Hearing Mu Feng say "wait", Li Hu really said nothing and waited there.

But he was very strange. He had brought bamboo shoots and locust flowers, so why didn't he use them?

But Mu Feng didn't explain to him, just waited there, looking at the sun from time to time.

Finally, when Mu Feng saw that the sun had come and the time when the wild boar went out last time was the same, he whispered to Li Hu: "Okay, now go and sprinkle some of the bamboo shoots and locust flowers you brought on the trap!"

"Yes!" Li Hu shouted in a low voice, and took a few people to crouch down, and hurriedly sprinkled locust flowers, chopped mushrooms, and elm money flowers on the trap.

But after a full layer was sprinkled, there were still a lot left.

Li Hu looked back at Mu Feng: "Captain, what should we do next?"

Mu Feng waved at him, indicating that he should give the cage to him, and Li Hu did so.

"Others hide farther away, you come with me!" Mu Feng whispered.

After saying that, he looked at the mark he made before, determined the location where the big wild boar entered for the first time, turned around, and went in.

Li Hu hurried to catch up.

Mu Feng walked in the bushes, scattering bamboo shoots, elm flowers, locust flowers and chopped mushrooms on the ground.

For a moment, the surroundings were full of a mixture of sourness, light sweetness, and a strange smell unique to mushrooms.

"Bait?" Li Hu vaguely understood Mu Feng's idea.

After walking for a long time, the two finally came to the open space where the wild boars were.

Mu Feng squatted down, carefully reached out to push aside the bushes and looked inside, and found that just like last time, there were only a few big wild boars and a group of small wild boars around.

"Sure enough!" Mu Feng nodded, turned around and grinned silently at Li Hu, and then began to grab the bait mixed with several things and threw it towards their location in Li Hu's extremely surprised eyes.

A wild boar suddenly noticed not far away, shook its head, and looked around.

Mu Feng immediately stood still, and immediately clenched the other bait that he was about to throw out, without throwing it out.

The wild boar looked around for a while, but didn't find anything worth turning back to continue digging the ground.

"Great Chief!" Li Hu said in a low voice.

"It's okay!" Mu Feng smiled, and threw a few more baits, then turned around and signaled Li Hu to leave quickly.

Li Hu was still in shock, and turned around and walked out.

Mu Feng also sped up and quickly returned behind Li Hu.

Fortunately, they were safe along the way and the two returned to their hiding place smoothly.

"Chief!" Li Hu said in a low voice, "It was too dangerous just now. If we were discovered by the wild boar, we would not be able to escape!"

"Don't take risks if something like this happens again!" Li Hu said seriously, "You are the chief of the tribe and the hope of the tribe!"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "If I can't make the tribe stronger, what do you need me as the chief for?"

Li Hu was shocked and excited. He was about to promise something, but he saw Mu Feng immediately raised his hand to signal silence. He quickly leaned down and pricked up his ears to listen to the movement around him.

There was a chaotic sound in the bushes, which was clearly a group of wild boars digging!

"Here they come!" Mu Feng said in a low voice.

Li Hu was right next to him, so he naturally heard it clearly and clenched his fists in excitement.

Sure enough, after just a few breaths, a wild boar took the lead in poking its head out of the bushes they had just entered. Its small eyes rolled around and looked around, obviously confirming whether the surrounding environment was safe.

"Very careful!" Mu Feng didn't dare to say a word, for fear of accidentally startling the wild boar.

The big wild boar finally put his mind at ease after watching for a long time, turned his head, and got out of the bushes.

In fact, even if it didn't come out, the wild boars behind it would squeeze it out.

Because as soon as it appeared, the wild boars behind it were like water bursting through a dam, and they all rushed out in a moment!

There were also several big wild boars coming out with them!

Obviously, the smell of the bait mixed with four things made all the wild boars irresistible.

As soon as it appeared, all the wild boars shouted as if they had discovered a new continent, and nibbled the bait on the ground happily.

Li Hu was stunned.

Yesterday, when he took Bai Ya to pick locust flowers and elm money flowers, he knew that the two flowers were sweet.

When Bai Ya showed him that he could eat them, he was really surprised.

He didn't expect that wild boars also liked the lightly sweet locust flowers and elm money flowers so much!

If that was all, why were those bamboo shoots that smelled sour to him so popular with wild boars?

Before he could react, the wild boars that had just appeared had eaten up all the bait near the bushes.

As expected, all the wild boars saw that there were two large areas not far away covered with their favorite food.

Then, as expected by everyone,The wild boars screamed and rushed to the two traps full of mushrooms, locust flowers and other baits.

So, the scene of catching wild sheep was staged again.

The first wild boar to rush to the trap fell directly into the pit, and the wild boar in the middle rushed into the trap before it could react.

As for the wild boar at the back, it was too late to turn around and escape.

Because Mu Feng no longer needed to command at this time, some tribesmen had rushed out, holding sticks in their hands to block the entrance of the bushes, and drove the wild boars who wanted to escape back to the edge of the trap.

In desperation, several wild boars were driven into the trap again, and several big wild boars screamed and fled.

The Jiang clan members just took a look, yelled excitedly, picked up wooden sticks and chased the wild boars that escaped.

"Come back!" Mu Feng hurriedly got up and shouted.

At the same time, he came to the two traps and just took a look at them and was so happy that he couldn't stop grinning: "Oh my goodness! This time we've got the whole nest!"

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