Because he had something on his mind, Mu Feng got up early.

He boiled eggs by himself and it took him a lot of effort to eat them. He said bitterly: "When I make the pottery jar, I will throw away all these stone jars!"

After finishing his "breakfast" in a hurry, he went to call Mingguang, Lihu, Baiya, Shuofeng and others.

He planned to teach these people so that he would not have to do these things anymore. After all, there were so many people in a tribe, and he could not handle it alone.

Considering the size of the cave and the time it takes to burn the kiln, Mu Feng planned to pick a few commonly used and simple containers to "try his hand" first.

After several people came to Mu Feng's cave, they looked at Mu Feng curiously, knowing that he was going to make something new, and they were all looking forward to it.

"Brother Mu Feng, what are you going to do?" Baiya asked sweetly.

"You'll know in a minute!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "Look carefully, and ask me if you don't understand. You'll be the ones to do these things in the future!"

"Today I'm going to teach you how to make pottery, which can be used to hold things, rice, and stew soup!"

"But don't we have stone jars now?" Bai Ya asked, his big eyes full of confusion, "And it's strong!"

Mu Feng smiled and shook his head: "But it's too heavy and inconvenient! Today I'll teach you how to make a lighter one that can hold more things!"

"Okay!" Several people responded in unison, looking forward to it.

"The first step in making pottery is to knead the clay into a ball. The main technique when kneading the clay is to knead out as many bubbles as possible, so that the clay will be more compact. Otherwise, it will crack easily when firing the pottery."

Mu Feng said, took out some yellow clay, poured it on the prepared bluestone slab, poured some water, and began to knead it repeatedly.

This step is very familiar to Mu Feng.

When he was young, he would often dig red mud from the mud pond in the countryside, knead and beat it repeatedly to make a small bowl-shaped thing with a thin bottom. He would put it in the palm of his hand, then lift it high and throw it hard on the ground with the mouth of the bowl, and you would hear a very crisp "pop" sound.

This is the red mud "throwing pottery" game that rural children like most.

Anyone who has played it knows that the technique and strength of kneading the mud are very important-this is also one of the reasons why Mu Feng succeeded in making pottery for the first time.

This once made the pottery master who taught him exclaim that it was incredible, and he said that throwing mud could also bring such experience.

But the difference is that Mu Feng has to knead the mud softer for pottery making, so that it will be easier to make a blank later.

Mu Feng kneaded the mud for more than an hour, and several people felt bored, so he started the second step of throwing the pottery.

The so-called throwing the pottery is to put the kneaded clay on the throwing tool for shaping.

This requires a high level of craftsmanship from the pottery maker.

In the past, a throwing machine would be enough. One hand would hold the clay and the other hand would be responsible for throwing the clay.

But now he was throwing the clay with a homemade clay tool, so he had to find someone to help turn the disc.

Fortunately, there were several people in front of him, so there was no shortage of labor.

"Who can help me turn this disc?" Mu Feng said with a smile.

Bai Ya came up to him excitedly and smiled sweetly, "I'll do it, I'll do it!"

"Well, okay!" Mu Feng said with a smile, "Try to turn it faster and keep it consistent."

"Okay!" Bai Ya squatted down, turned the wooden disc with both hands and turned it quickly, while his beautiful eyes watched how Mu Feng threw the clay.

Mu Feng first held his hands in the air and gently placed them on the clay, keeping his posture unchanged.

As Bai Ya quickly turned the disc, an oval clay block soon appeared between Mu Feng's hands.

"Ah!" Bai Ya opened his eyes wide and exclaimed when he saw such a magical scene for the first time.

Mu Feng smiled, tightened his hands slightly, and further compressed the oval clay to make it more compact.

Then he held the clay with one hand, and held the thumb and the other four fingers of the other hand in the air, with a distance of two or three centimeters in between. The four fingers were inserted directly from the center of the clay, and then slowly closed, squeezing out a little space in the center of the clay.

The prototype of a container has appeared, and anyone can see that this thing can hold things.

Now not only Bai Ya, but others also opened their eyes to watch how Mu Feng did it, fearing that they would miss every detail.

Mu Feng smiled slightly, slowly closed the distance between his thumb and four fingers, and continuously pressed the wall of the pottery jar that had begun to take shape.

Repeatedly, the clay jar finally took the shape of a pottery jar, and Mu Feng smiled and said, "It's done, Bai Ya!"

As he said this, he picked up the hair of some unknown beast that he had prepared earlier, held the two ends with both hands, and pulled and cut from the bottom of the pottery jar where it intersected with the wooden plate.Then he gently picked up the formed pottery jar and placed it in the shade near the cave.

The rough clay of the newly made pottery jar cannot be exposed to the sun, but can only be dried naturally. This is a practice that has not changed for many years.

After drying in the shade, the clay can be sharpened, glazed, painted, and finally fired.

However, for Mu Feng, the purpose of making pottery now is to make it easy to use. There is no such thing as glazing and then painting. However, the clay cannot be saved. After all, some subtle protrusions on the pottery jar still need to be trimmed.

This is not a big problem for Mu Feng, just wait for it to dry naturally in the shade.

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