Wood ash disinfection is the simplest way to prevent bacteria from growing in chicken coops and pens.

Mu Feng was helpless, and he sighed in his heart that it would be much better if he had quicklime around him. The disinfection effect would be much stronger than wood ash.

"The development and growth of the tribe is from the inside out." Mu Feng thought, "This inside is not only the strong defense of the weapons, but also the strong physique of the tribe!"

"You can't have the best weapons, but be plagued by diseases one by one!"

He thought of the fact that the average life expectancy of people in primitive society was not high. It seems that in addition to being related to diet and environment, it is also inseparable from this hygiene.

Mu Feng thought secretly, and he had already made up his mind.

Li Hu came quickly, and when he saw Mu Feng, he looked extremely nervous: "Chief, I heard from Bai Ya that our chickens are sick?"

Mu Feng waved his hand: "It's okay, it's not a serious disease, sprinkle some soil and wood ash to solve it."

Li Hu breathed a sigh of relief, and he naturally would not doubt what Mu Feng said.

"But..." Mu Feng said in a deep voice, "We have to prevent the emergence of serious diseases!"

"Now there are so many livestock in the tribe, chickens, sheep, pigs, and there will be others in the future. If they are so concentrated, it is easy to breed bacteria and make them sick!"

Li Hu suddenly became nervous again and asked seriously, "What should we do?"

Mu Feng sorted out his thoughts again: "Now it is spring, the weather will get hotter and hotter, and there will be more and more bacteria, so we must sterilize and disinfect the tribe first, so that we can prevent most diseases!"

"Bacteria?" Li Hu then noticed that Mu Feng repeatedly mentioned a word he didn't understand.

He asked in bewilderment, "What are bacteria?"

Mu Feng patiently explained, "Bacteria are very small bugs, so small that they cannot be seen by the naked eye. For example, the water we drink and the food we eat all have bacteria!"

"Ah?" Li Hu was completely panicked, "Doesn't that mean I'm sick too? Great Chief, you, you have to save me!"

Mu Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and waved his hand and said, "It's not that serious!"

"If there are few bacteria, you won't get sick, but some things naturally have a lot of bacteria. For example, river water has more bacteria than well water, and raw meat has more bacteria than cooked meat!"

Li Hu breathed a sigh of relief again, thankfully saying, "It seems that cooked meat is better, not only tastes better, but also safer! But there are bacteria in the water, how to solve it?"

Mu Feng nodded, "The bacteria in the water can be killed by high temperature, that is, everyone will boil the well water before drinking it, so that basically all the bacteria in it will be killed. You have to tell everyone about this!"

"Yes!" Li Hu hurriedly assured.

"Also, take out the soap I made last time and put it in front of the thatched house. Teach everyone how to use it. Everyone must wash their hands with soap before eating. Those who don't wash their hands, tell Ji Yang that they are not allowed to eat!"

After a pause, he said, "Especially Ji Yang, who is responsible for dividing the food, must wash his hands! The same is true for the people who are responsible for grilling and stewing soup every day!"

"Yes!" Li Hu nodded seriously.

Mu Feng continued to sort out his thoughts.

"Drinking boiled water for food, controlling the distribution of food, and the personal hygiene of several people have been arranged. The personal hygiene of the tribe has also been determined. And public health!"

Mu Feng looked up at Li Hu and asked, "Uncle Li Hu, where do you usually go to the bathroom?"

Li Hu suddenly blushed: "Ahem, don't they all find a spacious place to go directly to the bathroom?"

But seeing Mu Feng's serious face, he quickly added, "The men in the tribe go to the grove to relieve themselves, and I don't know about the women."

Mu Feng sighed, guessing that it was probably the same for women.

"Okay, I will teach you to build a toilet for men and women right away. Don't just find a place to use it randomly in the future!"

"Ah?" Li Hu was about to say something, but he quickly shut up.

Because Mu Feng had been talking to him about bacteria!

"In addition to the unified arrangement of toilets, we also need to build a place for bathing. Everyone will have to wash their bodies regularly in the future! Only by washing clean can the breeding of bacteria be reduced!"

Li Hu hurriedly agreed again, but couldn't help asking one more question: "Should the bathing place also be divided into men and women?"

"Nonsense!" Mu Feng blushed unconsciously, "It must be divided!"

Unexpectedly, Li Hu nodded seriously: "Yes!"

Mu Feng only then realized that Li Hu probably thought that taking a bath was the same as washing his face, so he asked that question.

He shook his head helplessly, feeling that the cultural level in the tribe was really at the stage of "illiterate among illiterates".

"By the way, have you ever seen a white"A stone that is like powder?" Mu Feng asked tentatively.

"A stone that is like powder?" Li Hu shook his head, "I've never seen it!" Mu Feng nodded: "Okay, I got it, you go ahead!"

He was asking about limestone, which can be used to make simple disinfectant powder, cement, etc.

But he didn't have any plans to report it. After all, in primitive society, people were still busy hunting for food, and who would pay attention to the color of the stone.

Since there is no limestone, he can only find another way.

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