The horned deer is the bait, so the prey is naturally a carnivorous beast - the wolf!

After returning last time, Mu Feng and Ming Guang analyzed it and found that there had been no wolves in this area before, which means that these wolves either wandered from other places or followed a large number of herbivores to migrate.

Mu Feng also asked Ming Guang to secretly track twice, and found that this group of wolves really migrated with herbivores.

In other words, as long as Mu Feng uses the blood of these horned deer, he can attract the appearance of these wolves.

As expected, rustling sounds soon came from the bushes not far away.

Upon hearing this sound, Mu Feng's eyes lit up: "Here they come!"

At the same time, Han Shu couldn't help but lower his body, his eyes motionlessly looking in one direction.

At this time, everyone put down the yellow clay on their backs, and their expressions were different.

The people in the hunting team were eager to try, while the young and strong who had rarely left the tribe were obviously a little uneasy.

Mu Feng understood and thought to himself, "It seems that it is right to let them come out and feel it this time. Otherwise, the hunting team will always be limited in strength with only a few people."

"After returning to the tribe, I will train this group of people."

While thinking about his plans after returning, Mu Feng carefully stared at the direction of the "rustling" sound.

He shook his head secretly, thinking that in terms of agility and alertness, the wolves in primitive society could not be compared with those in later generations.

This may be related to thousands or tens of thousands of years of evolution, and also to the wild beasts that can be seen everywhere - prey can be seen everywhere, and they don't seem to need to be so cunning.

Otherwise, the "rustling" sound just now would be enough to expose their targets.

But this is also related to the fact that the surrounding cattails are too high and inseparable.

In short, under the close attention of many Jiang clan members, wolves began to show their heads in the obviously shaking grass in the distance.

After the wolf showed its head, it sniffed left and right, shook its head, and rushed to the direction of the horned deer.

The bushes behind began to rustle again, obviously also running towards the horned deer.

Mu Feng was surprised. Is the wolf's sense of smell so bad?

The reason why the wolves did not find them first last time can be explained by the fact that they were chasing pythons.

But this time they appeared later, and they didn't find anyone?

But then he understood, because he smelled the smell on his body lightly and almost couldn't help but breathe heavily.

Because he couldn't stand the strange smell on his body, just like the wild boars and wild sheep he caught, they were all terrible.

It seems that in the sense of smell of these wild wolves, they couldn't distinguish the smell on their bodies at all!

But this is also good, which is exactly beneficial to their current situation.

When all the wild wolves appeared and began to bite the horned deer over there, Mu Feng looked at Han Shu and signaled him to lead people to outflank it.

More than 30 hunting team members, plus 20 young and strong men from the tribe, approached the wolf pack quietly and little by little.

But before they could get close to the wolf pack, a wolf in the pack started to howl.

All the wolves stopped biting the horned deer in an instant, bared their teeth and crouched down to look at the humans who surrounded them from the side.

The people in the hunting team took bows and arrows and aimed at the wolf pack.

The people of the Jiang clan cheered together: "Great Chief, there are so many wild wolves. If we kill them, we will have a lot of food all of a sudden!"

"Shut up!" Han Shu shouted. He knew that Mu Feng made such a big noise not to kill wild wolves.

"No hurry!" Mu Feng waved his hand, picked up the shovel in his hand, walked to Han Shu, and came to the vicinity of the wolf pack.

But as soon as he appeared, the wolf pack, which was still baring its teeth, changed its tone instantly, changing the "howl" threat to a low "wool", which was obviously a sign of weakness.

Not to mention Mu Feng, even the Jiang clan members understood the sound. These wild wolves were afraid.

"Are they afraid of the chief?" Everyone looked at Mu Feng in amazement, "Will wild animals be afraid of people?"

Only Mu Feng knew clearly.

Wolves and dogs have similar temperaments, both of them are a bit "bullying the weak and fearing the strong".

He remembered that when he was a child, the local dogs at the head of the village always liked to roar at him, often scaring him to tears.

But the more he cried, the more the dogs liked to roar at him.

Finally one day Mu Feng was inspired by an old man: "If you beat them once, they will be afraid of you and dare not bite again!"

So Mu Feng gritted his teeth and endured the fear, holding a stick and a stone to chase the leading dog for two miles, and it took half a day to go back and forth.

Since then, when the dogs saw him, they huddled on the side of the road with their tails between their legs.Dare to make another sound.

Especially the leading dog, who saw Mu Feng just tucked his tail and "whined" away from him.

Although there were more than 20 wolves in front of him, they clearly remembered the violent shooting of the wolf king by Mu Feng not long ago, and they couldn't help but be afraid!

You know, whether it's a wolf or a dog, no matter how hard it is beaten, it will not hate the existence that is stronger than it.

On the contrary, they will obey - because in their hearts, the existence that is stronger than themselves is the leader, their boss!

This can be seen from the performance of the wolves before and after the wolf king's hegemony in the wolf pack.

The same is true for pet dogs in reality. They may not be close to people who are good to them, but they will definitely obey those who are fierce to them and dare to hit them!

After understanding this, Mu Feng couldn't help but grinned: "So you still know how to be afraid, this is easy!"

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