She told him to take Kell to the infirmary and come back.

In the meantime, Jean and Nina listened to Charlotte’s story. Her cheeks turned red and even tears filled her eyes.

She felt ashamed to tell this story in front of Nina.

First of all, when she heard Charlotte’s story, she frowned, and then she was thrilled to hear Raja’s story.

When it was just Jean and Nina, he said with a serious face.

“So Charlotte smashed her opponent’s head with a beer mug.”

“That’s right.”

“But he deserved it, didn’t he?”


“Kell got hurt while he was trying to calm things down.”

“Shall I say he’s a victim?”

“No, why does he get hit on the forehead when he’s a trained knight?”

“That’s also something else entirely.”

Nina clasped her chin, and Jean asked carefully.

“You’re not going to punish him, are you?”

“Well, I will think about it.”

Nina glanced at Jean and said.

“Jean, you can go now. I’ll meet Kell.”

Normally, he would say, “No, let’s meet him together.” But without Nina, it’s a good opportunity to talk with Lord Louis.

After hesitating, Jean nodded.


“Yes, yes. Go talk behind my back.”

“It’s not gossip.”

Jean left the room after correcting her.


Let’s roughly summarize the story.

The three people who were drinking in a pub heard a rumor about the Dark Knights.

There were many good rumors mentioned, and as the voices of the persons who told the story grew, there were also people who commented condescendingly.

“Uh, it was a very bad rumor about you.”

Charlotte said with bleak eyes, and Raja roughly said, “It was sexual,” but couldn’t raise his eyes.

Unable to hold back anymore, Charlotte rose from her seat saying.

-“Watch what you’re saying.”

The opponent seemed to have made insulting remarks at such a Charlotte.

When the patient Charlotte told him to correct the fact about the commander, the person said something unspoken about Nina again. At that moment, Charlotte hit her opponent’s head with a beer mug.

Then the gang fight began.

Kell, who was trying to mediate in the middle, had his forehead torn apart, and Charlotte and Raja had their eyes turned upside down when they saw it······.


Nina got up from her seat and headed for Kell’s room. When she knocked on the door, it was Charlotte who came out.

“I guess you are all in here?”

At Nina’s words, Charlotte quickly opened the door wide.

“Please, come in.”

When Nina stepped in, Kell quickly got up from her seat.

“How’s your wound?”

“Thanks to the medicine, I’m fine. It’s almost healed.”

The light pink bangs were slightly lifted, with only faint reddish marks remaining.

“That’s a relief. If it had been torn a little lower, you would have hurt your eyes.”

“I’ll be careful from now on.”

Nina looked back at Charlotte and Raja. Raja stood with his chest stretched out as if he was determined not to go out, and it seemed that Charlotte did not know what to do in this situation.

“Sir Charlotte.”

“Yes, commander.”

“For a knight to smash a beer mug to civilian’s head, you’re going to be penalized.”


Charlotte looked up sharply.

“He said bad things about me?”

Nina’s golden eyes slowly gazed at her. Charlotte nodded her head.

“Yes, he said something awful.”

“Well, you said there were compliments before that.”


“You listen to my compliments, and you go and beat the ones with gossip? After all, what others say is the same.”

“It’s different!”

“If they don’t affect me, it’s the same. Just because they praise me doesn’t make me a good person, and talk shit about me doesn’t make me a bad person. Charlotte, don’t worry about it.”

“But then—” (Charlotte)

Her mint-colored eyes were blazing.

“Then, if a person who was doing nothing wrong was being harassed and bullied because of rumors, should we just, should we just······.”(Charlotte)

By the end of her tone, she was in excruciating pain.

“Why would that happen······.”

Nina opened her lips slightly.

She reached out her hands to cover Charlotte’s cheek.

“Charlotte Rem.”

A distorted face looked at Nina.

“I’m not saying that reputation isn’t important. But what I’m saying is it doesn’t affect me. That bullying doesn’t affect me, and I don’t suffer from it.” (Nina)

It’s okay, Charlotte.

“You were worried.” (Nina)

Nina smiled and hugged her in her arms. Charlotte, like a little child, buried her face on Nina’s shoulder. Kell and Raja turned their gaze back and forth with embarrassed faces.

Nina turned her eyes and touched Kell.

It means to come closer, so Kell approached carefully.

“Sir Kell, you knew that he was an instigator, right?”

Raja looked up, “Huh?” and Kell said with an ashamed look.

“I thought he might be.”

Nina reached out and patted him on the head and continued.

“You don’t have to get hurt because of trifling things. Don’t ever do that again.”


His voice was shrinking.

It was no different from Charlotte, who leaned on her shoulder. Raja spoke with his face shuddering.

“So what if he’s an instigator, he should just get hit? He deserved that punch.”

“What if he yells at the Black Knights later for being beaten? It’s better than our side suffering damage.”

“We beat them all up anyway, didn’t we?”

“Now it’s both, right? “

Raja’s face was crumpled when Kell’s words pointed to his forehead.

“You’re so annoying.”

Then Raja stomped and left. Kell shrugged his shoulders.

“He’s angry at me.”

“I-I’m angry, too.”

Charlotte looked up from Nina’s shoulder. When Nina let her go, Charlotte looked straight up at Kell.

“Kell got hurt, so I think it’s all my fault and now, I’m angry. I was so worried. Did you get hurt on purpose?”


“That makes me angry. Did you think that I won’t be concerned and worried?”

Kell looked at her in sheer bewilderment.

His olive-green eyes, which are always calm, slightly shook.

Nina watched interestingly.

Like a habit, he fiddled with the earring on his right earlobe. Then he spoke quietly after a while.

“I never thought I’d hurt your feelings.”

“Yes, that’s why I am angry.”

At Charlotte’s words, Kell shut up, and Nina cleared up the situation.

“Then all three will be disciplined.”

Surprised, Charlotte looked back at Nina and said.

“I’m the only one who’s at fault. Both of them did nothing wrong, they just got caught up in it.”

“Still. Tomorrow, the three of you will clean the basement.”

Cleaning the basement.

Charlotte kept her mouth shut because it was a disciplinary action that only students would receive. Kell grabbed her shoulder and said when she was about to speak again.

“Yes, ma’am. We will make it squeaky clean.”

“Okay, then start early tomorrow morning. Tell Raja.”

“Yes, I’ll let him know.”

Kell politely opened the door for Nina. She smiled as she left.

‘Is this how Lord Louis felt when he looked at me and Adrian?’

They are good children who are worth raising.

‘No, saying they were good kids was a bit too much.’

Haha, Nina smiled inside and headed upstairs. As she climbed the stairs lightly, she suddenly stopped and backed away.

“Randell? Are you alive?”

When she called out to the door, the door opened after a long time later. Randell was standing with a very exhausted face.

“I’m alive.”

“You look like someone who came out of a coffin.”

“I have nothing to say about that.”

The bright, transparent blue eyes and shiny blond hair also looked depressed.

“I don’t think I even have to ask you if you’re okay. Do you want to go up to the rooftop for a second?”

Randell hesitated at the words, glanced back, and decided.

“No, I think I’ll be done in a little while. I’ll get it done.”

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