The bathhouse was built quickly, but it could not be used immediately because there was no equipment that could boil water in large quantities.

However, Mu Feng had already thought of a solution, which could be solved quickly. It was nothing more than going out to dig yellow clay again.

Once the bathhouse was put into use, the bath water would flow down the ditch to the toilet below, flushing the feces in the toilet and pigpen, and all of them would be concentrated in a large manure pool.

Pile hay in the manure pool, and then sprinkle the excess wood ash into it, mix and ferment, it is the best fertilizer, which is also the method of fermenting soil fertilizer that has been used in rural areas for many years.

At that time, whether it is farming or growing vegetables, sprinkle soil fertilizer, as long as it is properly managed, the yield of crops will naturally increase.

So Mu Feng had to leave the tribe. In view of the giant python and wolf pack he encountered a few days ago, he knew that he had to be fully prepared this time.

If he hadn't attacked the wolf king with archery last time, I'm afraid they wouldn't have escaped so easily.

As for leaving the tribe this time, he had a few things to do.

First, he needed to dig yellow clay, which required a lot of it, so many people would go.

Second, he had to continue looking for edible and useful wild plants in the wild, such as wild vegetables, Chinese herbs, grains, etc. These things were not only edible and could save people, but also help Mu Feng earn achievement points, killing two birds with one stone.

Third, he wanted to try to catch a few wild wolves and domesticate them for his own use. It would be best if he could catch a few little wolves and feed them from an early age.

After all, the tribe had limited manpower, and it would be difficult to expand the tribe with only these two hundred people.

And wolves could be domesticated into dogs in the future through continuous domestication. Dogs are the most loyal to humans among all animals. With dogs, the safety of the tribe and hunting will be more secure.

Mu Feng thought about these things in his heart for several days, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt the pressure and the urgency of time.

When he first arrived in this world, he obviously had not fully realized the danger, but after the last encounter with wolves, he urgently felt the dangers around him.

The natural environment, wild animals, and people may endanger the safety of the tribe and his life.

"Time waits for no one!" Mu Feng sighed in his heart, "I still have to make good defense for the tribe before going out."

"And I can't take the risk of taking all the hunting team members out. The previous approach was a bit ill-considered." Mu Feng thought.

It doesn't make sense to take people to the wild to find food and supplies. There is no one to watch the tribe. If someone sneaks up on them and takes down their nest, he will be so sad that he won't even have tears to cry.

"Manpower, defense..." Mu Feng muttered, and soon fell asleep.

Early the next morning, he found Li Hu and Ming Guang: "The tribal defense wall needs to be expanded!"

"Need to expand?" Both of them were stunned, "But our current tribal defense wall is already very high. The last time the Manglong tribe came to plunder, they didn't even get close to the door!"

"Not enough!" Mu Feng shook his head, "That's just because the Manglong tribe has few people and is not strong enough. What if someone from a large tribe comes and there are so many people that they can directly tear down the defense wall? What should we do?"

"This..." Li Hu was skeptical, "There is no large tribe near us, and they look down on small tribes like us."

"It didn't happen before, but it doesn't mean it won't happen in the future!" Mu Feng said seriously, "Before this happens, we should be prepared, otherwise our Jiang family will be plundered by the Manglong tribe like last time! Do you want that to happen again?"

"No!" Both of them said in unison.

"Well, call all the laborers this time, we are going to build another protective wall outside the tribe!"

"Build another protective wall?" The two looked at each other and asked, "Outside the tribe is the land where corn is grown, where should we build the protective wall?"

"Of course, outside the cornfield!" Mu Feng smiled, "Not only should we surround the cornfield, but also the south and north sides of the cornfield, the foot of the mountain and the forest area, are all connected!"

The distance of the protective wall that Mu Feng mentioned is no less than 500 meters, which is one mile long.

Li Hu was surprised: "That's too long. It's useless for us to have such a long protective wall!"

Mu Feng shook his head: "It seems useless now, but it may not be in the future!"

When they heard what Mu Feng said, they fell silent again, because they didn't want to be robbed at will in the future.

Sure enough, the sense of crisis brought motivation.

Li Hu and Ming Guang immediately called on the young and strong laborers in the tribe to move stones to build the wall.

In response to Mu Feng's request, they began to move stones from the foot of Nanshan Mountain and cleared a large open area.

The cleared stones were transported to the outer wall.

This protective wall is more than three meters high and more than one meter thick.

Of course, in addition to the stones, there are alsoIt was also covered with mud. From the outside, it looked like a rammed earth wall.

Because the wall was too long and the project was huge, Mu Feng had to call the hunting team. Even so, it took more than a hundred people five days to upgrade the protective wall.

The outer layer of the protective wall was still planted with mulberry and thornwood. The mulberry had long strips and the thornwood had vines and long thorns, which were both troublesome plants.

Now it is used by Mu Feng to upgrade the tribe's protection system.

In this way, after five days, the entire Jiang clan had two three-layer protective walls composed of thornwood, mulberry, and stone.

Such an arrangement is extremely rare in history, not to mention now.

But once such a protective wall was built, Mu Feng knew that it was worth it!

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