Nina chose the park. The phrase ‘Enjoy a course that you cannot go on a horse’ caught her eye.

Avoiding the wide road for horses and wagons, the two entered the park’s trail. A small valley was flowing beyond the entrance, and it was cool because the large trees gave shade.

It had a sweet forest-like smell.

“Are your concerns resolved?”

He nodded at Nina’s question.

“Yes, I don’t think there will be any more hesitation.”

Nina made a questionable face at his words, and then she asked.

“By the way, do you know the head of the Temple Knights?”

“I know.”

“What kind of person is he?”

“I have never met him personally. He is a person who always stays by the side of the saint······.”

“Oh, right. The Saint! You must have met her right?”

“Have you met her too?”

“Yes, but we only said hello and couldn’t talk much.”

As she recalled the black-haired beauty, Nina said as if muttering.

Was that even a talk?

‘No, I think the Head of the Templars would block it if we talked. It was exactly that kind of atmosphere. But she said that she would meet me again at the temple. I don’t know.’

“Sir Nina will be welcomed in the temple.”

“I thought they didn’t like the spirits very much.”

At Nina’s words, Benzel tilted his head.

“The Saint seems to be thinking differently.”


“Yes, spirits are also creatures of God. She said that there is absolutely no reason for the spirits and the temple to be hostile.”


It sounds like good words, but how come everything sounds suspicious?

“Then, the Saint and the Templars are always together?”

“It doesn’t seem like that.”

As he spoke, Benzel stopped and looked at Nina.

“Do you know anything?”

“I know what I don’t know yet.”

Nina grunted and she sighed, he replied.

“Come to think of it, the Duke did not believe in the Temple from the beginning.”

“Please don’t treat us like unbelievers. It’s because we don’t believe in the people of the Temple, it’s not that we don’t believe in God.”

It’s strange that the people who use spirits deny the God who created them in the first place.

“I see.”

After Benzel nodded his head, he continued in a poem-like tone.

“Although they were next to the Saint, they didn’t look good together. He just answered the Saint’s words. Rather than being blunt, it felt like they were reined in. I think he’s got a weak point.”

Nina looked at Benzel, who was talking, and said.

“What’s the matter with you······.” (Nina)

“I thought you are curious.” (Benzel)

“No, now you are making me nervous.”

“What do you mean?”

Aren’t you the one who doesn’t talk like this?

Seeing Nina’s expression, Benzel smiled lightly.

“I hope the day will come when I will fight again with Dame Nina. Maybe the day will come when I will reach that level at least once.”

Nina’s voice was raised without realizing it as she added the words with a faint smile on her face.

“Really why are you like that! Saying things like a death flag!”

And right after talking to me!!

It’s uncomfortable!


“No, never mind.”

After Nina looked around her and made sure no one was there, she whispered low.

“Can you keep it a secret from now on? Including the princess.”

Benzel looked at Nina and said.

“If Nina can keep a secret about what is going to happen from now on. Including His Sire the Duke.”


“Then let`s do that.”

Nina pulled a seed crystal from her arms. She held out the golden-colored seed to him.

“It’s a talisman. Keep it hidden and carry it around.”

“May I ask what it is?”

“It contains some of my spirit power.”

At her candid answer, Benzel looked at her in amazement. He paused as he reached out to her hand that was holding the seed and grabbed it with both of his hands.


When she looked up at him with puzzled eyes, he bowed down.


Too close.

Knowing what he would do, Nina swallowed her breath. His straight forehead tapped lightly against her round forehead.

Breath touched her skin.

His green dotted brown eyes stare intently at Nina.

As if asking for her permission.

Groaning, Nina lowered her gaze, then looked up and closed her eyes. Suddenly, she felt his hand tremble and after a moment, his lips touched softly on her eyelids.

“May the protection of the Great Spirit be with Dame Nina.”

When he finished whispering, Nina lifted her heel.

Her lips touched his cheek.


