Chapter 39


Nina smiled.

“It’s an honor to meet the Grand Sage.”

“You can just call me Randell.”

“Then I will. Please feel free to call me Nina.”

Nina said so, staring at him.

Grand Sage Randell.

Called a genius, he has a great interest in botany, but his magical skills are also unmatched. His blonde hair looks like a mixture of sunshine and pure gold, and his bright blue eyes look like the sea of Antarctica

But of course, they’re all currently hidden beyond those horn-rimmed glasses

The funny thing is, his appearance was very beautiful, and Randell found it very annoying. So he wore enchanted glasses.

That’s right.

The setting that makes you look normal with glasses, and handsome without them. Randell was a male main character with such a setting.

In addition, as if the glasses could change his personality, he acts so cheeky and humorous, and he doesn’t look so bad when wearing them, but when he takes them off and reveals his true beauty, his personality is also laid bare.

For that reason, Fiona, the female lead, thinks that Randell, wearing glasses, and Randell, who is not wearing them, are different characters.

So, if you take off those glasses, you become three times more handsome right?’ Nina’s hand was itching to snatch his glasses, but she decided to hold them in. She didn’t need Randell without his glasses nor his other personality. I only needed him to work hard and help the Duchy survive.

Nina glanced at the simple luggage he was carrying and said.

“It’s too early in the morning, and I think the kitchen hasn’t opened up yet. I’ll tell them to hurry up and prepare breakfast, so I’ll lead you to your room first.”

“The meal is fine. I’d like to talk more about the samples you sent me.”

Nina nodded at Randell’s words.

“Yes, then let’s unpack in the room and move on.”,

“Thank you.”

Randell grinned.

Taking him to the room, Nina told Jean to go back and rest. Jean whispered low.

“What are you going to talk about? He said he was a Grand Sage. Can I just leave the two of you alone?”

Sages are beings that use unknown power that has never been heard of as a source of their magic.

It is more so for a Great Sage, it means that he knows the logic of the world and has deep knowledge of it, but for Jean, that only increased his threat factor.

“He’s not really dangerous.” Unless you stop his research. “And if he’s going to use magic, I have a spirit. That’s what I’m saying.”

Nina replied, even so, Jean tried to say one more word, but Nina only said, ‘How did you become such an overprotective person?’

Then the door opened and closed briskly.

“Come on! Let’s go!”

He looked really motivated.


Nina exclaimed without realizing it. The blue robe is embroidered with gold and has a long hood with decorations.

“It is a symbol of the Sages.”

As Nina laughed, Randell smiled.

“We must wear this when we work outside.”

“I see. Then let’s go.”

Jean quietly followed the back of the party and Nina decided to leave him alone. There’s nothing she can do anymore when he’s already been told to go and rest but doesn’t want to.

Nina guided him to the field for now. There was a fruit that nurtured the firepower of fire. Next to it, Kirill’s herbs were planted in sections side by side.

We also checked the transplanted oil tree. With his twinkling eyes, he eagerly asked questions, and Nina answered with sincerity as far as she knew.

However, when it came to greenhouse herbs, Kirill was necessary.

“Can I wake Kirill up this early in the morning?

Nina was thinking for a while, but Randell was looking at the herb in earnest, amazed by himself.

“This is amazing! It’s similar to a silver-leaf flower and has a rich aroma, but it’s not a silver-leaf! Is there a lot of this in the Violet Forest? There were only negative reports of them being contaminated all the time, didn’t know such things could be found there!”

“What is the difference between this one?”

As Nina tilted her head and squatted next to him, Randell began to explain in excitement. “Look at this. Usually, silver-leaf flowers have a white thick pelt on their back. But this silver-leaf was silvercolored all over it. Isn’t it shining brightly? Besides, the leaves are thicker and the scent is also different!”

Nina leaned over to see the leaves, Randell also slightly moved, but she bumped into him the moment he turned around.



At that moment, his personality glasses fell to the floor.

‘Why can it fall so easily?’

“Uh. -Oh, shit. -Ugh!”

As soon as he swept his head up and uttered abusive language, Nina quickly put his personality’ back on him.

“I’m sorry. Are you okay? My forehead is hard.”

When Nina repeatedly asked, Randell stared blankly at her with his big eyes.


Nina gawked with pure admiration. The brightly colored blue eyes were twinkling.

How could it be so dazzling?

Even beyond the glasses, the eyes were so pretty that she couldn’t help but stare at their beauty. Just like the sea of Antarctica, where the midday sun breaks in the waves.

Without knowing, a laugh came out and Nina smiled standing up from her seat and asked again.

“Are you okay? Can you stand up?”

As she reached out, Randell took her hand and got up rubbing his forehead.

“It’s okay. I’m the only one who’s overly excited. Sometimes this happens when I look at research materials.”

His cheeks were red as if he was embarrassed. Nina comforted him lightly.

“A researcher should have that kind of passion.”

“Dame Nina is kind.”

Randell grinned.

Jean opens his mouth with a slightly irritated expression behind him, but Kirill said one beat faster.

“What the hell is going on in my greenhouse this early in the morning?”

“Kirill?” (Jean)

“Kirill, have you been up since dawn?”

Nina looked back and asked, and Kirill shook the stick she had in her hand.

“I thought there was a thief in the greenhouse.”

Jean said, “Like there’s something you can steal from this greenhouse.” and he was struck by Kirill’s stick.

“So looking at your outfit, you’re the nerd of BlueStone Island.”

Kirill stood firmly with the stick on the ground.

Randell slightly bent his right hand and bent his back, then greeted as if a theatrical actor.

“Randell, Great Sage of the Blue Stone Island.”

Kirill snorted.

“Are the hard-headed ones still out there?”

Randell still replied with a bright expression.

“Wouldn’t it have become harder?”

Nina was embarrassed and looked at Kirill, looked at Randell, and looked at Kirill again. “Is Kirill from BlueStone Island?”

Kirill frowned at Nina’s question, and Randell just smiled, but neither answered her.

‘That should be the answer.’

Nina pulled back and straightened herself, and said.

“Mr. Randell has come to study herbs as a courtesy, Will you cooperate with him, pharmacist Kirill? As the Duke’s deputy, I ask for your cooperation.

Kirill said with a bitter smile.

“You don’t have to act like that in front of me, little kid.”

Nina smiled lightly at Kirill’s words, her pigtails fluttered.

“Then shall I ask you a favor, Kirill?”

“Yeah, why would I refuse when there’s a researcher can use? Let’s talk about it. How great is the skill of a Grand Sage from BlueStone Island.”

“I’ll be happy to listen.”

Nina said, “Then we’ll leave you to yourselves.” She tried to step back, but Randell quickly blocked her.

“Dame Nina.”


“Please pardon me for earlier.”

“No, it’s all right.”


Why are you silent? Nina was just smiling, but Randell coughed and asked.

“Are you interested in herbs?”


It’s a plant that could turn into money on our land, how could she not be interested?

She has to feed her young master with good food.

Randell’s face brightened.

“Then if you have time, can we talk about herbs later?”


You need to know about the product. Of course, of course.

Nina gladly said, “Thank you.” when Randell stepped aside, and Nina left the greenhouse.

Jean said bluntly.

“I’ll stay so you can go.”

It meant that it was dangerous to leave the unidentified Grand Sage and Kirill alone, Nina nodded, and Kirill shook her hand.

“Get out, you are bothering me.”


Jean frowned and tried to say something, but when Kirill squinted her eyes, he grumbled, “Don’t blame me later.”

Scratching his head, he also left the greenhouse.

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