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They say that a friend who is by your side when life is hard and painful is a real friend.

However, Jean thought it was rather easy to understand and sympathize with pain. It was more difficult for the other people to genuinely rejoice and cheer when the other person was doing well and it was even harder to take pride in other people’s success.

Jean pulled her up and made Nina grab the ladder.

“Thank you, Nina.”

“I was really worried. But now I am really happy.”

Nina’s face did not stop smiling. Louis shouted from above.

“Nina! Are you okay? Did you find Jean?”

“Yes! it’s okay. We are both fine!”

Nina shouted and climbed the ladder. Jean came up last and he closed the heavy iron entrance.

“I’m glad it’s summer.”

Looking back at the wet party, Nina said so. Louis turned to the children. Both the older and youngest children showed signs of exhaustion, and there were children who were nodding their heads as their tensions were released.

Louis’s eyes looking at the children were sweet, and Nina smiled at the scene.

He said.

“There will be a wagon ready nearby. Let’s go.”

“Come on, just walk a little longer. It’s okay, it’s okay.”

Nina encouraged them bravely, and like magic, the words gave the children strength. Jean took Fiona from Louis and carried her on his back, clicking his tongue

“She’s like a scarecrow.”

After sending off Louis and the children in a horse-drawn carriage prepared by the Romie Guild, Jean and Nina started walking.

“Is she still breathing?”

“Yes, she’s alive.”

Her body and the dirt were washed away in the water, so there was less stench than before. Nina dried the cloths of the three using the spirit to avoid walking the street down with wet dripping robes.

Their clothes were so tacky that no one thought they were of high status. The body odor must have played a part too.

“That woman turned into a bellac.”


“Is there a lot of that?”

“I do not know either.”

“It seemed easy because you did it, but……”

Nina shook her head.

“It’s hard for me to say for sure when something like that comes out. First of all, it is difficult to breathe because of the poison.”

“Are you okay?”

Jean stood in his tracks. Nina nodded her head.

“I’ll get better with a little rest.”

“Tell me in advance. Just in case you stumble around.”

“When did I stumble around?”

“You just did! Ah, this little.”

If he could, he would have carried Nina at once, but now Fiona was on his back.

Nina laughed as she took his arm.

“Don’t worry. Let’s go back quickly.”

Jean’s pace accelerated.

Thanks to this, the group returned to the townhouse earlier than planned.

────── •❆• ──────

Hearing the nagging while undergoing Kirill’s check-up “Do you want to keep breaking your body? Every time you come it’s like this.” – Nina asked about Fiona.

Kirill bit her pipe.

“Well. I don’t know what they have done to her body, but she was very weak. If she was left alone like that, she would have gone to the other world today or tomorrow.”

“Is it too serious?”

What if the Saint dies here?

“It would have been serious if she hadn’t met me. But who am I? Isn’t I Kirill, the one who saves almost everyone who is taking their last breath?”

“Did you add that modifier yourself?”

“People who are confident in their skills can always show off by themselves.”

Kirill said so and glanced at the curtains hanging next to the bedside. Fiona was lying on the other side of the curtain.

“It seems that a lot of blood has been taken, and a lot of energy has also been taken away. It will take more time to come to her senses.”

Kirill motioned for Nina to leave.

“Get out. When she wakes up, I’ll tell you the news too.”

“Thank you, Kirill.”

She waved her hands saying nothing. It was like Kirill’s trademark ‘You’re welcome’ and Nina left the treatment room. Adrian was standing next to the door.

“Ah, young master.”

“They said you were hurt.”

“A little.”

“Show me.”

“It’s really okay.”

“Hurry up.”

After a little quarrel, Nina lifted her tunic. Even though the torn hem of the clothes went into the water and came out, the bloodstains were clear.

Adrian’s face darkened and Nina spoke lightly.

“It’s not as bad as it looks. You know how good Kirill’s medicine is. Look.”