“May the great spirit be with you as well, Sir Benzel.”

Nina added, raising one of her eyebrows.

“I think you will need more than me.”

Benzel smiled slightly at her reaction. He felt relieved. She didn’t cringe nor feel bothered, she simply received all of his admiration, affection, and respect that he wanted to convey to her.

She knew that he didn’t want a reply or a reciprocation.

How did she know that?

‘I’m rather ashamed of myself.’

I was holding back the desire to touch the cheek she kissed earlier. I felt my cheeks heat up.

Obviously, his face was blushing, but he thanked Nina for pretending not to know. A shining crystal seed moved from her hand to his and Benzel cherished it in his arms.

He patted the product lightly and said.

“It’s not even the Great Spirit, but I have definitely received the Spirit’s protection.”

‘I didn’t mean to give it to you. But somehow, I am weak when I see you acting dangerously.’

Nina swallowed her sigh and said.

“I will tell young master everything from now on.”

When the ‘secret time from now on’ was over, Benzel nodded his head. The normal conversation continued after that, and Benzel enjoyed the secret pleasure of overlapping his footsteps with Nina’s.

They walked around the park, this time picking a shop where they could dine properly. It was very awkward to eat on the terrace outside.

‘I can’t believe I’m eating in front of others. What’s the difference from eating on the street?’

It was no wonder that Benzel was thinking like that because sure enough, a passerby spoke to her.

“Dame Nina?”

Looking back, Nina got up from her seat and replied in a surprised voice.

“Huh? Uh-.”

His name was not called because Prince Faradiv was wearing a disguise to hide his identity. He was dressed as a commoner by anyone’s eyes. Even the hair was a normal brown. The face was also stained with dirt, but the water-colored eyes remained the same.

Benzel recognized him and jumped up from his seat. Unknowingly, Nina grabbed his arm to stop him from curtsying.

Faradiv asked, looking at her and Benzel alternately with a slightly puzzled face.

“What… are you doing…?”

“I am eating.”

Nina replied with a face that said, ‘Can’t you understand if you see it.’

Faradiv asked her back with a face that was very suspicious.

“Should I know?”

“Why are you curious about that…?”

In response to Nina’s question, Faradiv spoke coldly.

“If you don’t know, I’m going to ask you to have dinner with me later.”

Then the waitress over the other side came with a frown and waved his hand to Faradiv.

“Go away, merchants. Guests, we apologize for the inconvenience. May I move you inside?”

Nina smiled openly, Benzel made a very troubled face and Faradiv shrugged his shoulders and stepped back.

“I’m sorry, sir.” (waitress)

“No, that-.”

Benzel looked at Nina, not knowing what to do. Nina said to the waitress.

“We’ll just keep eating outside. It’s okay.”

The waitress, who checked again, withdrew at Nina’s unequivocal answer, but this time, she opened her eyes and stared at the terrace like a watchdog.

Sitting down, Benzel said with a face that he was being stabbed.

“Would it be okay?”

“It will be fine.”

He didn’t appear as a prince, and it seemed that he had to change to come out. Rather, it was surprising that he spoke to Nina. Shouldn’t it be a secret that he’s wearing a disguise?

By the way, does he talks to Benzel while he is with Princess Vialentel?

‘Rather, If Naff finds out, he will be scolded.’

“I think it would be better to pretend you don’t know as if we’ve never met.”

At Nina’s words, Benzel nodded his head.

The mealtime was long due to Nina’s amount of food, as the waitress placed a plate in front of Nina who cleaned it all one after another, she was unable to contain her astonished face.

After finishing about a 4 people meal by myself, she got up from her seat with satisfaction.

“I’ll take you home.”

“What? Dame Nina, I’m-.”

“Because I went to pick it you today. I’ll escort you to the end. Besides I’m not going to go right back to the Duke’s manor.”

Hearing there was a next appointment, Benzel agreed to the offer, appeasing his disappointment.

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