The truth is that you can't live without a good reason.

To uphold justice in the world?

How do you uphold it? Just turn those who are against you into "artworks" one by one!

You even made a righteous expression.

You are more devilish than the devil!

You are simply a role model for the devil!

"Brother Wei, what's the problem?"

Lin Ye's voice pulled Wei Wuji back from his mumbling. He didn't forget what the fierce man in front of him did, and hurriedly said in surprise: "Brother Lin! I didn't expect you to go to Zhengqimen. We are disciples there!"

"Ah?! Really?!"

Lin Ye was also surprised.

This is really a case of "when you are at the end of your rope, you will find a way out".

He actually met the disciples of Zhengqi Sect who were training, and he saved them.

When he joins Zhengqi Sect, won't his reputation for truth, kindness and beauty spread directly!

He is indeed the son of destiny, and he feels like he has a halo!

"Of course it's true. I can lie to anyone but my savior! If I lie to Brother Yu Lin, I will be punished by heaven and suffer karma!" Wei Wuji looked serious.

The two people beside him looked at Wei Wuji speechlessly.

It seems that he is saying that you are not guilty of the oath you made, and the punishment of heaven seems to be commonplace for us.

Zhengqi Sect!

Didn't we wipe out that small sect many years ago? And because the location of Zhengqi Sect is rich in spiritual energy, we moved the holy land there.

Are you a member of Zhengqi Sect now? Then who are we?

"To be honest, Brother Lin, these two are my fellow apprentices. If you can join our sect, that would be great! We will have a chance to repay your kindness!"


Seeing that the two were still in a daze, Wei Wuji directly gave each of them a big fight.

Only then did the two react and said with surprise: "Yes! Yes! Brother Lin, if you join the Zhengqi Sect, wouldn't we be real brothers!"

Lin Ye was also very surprised when he saw the three people's joy.

"Then please introduce me to the three Taoist brothers!"

"Hahahaha, no problem, no problem!"

Wei Wuji had an expression of "it's all up to me", and then they began to walk together.

In the forest, several black shadows also heard Lin Ye's words, and then shot away into the distance.


In the world of immortal cultivation.

There are countless forces of all sizes, and the law of the jungle is the law.

It is not uncommon to destroy sects at will.

But what can be called the devil's way is not because of its cruel means, but because its practice method is against the harmony of heaven and earth.

The so-called righteous cultivators follow the natural way, use the spiritual power between heaven and earth to break through themselves, and when they reach the great stage, they give back to heaven and earth.

The devil's way is completely the opposite, swallowing the sky and the earth to strengthen themselves, coupled with the cruel style of the sect, so it is called the devil's sect.

The righteous and the evil cannot coexist, this is the root of cultivation.

There was once a sect called the Zhengqi Sect.

Although it is a small force, it has made a great wish.

It is willing to use its own righteousness to kill all the beasts in the Ten Thousand Mountains and the devil's monks hidden in them.

The wish is good, but it really needs the strength.

The result is imaginable. Let alone killing the beasts, on the first day of setting the great wish, it was destroyed by a huge devil's force.

The name of the devil's sect is, the Holy Land of Bliss!

When the Holy Land faces ordinary sects, it doesn’t need to be said that it crushes them. Just a breath will make the opponent disappear into ashes.

The territory of Zhengqi Sect was also directly occupied by Jile Holy Land.

Others are afraid of those restricted areas, but Jile Holy Land is not.

They are both immortal sects, so who is afraid of whom?

In the Holy Lord Hall of Jile Holy Land, a group of people are listening to the report of the elders below.

"He wants to become a disciple of Zhengqi Sect? To maintain justice in the world? Hahahahaha!"

The Holy Lord on the stage, that is, Jile Demon Lord, is like hearing the funniest joke, and tears are laughing.

"It is a blessing for the people of the world that this kid does not harm the people. He also upholds justice in the world. He has a congenital demon body and cruel methods. He has not yet joined the sect, but he has cultivated to the Golden Core stage. He is simply a natural demon!"

"Is this kid's brain problem? Doesn't he know his own methods? I have sent people to check. None of the beasts he killed along the way had an intact body! They were all slaughtered! Without exception


"But he wants to join the Zhengqi Sect. Tsk, it's a bit difficult!"

"Hahaha, what's so difficult about it!"

The Jile Demon Lord laughed and said, "He wants to join the Zhengqi Sect. Just give him the Zhengqi Sect. Tell the disciples that we are now called the Zhengqi Sect! No one is allowed to tell the truth to that kid. After all, the innate demon body is our trump card in this golden age!"

"Also, change the words outside the mountain gate. We are the cultivators of the Zhengqi Sect!"

"Change, change the name?"

The elders looked at the Demon Lord in astonishment.

For a disciple, the name of the sect has to be changed. What kind of game is this?

"That's right! My Jile Holy Land has never been traceable. A disciple with such a talent is destined to bloom with monstrous demon power in this golden age. In this case, why can't we be a little sincere? ”

“This… but the disciples under my tutelage…”

“Hehe… our Paradise Holy Land is a place where the strong prey on the weak and the winner is respected. Show them the record crystal. If they think they can definitely beat that kid in the Golden Core Stage, then what does it matter if they become demons?”

“I understand! It is estimated that the kid will be able to arrive at our Holy Land in a few days. Without further ado, I will go and prepare first!”

“Well, remember, make sure everything is foolproof.”

“Don’t worry, Lord! ”


Lin Ye certainly didn’t know what happened in the Paradise Holy Land. At this time, he was having a good chat with Wei Wuji and others.

As a time traveler, he had always been cautious in the past. After all, although he believed that he was the son of destiny, the plug-in had not yet arrived.

He treated the eldest lady of the Tang family coldly not because he was pretending to be cold. In addition to the fact that the other party was a child at the time, there was another reason, that is, he didn’t know what to say.

There was a sentence on the Internet in his previous life that he remembered vividly.

The smaller the voice, the greater the pretense!

In order to maintain his own personality, he pretended to be cold.

So There was really no one to chat with.

Now that I met Wei Wuji and others, I was really happy from the bottom of my heart, not to mention that they were about to become my senior brothers.

Lin Ye had a good chat, but Wei Wuji and others were about to cry.

They knew that the man in front of them was a ruthless person, and the gentle smile on his face now must be a disguise!

Maybe one day he will make a work of art for them!

The reason why I think so is that I encountered several ferocious beasts on the road, and Lin Ye directly beheaded them with a few swords.

And afterwards, Lin Ye took the head of the ferocious beast and planned to press it back.

What kind of evil interest is this?

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