There was a pink scar left on the side under the hem that was lifted up. The claws were so sharp that the wound looked like a knife cut, not a torn one.

If it had been a little deeper, her intestines might have been pulled out by the curved hook-like claw, but this cut was only on the skin.

Adrian took off his gloves and gently stroked near Nina’s scar with his bare hands. Nina flinched and he hurriedly took his hand away.

“Does it hurts?”

“No, it’s itchy.”

Adrian breathed out. He quietly looked down at her Nina.

“How did my sword get hit?”

(Note: Nina calls herself Adrian’s sword, for those that forgot the nickname)

“I think I have a lot to report.”

At Nina’s words, Adrian grabbed and hugged her up. Nina opened her mouth and laughed.

“Adrian! I’m dirty and smelly. I have to change clothes.”

“Your side is like that, do you think I’ll let you walk around?”

“You’re exaggerating.”

“I will be fast.”

Adrian said that and started walking. Nina was both ashamed and delighted. He put her down in front of her room. As he called a maid and gave instructions it didn’t seem like he’ll just leave.

She went in and out of the dirty water, so she was in favor to wash and change her clothes, and didn’t care to stop him. Nina felt good as she washed up surrounded by a refreshing herbal scent. She also liked the high-quality shirts made from fine cotton.

When she came out, Adrian was waiting with a towel. Nina laughed and threw herself on the sofa.

He began to carefully dry Nina’s hair.

“Have you contacted Sir Louis?”

“I heard that he arrived safely at the shelter. It looks like he will come back after putting the children to sleep.”

“It’s surprising, Sir Louis is weak against children.”

So maybe that’s why he was weak to us too. Nina grabbed the cushion and hugged it.

“Why? Are you jealous?”

Adrian said teasingly, and Nina tilted her head back.

“Louis is our Sir Louis.”

“Maybe it will continue to be so.”

“Is that so?”


His words made Nina feel better. All of her worries that Louis would leave to take care of the orphans flew away.

The water was dried enough with a towel and by the time Adrian began to apply perfume and meticulously brush from the tip of her head to the end of her hair, Jean came in.

Seeing what Adrian was doing, he frowned. Then Adrian smiled softly and Jean let out a deep sigh.

Nina waved her hand.

“Jean, how’s your body? Are you okay?”

“Better than you.”

Jean said so and moaned as he sat down. He, too, began to bruise in several places, but he was not seriously injured.

“How about Sir Louis?”

Jean also asked the same thing, and Nina replied instead. Jean said with a serious face.

“Are you sure he doesn’t want to become the director of an orphanage?”

“Come on, no way.”

Jean was relieved when Nina dismissed as Adrian had told her.

“So? What happened?”

At Adrian’s question, Jean and Nina looked at each other and started talking.

Nina talked, and Jean often complemented her. In the end, Adrian nodded to the story that Jean signed a contract with The Spirit of water.

“He is indeed the Vice-Commander of the Dark Knights.”

Jean smirked at those words and finished the story after showing off the spirit crest on his arm.

“Did Nina destroy that piece of the Fallen Spirit?”


“A human, who has transformed into a bellac.”

“As Randell said before. What would happen if you put a piece into a living person? I think that’s the result.”

“Then it means that they can mass-produce such people.”

When the perfume had sufficiently absorbed in her hair, Adrian put down the comb. Enjoying the feeling of her smooth hair, Adrian said.

“It’s not happy news.”

“I don’t think it will be that easy.”


“The piece I destroyed was the original. The energy going out was completely different.”

It wasn’t a crystal copy, but a real fragment of the Fallen Spirit Lord.

When Nina pulled her hair out of Adrian’s hand, he made a sad face.

“Didn’t they kidnap Fiona because they needed her for something?” (Nina)

“I have no choice but to ask the person in question directly. In addition…

Looking at Nina, Adrian said.

“Seems like we should go see the famous Sir Edgar.”

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