Mu Feng used to make a simple bow with willow branches, and it became his favorite toy in childhood when he put a jute pole on it.

Later, he studied history and learned about various cold weapons in history in detail, including one of the earliest weapons in history - bow and arrow.

The material for making bows and arrows is black bamboo.

Black bamboo is flexible and hard. Now the javelins and bamboo forks in the tribe are made of black bamboo.

In particular, he originally planned to let everyone in the hunting team have bows and arrows, so that they would have one more weapon whether hunting or self-defense in the future.

For this reason, he specially called Li Hu and Ming Guang to watch.

Because the bow and arrow he was going to teach was the simplest, and it would be the most used in the tribe in the future.

Considering Chang Ning's feelings, he also asked Li Hu to let two people from the Blue Bird tribe into the tribe.

Otherwise, if they were concerned about Chang Ning's safety and something happened again, it would be bad.

Mu Feng asked Ming Guang to go to Beishan to cut a few black bamboos and then started making bows and arrows at the entrance of his cave.

He picked up a black bamboo about 1.8 meters long, raised his machete and prepared to chop the bamboo.

But before he started to chop, he frowned and thought for a while. To be more formal, he looked at Changning and said seriously: "Ke Changning, before I teach you how to make a bow and arrow, there is something I need you to promise me!"

"Hmm?" Changning saw Mu Feng's seriousness and immediately reacted, saying seriously, "You tell me!"

"I can teach you bows and arrows, but I don't want such weapons to be used by your Qingniao tribe to deal with my Jiang clan in the future!" Mu Feng stared into Changning's eyes and said.

"If you can guarantee that the arrows will not point to my Jiang clan in the future, I can teach you. If not, then I can't teach you!" Mu Feng said righteously, but in his heart he was thinking: "If you really dare to attack my Jiang clan, I will make you regret it!"

The people around him felt Mu Feng's sudden seriousness, and they dared not breathe.

Especially Li Hu and Ming Guang, the two of them clearly heard another meaning from Mu Feng's words - bows and arrows, which are very likely to threaten Jiang clan in the future.

"But if that's the case, can't the chief not teach her?" Li Hu thought. At the same time, he glanced at Ming Guang and found that he was also confused.

Chang Ning, on the other hand, was stunned at first, frowning.

After a while, she seemed to suddenly think of something, with a surprise in her eyes, and then nodded heavily, one hand on her chest and one hand pointing to the sky: "I swear by the blue bird totem of my tribe, if I get the bow and arrow method, I will never point at any grass or tree in the Jiang family in the future. If I break the oath, my blue bird will never be able to fly in the sky!"

"Yemaduo!" The two people who followed in shouted loudly.

Before they could say the rest of the words, Chang Ning waved his hand to interrupt them: "Shut up!"

Mu Feng looked into her eyes, and her beautiful eyes were full of solemnity and sincerity.

He nodded: "Okay, I believe you!"

In this way, Chang Ning's promise, the reaction of her people, and Ming Guang and Li Hu's confusion were all in sight.

Mu Feng laughed in his heart: "In this case, she couldn't help but believe that this is a killer weapon!"

"But it takes a long time to make a bow. Bai Ya, go prepare some food, let's make soup!" Mu Feng ordered.

"Yes!" Bai Ya quickly retreated to prepare.

So Mu Feng picked up the machete, split the black bamboo, and then took half of it and split it again, and got a bamboo piece.

He took this bamboo piece and began to cut off the excess part, and polished the whole bamboo piece smooth, making it a smooth bamboo piece about five or six centimeters wide.

What he wanted to make was a single-piece bow made of a bamboo piece, which was actually just the simplest kind of bow...

"Li Hu, make a fire!" Mu Feng ordered.

Li Hu, who was watching honestly on the side, hurried to make a fire.

Mu Feng took the bamboo piece and roasted it on the flame, and the roasting position was about one-fifth of one end of the bamboo piece.

"What is this for?" Chang Ning couldn't help asking.

"Bake the bamboo until it is soft, and then it will be easy to bend!" Mu Feng said this, and then he took the bamboo off the flame, held it with both hands and tried to press it on the ground. Sure enough, an arc that exceeded the normal curvature of black bamboo appeared.

However, Mu Feng only bent it a few times and then stopped trying, but continued to bake it on the fire.

He baked it repeatedly for no less than seven times, and it took more than an hour before Mu Feng successfully bent one end of the bamboo.

Then he followed the same method and baked the other end of the bamboo to soften and bend it.

Finally, he placed the middle three-fifths of the bamboo on a stone platform, and tied the exposed one-fifth of the bamboo on both sides with a tendon rope, and hung stones of similar size below.

After doing this, he clapped his hands, sniffed the fragrance in the air, and smiled.Said: "Eat!"

"Have you finished the bow and arrow?" Chang Ning was puzzled, his beautiful eyebrows twisted into knots, obviously he didn't see that such a thing could be connected with weapons.

"Not yet!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "First shape the bow! You can continue to work after eating!"

"Oh oh!" Chang Ning finally reacted, sniffed his nose, and his eyes lit up, "What is this, it smells so good!"

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