Chapter 14


At Nina’s question, the two spirits turned silent at the same time. Nina shook her head, wondering if she asked the wrong question.

“It’s not like I’m trying to flatter both of you, it’s just that your voice really sounds familiar. Ehh…… Is it usually like this when you meet a spirit?”

The spirit in armor answered.

-This is the first time.

“First time?”

“Then, is there another time?’ I was going to ask, but the spirit with horns said cheerfully

-Dedicating body and soul, it feels like we have become fallen spirits.

Nina felt embarrassed.

“Is that wrong?”

The armor spirit nodded.

-It’s enough for us to have your trust. There’s no need for you to overdo it like calling for some corrupt spirits or anything else.

“It’s the simplest and the hardest.”

Nina laughed happily, then pointed at herself.

“So am I not dead? Am I okay?”

Nina said, looking at the two spirits with a strange expression.

“Or is it like, I can’t go back anymore because I saw you two…”

-The living cannot see or feel the spirit.

The spirit with horns added playfully.

-But since you’re the first human being to offer her soul in a long time, we wanted to see your face. It was also a good thing for you.

-Because if you know us, it will be much easier to borrow our power.

Nina nodded.

If trust is needed to borrow the power of the spirit, it makes sense to check the other person with your eyes.

Nina tilted her head.

“But I have a question. What spirit are you two?”

The atmosphere became subtle.

It was strangely awkward, so she said hurriedly.

“This spirit is……. You’re the last one I called, right?”

Pointing to the woman while speaking, she nodded.

A huge flame that burns forever.

“The Sun.”

Even through the cloth, she could see her smile gracefully.

A golden aura wraps around her like a corona.

“But this person……. Is not North Wind or Frost.”

He was bigger than them. At Nina’s words, the armored spirit seemed to have somehow become depressed. The sun spoke quickly.

-North Wind and Frost’s owner. A creature who would come when you call for an ally, a Spirit who uses North Wind and Frost at the same time.

Nina carefully opened her mouth after rolling the words in her head.


The end of her word was slightly raised as if not sure, but winter just shrugged his shoulders at Nina’s words.


“Oh, my God.”

Nina gasped.

A spirit is considered a high spirit the more concepts it implies.

Sun and Winter.

It was no different from the word “Supreme Spirit.” In general myths, they are treated as ‘Godlike beings.

-Your body wasn’t strong enough, so there was a lot of damage.

The sun reached out and gently swept down Nina’s hair.

I have prevented damage to your soul, but the body must be reconstructed.

At the end of Winter’s words, Nina nodded. Winter is also used as a defense and shield.

“Then I’m glad winter came first……”

If not, I would have really been burned to the bones. Sun nodded.

-Because winter came first, your body was preserved even after I came down. Still, your body will take quite some time to get it back in its former state.

“How long will it take?”

-Fairly long.

Then Sun abruptly swung her hand as if wielding something, a golden spear suddenly emerged.

-So in the meantime, I’m going to teach you swordsmanship.


It was unexpected, so Nina opened her mouth.

-Your swordsmanship skills did not seem to have been taught by a proper master.

“That……. That’s because I’m a farmer’s daughter, Everything I know was learned after I became a knight.”

Nevertheless, she’s one of the best in the Dark Knights.

Nina was talented, and she raised her nose triumphantly, but Sun said, crushing her delusions.

-I can’t stand that my contractor has poor swordsmanship skills. Don’t you think so too, Winter? It’s terrible!

Winter nodded at Sun’s ruthless words.


Then Sun swung the spear in her hand like a whirlwind.

-Since we have some free time. Let’s learn it properly.

Winter spoke stealthily.

-In the meantime, I will reconstruct your body. It may come out a little different from the past because we will try to increase its durability, and the body is reconstructed under our influence.


-Your eye color and hair color. Other than that, there might not be major changes.

Nina became nervous.

“Is it so much that no one would recognize me?


Winter added.

-Your hair will be white and silver like me, and your eyes will be golden like Sun.

“I can’t confirm the eye color and the hair color of the both of you though.”

Sun bursted into laughter.

-You don’t like it?

“I don’t have a choice, right?”

The Sun stroked its horns and said.

-Then we’ll show you a little more kindness. Since it’ll be a long time before we finish reconstructing your body, let’s increase your bone density and muscles. I’ll make you strong. How about it?

“I like it.”

Nina quietly nodded. The background changed again as the sun giggled and swung the spear. It was a training center lined with various weapons.

-Then shall we start?

Sun was merciless when teaching. She almost rolled to death many times, but she didn’t die.

She was exhausted, but her body was restored to its original state every time Sun waves her hand.

“Not just swordsmanship, but also how to use a spear, magic, archery, and horseback riding…….

She spent so much time training that she thought even a fool would become a swords master at this point.

-It’s done.

Winter appeared.

-Unfortunately. It looks like there’s still a lot for her to learn.

Sun sighed heavily. Nina threw out the sword with the thought that she survived this harsh training.

Then Winter spoke in a low voice.

-We’ve talked about it before. When you open your eyes again, time will have passed.

Nina became a little nervous.

“I think I’ve been training for at least a hundred years, but it doesn’t mean that that much time has passed, right?”

Sun tilted her head.

-Well, about two years in terms of human time? “Ah …”

Has it passed less than as she expected or has it passed too much…..?

“Everyone must be worried. But if it’s two years human time, how much time did I spend here?”

Sun and Winter were silent for a while. In that silence, Nina said, “Don’t tell me it’s actually about a hundred years?!” And shouted in astonishment.

Winter said quickly.

-Everyone is worried, so it would be better to go back quickly.

-Now, open your eyes.

Nina was embarrassed by the sudden push.

“What? Umm? How am I supposed to open my eyes? It’s already open.”

Nina said as she closed her eyes one more time. Then Sun reached out and covered Nina’s eyes. Even though she covered my eyes, it was dazzling.

-Take a deep breath, exhale. However, aren’t you curious?

“About what?”

-Why do you have to experience those memories, such questions.

Nina giggled.

“No, I already know the answer.”


“Everything happened in order for me to meet Adrian.”

There was a smile on her face as she confidently answered. With that, Sun’s hands went away.

“Can I open my eyes now?”

Nina asked, but no answer came back. As she slowly opened her eyes, she was standing in the Violet Forest.

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