────── •❆• ──────

Faradiv admired her blasé tone, she was definitely in control of her senses.

“I’m sorry.”

Nina smiled at his apology.

“That’s okay. I will go back to the Young Master and be comforted.”

“You’re too much.”

Faradiv said in dismay.

Yes, this is it.

I don’t think I can win against the ‘Young Master’.

But the Lily Knights Commander?

Benzel La Grar?

Lose to that kid? That’s ridiculous. Thanks to that, at that time it seemed that the words came out without me knowing.

“I should get going.”

Nina cast her eyes away.



“Your eyes are really beautiful. Hair color too, it fits you well.”

With a serious face, Faradiv threw words of praise.

Nina wanted to say, ‘This is the same eye and hair color as the Red bear, Jean. Shall I pass on your compliments to him?’ But she endured the joke, and said.

“I will hear the details later. You can go in, right?”


“I cut off the tail. Don’t worry and go home.”

Nina, who greeted him with perfect court manners, flew away. Faradiv looked at where she had disappeared and started walking along the wall.

The secret passage from which he came out was nearby.

‘If Dame Nina tells me not to worry, everything’s fine.’

Without fear of being caught, he followed the aisle.

────── •❆• ──────

Adrian opened the balcony door. Nina sat on the railing with an awkward smile.

“Aren’t you coming in?”

To his question, she whispered in a small, shameful confession “I smell of blood.”.

Adrian stretched out his arms without a word. Nina smiled and hugged him. As she hugged him, Adrian could smell the blood.

“What is this about?”

At his words, Nina rubbed her cheek on his shoulder and said.

“But, Adrian doesn’t like the smell of blood.”

At Nina’s words, Adrian raised his gaze slightly upward and then lowered it again.

I didn’t walk this path with clean hands that didn’t kill a single person. I’ve never thought it was a comfortable and easy path. It would be more convenient if only Bellac was the enemy, but among his enemies, there were humans.

It was rather cumbersome to distinguish who was the enemy and who was not. Still, you have to do it, you have to kill them and you have to keep killing them.

It might be a luxury to be able to say that I hate the smell of blood. It was also a defensive excuse.

Because I don’t want to get used to it or get drunk in it. I don’t want to touch Nina with my bloody hands.

“I don’t like it, but I like Nina more than my hate for it.”

Nina laughed at Adrian’s words and tightened her arms around him. As her mind relaxed, her casual words flowed out.

“It’s so hot these days······.”

While holding her that was still sitting on the railing of his balcony, he replied.

“I know.”

“I just hate being hot.”

“I know.”

In midsummer, Nina’s condition dropped noticeably. Rather than losing physical strength, it was more like mental exhaustion. She becomes sensitive and her sharp nerves sometimes burst, so Adrian had to keep an eye on Nina on hot summer days.

‘It’s okay as long as she’s surrounded by The North Wind.’

Nina let out a sigh. If she spends a few days wrapped in the north wind all day long, her energy will continue to decline, even if it’s little by little.

“But I have a headache, fever, and runny nose.”

Adrian paused at Nina’s words and spoke.

“Isn’t that the Northern wind disease?”

“That’s right. It must have come again.”

Nina sighed, “Ah, I really hate it.”. I went to Kirill because this happened before.

Kirill, who diagnosed it, said, “You are being hit by a cold wind in midsummer, it’s because your body can’t adapt. Seriously, it must be a disease that only you can get.” and named it the Northern Wind Disease.

The prescription is ‘Do not get hit by cold air.’

Nina lamented, ‘Am I an air conditioner?’

Adrian pressed on her bracelet, returning her hair and eye color to normal.

“Stop the cold wind.”

At Adrian’s words, Nina cleared the North Wind while making a whining sound. Other than that, it was hard to bear the headache.

“Can we talk? What happened?”

Nina smirked at Adrian’s question.

“I met Prince Faradiv while having dinner with Benzel. He was disguised, but he came to talk with me.”

“He disguised himself and pretended to know you?”

But I don’t think it’s pretending? Adrian was thinking about it, and Nina continued.

“It seems like he had no one around. I was anxious so I took a peek later, just in case, and as expected he was caught.”

Nina waved her hand.

“So I beat them all and came to the rescue. But the people who followed them were······.”

Nina pulled away from Adrian and looked at him.

“I think they were knights.”



“A knight is pointing his sword at the prince?”

“Yes. No matter how you look at it, movement and swordsmanship were not something they just learned. They’re not city tugs, they’re not like Jack’s, they’re people who have learned traditional swordsmanship.”

It’s not that I used my fists for no reason. That type of person can recognize their opponents just by looking at their swordsmanship or cutting forms.

“Besides, Benzel was very strange. He was weird.”

Nina shared her story with him and Adrian listened.

“I see.”

“Right? Isn’t it strange? Something is weird. It’s fishy.”

“It seems that Princess Vialentil is keeping the door open to Benzel more than expected.”

“He will never betray the princess. If he dies, it’s by his choice.”

“That`s right.”

Adrian replied.

“I will also order a separate investigation on the head of the Temple Knights. Louis is trying to figure out where the temple orphans that were kidnapped have gone. We found a human trafficking organization.”

“Was it physiological? Or physical?”

“The latter.”

“Oh, my.”

It was very rare for Louis to use physical force for something. Maybe that’s where all the stress of paperwork is relieved.

There must be no human traffickers left intact.

“The Knights chasing the prince… I wonder what he discovered.”

“Right? I should go listen to it later. Or maybe he’ll come from there.”

The end of Nina’s speech slowed down. Adrian grabbed her from the railing and stood up.

“I’ll tell them to prepare water. Wash up and go to bed.”

Nina yawned slightly.


I’m sleepy, but I hate the smell of blood. The thought of washing in cold water made her feel better.

‘I should check Benzel later too’


────── •❆• ──────

Benzel quietly pulled out the crystal seed.

‘A crystal that contains the power of the spirit.’

I’ve heard seem a lot of similar things nowadays.

But the piece Nina gave him wasn’t as dark or ominous as the one he saw. It was a bright and cheerful golden like her.

He knows that being seen with Nina is a nuisance.

As the Duke’s fame grew, and the name of Nina La Dell spread everywhere, the more stories he heard about her.

I couldn’t help but not know how it would be seen to interact with Nina even though he was from the Princess faction.

Dame Nina never turned him down for that reason and made no such distinction. But she never said that she wanted to meet him first. Since their first meeting was rude because of him, he thought it would be like that.

So he was happy and excited when she asked to meet him for the first time. When he found out what she wanted, he got a little sad by himself.


She gave him this crystal.

Benzel laughed a little.

The Duke must have been keeping it a secret. He knows that this seed crystal is very precious and should not be circulated. She could have just ignored it, his life wouldn’t be that important to her.

But, she gave it to him.

That was enough.

Benzel put the crystal back in his bosom. He straightened his collar and stood up.

“That doesn’t mean you have to sacrifice voluntarily.”

Dame Nina said that. But as a knight, he had to follow his convictions.

Benzel went straight to see the princess. To his beautiful and elegant master, Benzel bowed his head and said:

“I will volunteer as a test subject.”

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