Han Shu felt bad.

Because Mingguang had told him before coming: The chief was going to the river to dig clay this time, and might also go to find wolves, so you must protect the chief's safety.

After hearing Mingguang's instructions, Han Shu made up his mind to protect Mufeng.

But what he didn't expect was that Mufeng stopped and walked along the way, squatting down from time to time to look at a grass or a small tree, and muttering something from time to time, "It's a medicinal herb, it's not a medicinal herb."

They have walked all the way to now, but they haven't reached the river yet.

According to the time, they should have reached the river a long time ago, and maybe they have finished digging clay and returned.

But now, the chief is standing there, holding a red thing in his hand and laughing, what's the connection!

What makes Han Shu feel even more incredible, and even terrified, is that Mufeng actually wiped off the mud on the red thing and put it in his mouth to chew it!

Han Shu's head suddenly "boomed" and he panicked: "Chief, that thing can't be eaten!"

Mu Feng still had a smile on his face: "What's wrong, it can be eaten!"

Han Shu was even more frightened: "You should spit it out quickly, that thing is poisonous, the brighter the color, the more poisonous it is!"

"The brighter the color, the more poisonous it is?" Mu Feng was stunned for a moment, chewing the carrot, and thought to himself, "This sentence sounds so familiar."

"Who told you?" Mu Feng frowned and asked.

"Didn't you say that? You asked Shu Feng to tell everyone that the brighter the color, the more poisonous it is!" Han Shu hurriedly came to Mu Feng and was about to take his carrot and throw it away.

Mu Feng dodged to the side, frowned and thought carefully, then realized: "You are talking about mushrooms!"

He laughed and cried: "I told Shu Feng that I was talking about mushrooms. The brighter the color of the mushrooms, the less edible they are!"

After a pause, he emphasized: "I'm not talking about carrots!"

"Carrots?" Han Shu scratched his head, looking puzzled.

"Yes!" Mu Feng gave him a helpless look, wiped the mud off, and cut a piece with the knife on the back handle of the shovel and handed it to him, "Hey, try it, it tastes good!"

Han Shu was skeptical, reached out to take a small piece of carrot, looked at Mu Feng, and looked hesitant.

Mu Feng laughed dumbly: "Don't worry, it's not poisonous!"

Han Shu gritted his teeth, as if making a life-or-death decision, and threw the carrot into his mouth and chewed it twice, while closing his eyes, looking like he had given up.

Mu Feng didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I just asked you to eat a carrot, why do you have to!"

Han Shu chewed it twice and suddenly opened his eyes wide, with a look of surprise and excitement: "Hey, Chief, this carrot tastes sweet!"

"You are surprised by what you have never seen before!" Mu Feng felt helpless, "How is it, is it delicious?"

"Yeah, it's delicious!" Han Shu nodded subconsciously, like a child who saw a new thing for the first time, not like an adult of the tribe.

"Are you not afraid of poison now?" Mu Feng teased.

Han Shu blushed, scratched his head and said, "I, I haven't seen this thing before..."

Mu Feng's mind moved: "Why did you eat it when I asked you to?"

Han Shu was stunned for a moment, and said seriously: "Uncle Lihu told Uncle Mingguang that you are the chief of the tribe. It is you who guided us and saved the Jiang tribe from death and migration, bringing us hope!"

"Moreover, it was you who led us to defeat the Manglong tribe, so that the tribe members don't have to worry about food and clothing now!"

"The old chief was also very good to us when he was here, but he didn't do better than you!"

"They said, I will do what you said!"

Han Shu's expression was extremely solemn when he said this, and Mu Feng was stunned.

He was inexplicably shown loyalty.

"Although I'm telling the truth, such straightforward words still have a bit of boasting flavor." Mu Feng had no choice but to smile bitterly, thinking in his heart, "Such straightforward praise makes me feel embarrassed."

"But it would be a lie to say I'm not happy, hahaha!" Mu Feng was very proud.

"They also said..." Han Shu opened his mouth and wanted to continue.

"Okay, okay!" Mu Feng quickly stopped, Han Shu's loyalty was really a bit overwhelming for him, "I know, it's important to do business, dig up these carrots with their roots, try not to move the leaves on them, and it's best if there is some mud on the roots!"

He has made up his mind that these carrots must be transplanted into the tribe.

These carrots in front of him have grown small radish heads, and it will be difficult to transplant them.

But this can't stop Mu Feng's enthusiasm. He has made up his mind that he has to keep them alive even if it takes some effort.

Because carrots have one biggest advantageIt can be planted all year round.

In other words, carrots can be used as vegetables by the tribe all year round.

In particular, carrots are rich in nutrients, which are much higher than other common vegetables.

This is definitely the best food for the tribesmen who have been malnourished due to long-term food shortages!

It can be said that the significance of discovering carrots is comparable to that of corn!

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