The difficulty of the double-piece bow lies in how to perfectly fit the two pieces of bamboo together. The other steps are almost the same as those of the single-piece bow.

Mu Feng cut a few more pieces of bamboo and taught Li Hu, Ming Guang, Bai Ya and Han Shu to make bows by hand, and marked them for comparison.

There were seven bows in total, three of which were demonstrated by Mu Feng himself, and four were made by the four people themselves.

Then he asked Ming Guang to find fur and python skin and use this time to make protective gear.

He cut the fur to size according to Han Shu's body shape, sewed the fur into a cylindrical shape with a bone needle, put it on Han Shu's left shoulder, and sewed an arm guard for him.

These are all very simple, but the difficult part is the finger guard.

The finger guard is also called a release device. It was originally a jade ring or a ring, and later it was directly changed to a leather finger guard.

It just so happened that he had python skin in his hand, which was smooth and tough, and was the best material for making finger guards.

He was going to make a three-finger finger guard that looked like a long glove.

The long glove was easy to make, just roll it up and sew it.

But the finger guard was thinner and had to fit the fingers, so that the accuracy would be higher when drawing the string and shooting arrows.

For Mu Feng, it was OK to sew a double-breasted leather armor with thick needles and wide stitches, but it would be a bit troublesome to make fine stitches.

Fortunately, there was Bai Ya. According to Mu Feng's request, she pinched the python skin and circled around Han Shu's three fingers, marked them, and sewed them stitch by stitch.

Finally, a long finger guard that the two of them worked on was made.

Mu Feng asked Han Shu to wear this set of protective gear, hold the single-piece bow to familiarize himself with the posture and technique of drawing the bow and shooting arrows, and release the bowstring back and forth with less force.

And he picked up the double-piece bow that he had put down first and began to bend the bow and string it.

He was familiar with all these and finished them quickly.

He picked up the bow, weighed it, and hooked the bowstring with his hand, and instinctively tightened his hand.

When he let go, a "rubbing" tremor suddenly sounded, which was obviously different from the "buzzing" of a single-piece bow.

"Hmm!" Mu Feng nodded, and understood in his heart: "Sure enough, the double-piece bow is difficult to make, and the elastic vibration of the bowstring is more than twice as strong."

He took a bamboo arrow and shot it across a tree about 50 meters away. "

With a "whoosh", the bamboo arrow appeared on the tree trunk, the arrowhead sank more than two inches into the tree trunk, and the tail of the arrow continued to vibrate!

"Sure enough!" Mu Feng nodded. He deliberately controlled the strength, but the power was definitely beyond his expectations.

He handed it to Han Shu, "Use the method I just taught you, try it! "

Han Shu did as he was told, but he was facing another tree, and he shot an arrow, which also went straight into the tree trunk with a "whoosh" sound!

Not only that, the bamboo arrow actually broke with a "snap" sound when the tail of the arrow trembled!

"This..." Han Shu was embarrassed, "Great Chief..."

Mu Feng's eyes lit up, waved his hand and asked with a smile: "Han Shu, what do you think of this bow?"

Han Shu thought for a while and scratched his head and said: "I don't think I have used all my strength yet."

After saying that, he looked at Mu Feng nervously, "Is it bad if the arrow breaks?"

"Of course not!" Mu Feng explained, "This shows that the double-piece bow is still not suitable for you. Maybe you need a three-piece bow. Moreover, you are strong, and the arrow body cannot withstand such a large force. It was blocked by the tree trunk, so it broke!"

"You mean..." Han Shu asked carefully.

"This is a good thing!" Mu Feng laughed, "This shows that as long as you use a bow that suits you, you can break things that others can't break! "

After a pause, Mu Feng patted Han Shu's shoulder in an elder-like manner: "It seems that it is right to make you the first set of protective gear of the tribe. You should get familiar with this double-piece bow first. I will make you a three-piece hard bow tomorrow!"

Han Shu was ecstatic and bowed: "Thank you, Chief!"

Mu Feng waved his hand: "Okay, in addition to the bow, the arrows also need to be improved. Black bamboo is very tough, but the hardness is not enough. It needs to be sharpened and roasted in the fire! It will be harder and sharper this way!"

"Yes! "Several people responded in unison.

Mu Feng also started to make his own two bows.

Soon, six bows were made.

Li Hu and Ming Guang did a decent job, Bai Ya's bowstring was a little loose, but Han Shu's bowstring was obviously tight.

In general, the bows of Mu Feng, Li Hu and Ming Guang can be used directly.

But Bai Ya's bowstring needs to be tightened, which is related to her own strength.

And Han Shu obviously needs a harder bow.

Several people tested the two bows they made, and the speed and range were obviously different from the single bow, and far exceeded the first single bow made by Mu Feng!

"Such a weapon!" Ming Guang shouted in a deep voice, "With such a bow, it will be easier for us to hunt!"

Li Hu also shouted excitedly: "Even if the Manglong tribe comes again, they must come without a fight.Come back!"

White Fang asked worriedly: "But what if Yemaduo from the Blue Bird tribe comes again and wants to learn the double-piece bow? What should we do?"

Mu Feng shook his head and smiled: "How is it possible? It was a special situation before. Now we have food and furs. I won't teach her anymore."

"But she said she would come again?" White Fang frowned, his big eyes blinking, although full of worry, but very cute.

Mu Feng chuckled: "It's okay, if she really comes again, I have something else to exchange with her!"

"What can we have?" White Fang was puzzled.

Mu Feng pointed to the pottery that was drying in the shade: "These things, we will not teach the method of weapons in the future, so safety will be guaranteed. Take these pottery to exchange things with them!"

After a pause, he grinned again: "Such core technology is always in our own hands!"

"What's good about pottery? "Bai Ya pouted and muttered, "It's so thin, it will break if it falls!"

Mu Feng laughed dumbly: "You will know when it is made!"

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