────── •❆• ──────

Princess Vialentel and Prince Faradiv entered at the same time.

As always, Princess Vialentel wore a gorgeous circlet, and Faradiv wore a simple circlet.

You can tell that they are siblings thanks to their water-colored hair and eyes, but even though they are of the same lineage, the two had a terrible contrast.

Everyone greeted the princess and the prince. The two stopped lightly across the floor.

It seemed to be the imperial behavior that said they would do what they had to do right away without socializing.

Everyone waited for the appearance of the royal family because the rest of the people could dance only when the highest-ranking royal family danced. As the two began to dance along with the performance, people entered the floor one after another.

Adrian reached out to Nina.

“Do you want to dance?”


As she took his hand and stepped onto the floor, Adrian’s heart began to race.

His toes were close enough that they almost touched, and he was concerned about both his hand on her back and his hand holding Nina’s hand. Even though it’s not the first time they’ve been so close, he was trembling at the thought of it being his first dance with Nina.

‘Let’s not make a mistake.’

The moment he thought about it, Adrian couldn’t remember the first step.

Confused, his brain turned white.

However, the perfectly ripe dance flowed out even though his head was empty for a moment, and Adrian managed to come to his senses. A small trembling came over and Nina’s muffled laugh was heard, making him sigh.

“You are strange today.”

At her first words, Adrian paused. Nina added jokingly.

“Am I that pretty?”


He answered firmly, and Nina smiled. Her childhood friend often can’t take jokes like this.

After the first dance was over, the atmosphere became freer.

Vialentel greeted Faradiv and whispered.

“If you had stepped on my foot one more time, I would have killed you.”

“I’m sorry.”

It was impossible for an imperial family member, who they thought should be perfect, to step on the partner’s foot while dancing.

To make matters worse the opponent was the heir to the same throne as him!

It was unbearable shameful.

Faradiv had no choice but to bow his head and apologize and at the same time, he also felt wronged.

‘No one said you were coming here like that!’

This wouldn’t have happened if Nina had warned him that she was coming in a dress.

I was instantly distracted, and the moment I saw Nina, my mind was empty. Thanks to her, I stepped on Vialentel’s foot.

It was rude not to look at the dancing partner, but he couldn’t stand it without giving a side glance.

All of last night’s nightmares and worries flew away.

As soon as they said goodbye, Faradiv hurriedly went to Nina.

“Dame Nina.”

Faradiv came close as if splitting between the men requesting a dance.

“Prince Faradiv.”

Nina smiled and lightly bent and straightened her knees.

As he couldn’t keep up with her and looked at Nina, he became anxious. He wondered what would happen if he threw out a bizarre topic like last time. Confessing his love in a place where everyone gathers is a completely different matter.

Faradiv held out his hand.

“Would you like to dance a song?”

“Of course.”

Nina answered, putting her hand on his.

To the beat of the song, the two slid into the floor.

Faradiv recognized himself as a salesperson, but it didn’t mean to be self-help. He was a fairly good salesperson, and, like most salespeople, he was always full of confidence.

Especially for the items he sells.

Since he’s selling himself instead of a fountain pen, Faradiv has had a knack for convincing himself that he’s of considerable value, worthy of risking his life and the rise and fall of his family.

He dreamed of the golden Empire he would create, which every royal child of the Empire dreamed of at least once, and there was no doubt that it could be made in a different way than Vialentel.

Vialentel and him.

There is only one fundamental difference between the two.

Whether you bet with your own gambling stake or not.

I think that’s the biggest difference, and he had the boldness to bet his life on the stakes.

Isn’t he even lucky?

Nina came out to the rescue at the last minute. Perhaps the most necessary thing to become an emperor was luck.

He was taught and raised as a ruler of the empire, and unless the person is a decent human being, they don’t risk their lives to fight for the throne.  So he was quite satisfied with himself, especially his stance as a royal prince.

Without a bit of narcissism, who could take on the insane position of Emperor of the Empire?

All that said.

Faradiv stared blankly at Nina’s long, white eyelashes.

There was no praise in his mouth that should have come out smoothly. He was just dancing like an idiot. His tongue seems to have stuck to the roof of his mouth. His confident appearance, his arrogance as a prince, and his charismatic face all disappeared in front of Nina.

