After hearing the detailed location of the lab and the traps. Jack set out.

Nina asked while sitting down on the armrest of the sofa where Randell was sitting.

“But why was he so bizarre? I don’t think that is normal after cutting off one arm? Did the taruka inside him go mad?”

“Of course not. These are just my thoughts but······.”

He unconsciously gestured to take the Tarok out and opened his hand with a sigh.

“When he said that he was going to increase his taruka, I think that he experimented on himself. He must have gathered that power through the spirit fragments and filled it in himself. It also seemed that he needed that fragment to control the power. When he was using magic, he no longer needed the Tarok anymore.”

“So is that why he was easily overwhelmed when the control orb fell off?”

“He hated it as much as holding a rotting skeleton.”

“······I see.”

“But what’s inside is liquid, why do you call it a fragment?”

Nina looked at the crystal ball, which was too transparent and beautifully shiny, with a trembling look. It’s less unpleasant than when the Sage held it up and used his strength, but it still gives out an unpleasant feeling.

‘The only thing that can purify this is the Saint.’

The only thing that could purify a fallen spirit fragment was the heroine, who was a saint.

So in the original work, the pieces found were collected and sealed inside the Temple. It looked like that on the surface.

Thanks to that, no one knew what the high priest was doing with them.

After the appearance of the saintess Fiona with the power of purification, the High Priest moved faster, and the pieces collected by the temple were stolen by the cult.

That’s why the protagonist’s party became increasingly disadvantageous in the original work.

To recognize the collusion between the temple and the cult.

‘Who could even notice that.’

There’s even a case when the Commander of the Knights Templars got killed when a pagan steals a piece of the fallen spirit.

The death of the Templar’s leader, who was close to Fiona, shocked her greatly.

‘That’s why when Randell finds her crying······.’

He soothes her very kindly while listening to Fiona.

Thinking so, Nina looked at Randell. His brightly colored blue eyes, as if even a fluorescent light was hovering around, looked back at her.

‘Randell······. Hmm.’

Will Randell without glasses behave the same way he did in the original story?

‘It’s hard to imagine him acting the same way.’

Nina snorted while recalling the love between Fiona and Randell.

‘Fate will lead him on its own, and if it does not, it won’t kill him to live without a lover.’

“What’s wrong?”

Nina shook her head at Randell’s worried question.


He leaned back and asked seriously.

“Is it because of this fragment? It’s dangerous, so back off a little more.”

“Well, all right.”

Nina got up from her seat and fell a few steps. Randell, who smiled faintly at her, explained.

“This fragment could also be just a medium. Because it’s a part of the fallen spirit, and in this world, the spirits are invisible to the human eye······. This liquid may not be the fragment itself, and there might be something invisible inside it.”

“You might be right.”

Nina thought of Sun and Winter. They didn’t show their faces even though they met in her inner world.

The law that sustains the world.

The things beneath should not dare to break it.

“I’ll keep it.”

At Adrian’s words, Randell raised his eyes and told him.

“Your Grace is also a Spirit Contractor, will that be all right? Wouldn’t it be better to leave it at the temple?”

“Even the temple shouldn’t be trusted right now.”

At Adrian’s words, the two looked at each other silently.

“May I ask for proof of your suspicion?”

“It was the Temple that broke the Violet Forest barrier.”


Randell blinked with surprise.

“I didn’t know that.”

“You may also not know that Nina died and came back to life because of that incident.”

Randell looked back at Nina, and she spoke seriously.

“Come to think of it, the temple has really killed me once, if not for the spirits, I would be dead by now.”

She would have been roasted completely after the Sun Spirit came down.

It felt like a long time ago, but It’s only been a little over half a year since she came back. Adrian, who had experienced everything two years ago, seemed to remember everything more vividly.

‘This is all because the Sun Spirit had trained me for so long.’

Nina made such an excuse to herself. Randell spoke seriously.

“If there’s a cult in the temple, we certainly should not take the risk. But wouldn’t it be even more dangerous for you to keep it?”

“If not me, who else can do it?”

When Adrian asked again, Randell bit his lips slightly.

I’ll keep it.

He’d like to say so but couldn’t, considering his current situation. If he’s kicked out of the island, his accommodation will be unclear.

“It would be safer for us to keep it, but it’ll still be a little dangerous for the spirits. Why don’t you just leave it to Randell?”

Adrian frowned at Nina’s outspoken remarks.

“Sieur Randell······.”

“Besides, can’t Randell just stay with us? It’s going to be a little awkward with the other sages, so stay with us for a while, okay? It would be great if you could continue your research.”

Hehe. Nina said sneakily while smiling.

She looked at the two alternately.

“Hmm? Can’t he? How about it?”


“There’s nothing we can do······.”

Strangely, both seemed convinced but answered with an unconvincing face.

“All right then.”

Nina briefly summarized the situation and told Adrian.

“Young master, I’ll show Randell his room.”

She left the room with Randell when Adrian nodded. She gave him one of the few clean rooms in the townhouse.

“There’s nothing inside, so I think it would be better if we get your luggage. Should I order a servant to do it tomorrow?”

Nina sighed and Randell said what he had wanted to say since earlier.

“Your hair looks pretty.”

“Right? Young master braided it for me.”

“······Your hair?”

“Yes. He’s good with his hands.”

Randell fell speechless at Nina’s smiling face. As he stood silent, Nina took a step closer with a worried expression on her face.

“Are you okay? How did you get the wound around your mouth? Did he hit you? Who took your Tarok?

“Should I tell you from the beginning?”

“Of course, I have plenty of time.”

Nina replied with her hand on her waist. Randell smiled and swept up his hair.

“We talked about taruka earlier, didn’t we?”

“Yes, the power needed to use magic. It’s unchangeable since it’s innate with every wizard since they’re born.”

As Nina summarized, he nodded.

“That’s right. Most of the sages’ research needs taruka. Like how my research revolves on plants, we use magic to alter or change something for improvement.”

“I see.”

“Yes. That also means that the more taruka you have, the more research you can do.”

“It must be hard for someone with less taruka.”

“That’s where the problem lies.”

Randell’s voice stood sharp. His blue eyes are now beginning to glow with anger.

“I didn’t realize that I was blocking all the negative emotions I had when I was wearing my glasses. I was······.”


Because of the biting sound, Nina carefully pulled Randell’s sleeve. He had a tearful face while looking down at her. His eyes glistened.

“I was a tool to supply them with taruka.”

He whispered powerlessly.

When Randell returned to the Blue Stone Island, what he heard the most was, ‘What on earth did you do with your glasses?’

Asking about his work at the Duchy was almost done like an interrogation.

Back then, he thought it was just because they were afraid that the Sages’ knowledge would be revealed outside and be used in the wrong way. However, when he returned to his lab and sat down, his daily life began to fade.

No, there was already a crack, but he didn’t notice it.

Randell was born with an immense amount of taruka, to the point where he was the best in Blue Stone Island. As a result, many people reached out for his help with their research.

That was all right.

The problem came when he said he could no longer hand out his taruka to help other people’s research. He politely asked for their understanding because there were more studies that he wanted to do at the Luverne Duch, and he needed taruka to do that.

Then, unexpectedly, there was a severe backlash.

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