: food, territory, and women!

Food is for eating, territory is for living and reproduction, and women are for reproduction!

Mu Feng would never allow such a situation!

So he had to use local materials as much as possible to protect the Jiang tribe well, so that he could deal with the next round of looting that might come from the Manglong tribe.

In addition to protective measures, he also needed to understand the strength of the Manglong tribe, so he called Li Hu who was busy.

"Li Hu, how strong is the Manglong tribe? How many people do they have?"

"There are more than 600 people in their entire tribe, and more than 260 young and strong people who can fight!" Li Hu answered honestly.

"More than 260 people, only more than 120 people in our tribe can fight..." Mu Feng whispered, and then heaved a sigh of relief, "Fortunately, not many."

"What!" Li Hu was shocked, "They have much more people than us!"

"It doesn't matter!" Mu Feng looked relaxed, "What weapons do they use?"

"Stone sticks, bone sticks, what's wrong?" Li Hu asked subconsciously.

"Well, that's good!" Mu Feng had already made up his mind, "Don't worry, if the people from the Manglong tribe dare to come this time, we will definitely be able to defeat them!"

"Is it possible?" Li Hu wanted to ask this question, but didn't dare to speak out.

It is undeniable that Mu Feng has brought great changes to the tribe in just a few days as the chief. Food has been solved and there is fire.

But the more than 260 people in the Manglong tribe are real young and strong people! More than 120 people fighting more than 200 people, no matter how you look at it, they can't win.

"Great Chief!" Li Hu suddenly said in a deep voice, "If we can't beat the Manglong tribe this time, I will fight to the death to protect you out. At that time, I hope you can take Bai Ya and the people of the tribe away from here and migrate eastward!"

Mu Feng frowned, shook his head and smiled, "Uncle Li Hu, the Manglong tribe hasn't come yet, why are you already telling us about your funeral? Besides, aren't we just in case, what if they don't come!"

"No!" Li Hu shook his head, "They will come, and the Jiang family is like a piece of meat to them now, it's just a matter of time!"

Mu Feng smiled again, "Don't worry, if they really come, I can also let everyone repel the people of the Manglong tribe!"

"Is it possible?" Li Hu finally asked this question.

"Don't worry!" Mu Feng patted him on the shoulder, "Believe me!"

Unexpectedly, Li Hu nodded seriously.

All the laborers of the Jiang family worked together and soon erected a protective wall at the only exit of the tribe.

The protective wall consists of three layers. The innermost layer is made of stones and covered with mud. It is thick and strong.

The middle layer is a fence made of mulberry trees. It has sprouted in just a few days. I believe it will grow branches and grow taller soon.

The outermost layer is thorny vines, which have also sprouted. The inch-long spikes are all over the mulberry fence, which is tightly covered and there is no way to start.

The protective wall, which is more than two meters high and blocks the entrance of the tribe from south to north, is lying there, which makes the people of the whole tribe feel at ease.

Behind the protective wall are piles of fist-sized stones, and next to the stones are piles of two-meter-long, sharpened bamboo spears.

After seeing that all these were done, Mu Feng asked Li Hu and others to make forty or fifty straw men, all of which were about the same size as ordinary people.

Then he asked people to scatter the straw men outside the tribe, more than 30 meters away from the wall.

"Li Hu, find more than 20 people!" Mu Feng gave the order.

"Yes!" Li Hu turned around and pointed at 20 people.

Mu Feng nodded: "Now you pick up the bamboo spears on the ground and do the spear throwing action with me to see if you can shoot the straw men outside!"

"But we can't see it through the wall!" someone said.

"Don't worry, just throw it at the approximate location!" Mu Feng said.

As he said that, he picked up a bamboo spear, turned his body backward, and threw a spear outside the wall with one hand!

At the same time, he shouted: "Throw the spear!"

The 20 people behind him shot together, and the 20 bamboo spears flew out together, but after the highest point, it was obvious that some were far away and some were near.

There was only a burst of "crackling" outside.There were only three "puff puff puff" sounds.

Mu Feng frowned, wondering: "Three hit?"

Then he looked at Li Hu: "Go and see how many bamboo spears were hit?"

Li Hu hurriedly ran outside the wall, and then came back with a bamboo spear: "Three hits!"

Mu Feng frowned, and then said: "Go and change the position of those straw men! Come again!"

Li Hu did as he was told, and Mu Feng still led people to throw spears, and this time five shots were hit!

"No, come again!"

Li Hu led people out again, and Mu Feng shot again, this time only four shots!

Mu Feng asked Li Hu to pierce dozens more straw men, about a hundred, scattered outside the wall, and Mu Feng led people to shoot again for experiments.

This time he led fifty people, but the number of hits was only a dozen shots.

After repeated experiments many times, it was still the same.

Mu Feng roughly estimated that the hit rate was only a pitiful 10%!

In other words, if you throw a javelin through a two-meter-high wall, your vision is blocked and you can only hit one out of ten!

There is another premise here, that is, the person does not move...

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