He was always, always like this

Behaving like an idiot

“You look really beautiful today.”

That’s the only word he barely uttered, Faradiv clicked his tongue to himself.

Where have all those flashy comments he used to make when he was in business, go?

Nina answered honestly with a smile.

“Thank you.”

Paradise looked at the ceiling and tried not to do anything stupid while letting out a sigh.

“Would you like to go to the terrace for a while? I think we need to wrap up what we were talking about before.”

At Faradiv’s words, Nina nodded her head lightly.

After dancing so as not to go against the manners, the two left the floor and headed for the terrace. Whether they like it or not, there was a small ripple on the onlookers when they disappeared onto the terrace, as everyone was watching their every move.

On both sides of the ballroom, there were large glass window doors between the pilasters, and when you open it, a private terrace was attached.

Nina stretched lightly. The air was cool on a late summer night.

She could hear the noise of people wandering around the outside garden.

Poor aristocrats who came from far away and foreign nobles were proud to come to the Imperial Palace once, so they went to look around.

Nina leaned against the railing of the terrace and looked at the garden, while Faradiv looked at her. As she turned her gaze to him, he sighed.

Why I’m acting like an idiot in front of her?

He knows why.

Because he wants Nina to look at the person Faradiv, not the prince of the Empire. Of course, it was impossible to separate Faradiv himself from the title of prince. It is the blood that flows through him, his mission.


He wanted it. Doing nonsense like a child. Something that doesn’t even appear in fairy tales. As if he were begging her to separate things what he couldn’t separate himself.

This was the case when he saw the sweetness in her moonlight-cold eyes.

(Note: Yes, he says moonlight in the raw, even tho Nina’s eyes are golden. It means he saw the sweetness even when she was strictly professional with their relationship.)

Swallowing a bitter smile, Faradiv looked into her eyes. He smiled faintly, and Nina looked at him seriously.


The answer flowed out more concisely, faster, and more firmly than expected.

“I’m sorry, Prince.”

Knowing that one word would end their last conversation, Faradiv lowered his gaze.

He thought he wasn’t expecting anything, but it still hurts quite a bit.

Through the open terrace window, you could hear the orchestra playing and the sounds of laughter and chatter. It was fortunate that there was not only silence between the two of them.

When he lifted his gaze again, the complex jumbling of his emotions was not seen at all.

With a skillful smile, he said.

“Thank you, Lady Nina. Thanks to you, my heart has been refreshed.”

(Note: He changed her title to Lady here. I dunno why. OMG JUST GO DUDE!)

“It’s nothing.”

“This is my personal request.”

“Tell me.”

“It’s quite hard to say this when I have come all the way here, but can you make me an acquaintance?”

Because I don’t think I’m able to stay as a friend.

“Of course.”

Nina responded willingly, and Faradiv was relieved. He wanted to avoid his hardened and awkward face being seen by her, or leaving his seat without finishing everything properly.

He bowed to Nina. He was a Prince who bowed his head only to the Emperor, but he wanted to do so.

“I was happy to be able to meet you because I was born in the same era as Dame Nina. I hope you are happy.”

Nina lightly bent her knees and greeted him. Faradiv softly laughed.

“People will come outside like swarms of flies that smell meat, so I’ll get out first. Please leave after you have had enough time.”

“What are you going to say?”

“It’s just a personal story.”

That’s better than a vague excuse.

Faradiv kissed the back of Nina’s hand and left the terrace. As he disappeared, Nina let out a long sigh and covered her cheeks.

Refusing a confession is not easy.

‘But it ended well, right?’

While standing in a daze, Nina sighed.

“Randell, how long will you be there?”

────── •❆• ──────

Let’s make a hit List:

Adrian -> Eternal Wait.
Rendell-> Making his game and waiting for a cue.
Benzel-> Gave up with a death flag. Status unknown. MIA.
Faradiv-> Crashed and burn. But managed his last dignity.
Charlotte-> Has already won as biggest fan girl and disciple. She’s smarter than any of the above.
Mimina-> Gave her first child Nina’s name. Won as biggest follower.
Ms. Pocco-> Almost seduced, but it’s on team Louis. (Allegedly)
Fiona-> New addition, waiting for status report.
Lucrezia-> Crazy bitch. Disqualified.

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