The Wuji Magnetic Mountain is in the upper part of the defense, and the armor is added to protect the body.

Anyway, around Poison Spider Mountain, he has arranged magic circles and enchantments, and he is not worried that the aura of the fairy tools and magic tools will leak out, attracting monks and evil spirits.


Yu Canhua's face was speechless, Jiang Lin actually had a fairy weapon!

This is not the point. The point is that Jiang Lin should have taken it out and used it long ago. As a result, I don't know what he was thinking.

This kind of operation, Rao is because she has a lot of knowledge, and she really can't understand it.

Equally speechless and dazed, there was also the demon spider poisonous woman on the opposite side. She was almost in a position to win, but Jiang Lin took out several powerful magic weapons at this time.

Damn, there are also fairy weapons!

Originally, if Jiang Lin only took out one or two pieces, the Venomous Spider Woman might not be surprised but happy, after all, she killed Jiang Lin, and all the spoils belonged to her.

But now, she couldn't be happy anymore, the ugly mouth that was squeezed into a ball on her face kept twitching.

"Humph! That... There is a kind of fighting against the old man for [*] rounds, and using these things to suppress the old man, what kind of hero!"

The demon spider poisonous woman is empty, directly empty, and wants to use the aggressive method to stimulate Jiang Lin.

"Old witch, I'm here to kill you today. If you want to fight with me for another [*] rounds, you still have to see if you're reincarnated or not!"

Jiang Lin laughed, and then he made a seal with his hands, and punched out all the magic weapons.

Before that, he fought fiercely with the Demon Spider Poison Woman, and he also saw the shrewdness of the monsters here and the evil spirits of Middle-earth. The monsters here are indeed better at fighting than those over there.

If nothing else, fighting in a disguised state has left his family's colorful tiger king and flying rat king a few streets away.

Now Jiang Lin has seen many methods of the demon spider poisonous woman, and he already has a lot of injuries on his body, and his eyes have been severely injured, so he does not intend to drag it any further and directly kill the demon spider poisonous woman. Done.

The poisonous spider woman saw that the magic tools Jiang Lin sacrificed were all extraordinary, and she knew that she couldn't carry it hard, so she sprayed a large amount of poisonous mist to cover herself and escaped into the air.

"Want to run? Can you run away?"

Jiang Lin swung the immortal staff in his hands, and the immortal staff suddenly became about thirty meters long, and instantly smashed it on the head of the poisonous spider woman, knocking her down.


At this time, the attacks of various magical weapons also fell on the body of the poisonous spider. Apart from the explosion, it was the unwilling roar and screams of the poisonous spider.

After that, Jiang Lin controlled seven or eight immortal artifacts to hover in all directions, blocking all the retreats of the poisonous spider woman.

"The old man will perish with you!"

After the smoke cleared, a giant spider over fifteen meters long and wide appeared in the hole formed by the explosion.

The poisonous spider woman had been forced to manifest her body by Jiang Lin.

Good guy, the strength of the main body has reached the peak of the demon emperor.

Jiang Lin felt the strength of the monster spider poisonous woman's demonic energy, and his face changed slightly. The attack of several magic tools just fell on the monster spider poisonous woman, and it only caused her to lose a few body spider feet.

At this moment, Jiang Lin had already determined that even if he did his best, with the help of the power of the corpse, if he did not use foreign objects, it would be difficult for him to kill the poisonous spider woman.

However, even if the poisonous spider woman becomes her body, it cannot change the result.

Jiang Lin's hard power is not good, but he has all kinds of equipment.

Equipped to roll over.

"Dying with me, you want to be beautiful!"

Jiang Lin controlled the magic weapon to blast out rainbow light and bombarded the poisonous spider woman. While suppressing the firepower, he also sacrificed Wuji Magnetic Mountain.


"Damn, blind my eyes and smash you into meat sauce!"

Jiang Lin clenched the immortal staff tightly in both hands, and smashed the demon spider poisonous woman's spider head with stick after stick.

Blood splattered and pus splattered.

"Huahua, this thing is dead, you come to collect the head."

Jiang Lin also pointed a little on his forehead, letting Yu Canhua land in front of him.

"Who is Huahua!"

Being called so affectionately by Jiang Lin, Yu Canhua's hair stood on end.

"I have no ability at all now, where did I use the fairy weapon?"

"I'm not here?"

Jiang Lin asked Yu Canhua to take the immortal staff, and grabbed her hands behind him.

"Go away and take advantage of me!"

Yu Canhua struggled in Jiang Lin's arms, but couldn't break free at all.

"This old mother abused you so much in the past, don't you want to let go? And even if you don't think about yourself, several of your righteous brothers have been raised by him as pigs and dogs, and you won't vent for them?"


After Jiang Lin said this, Yu Canhua snorted proudly and stopped struggling.

The Venomous Spider Woman, a poisonous spider spirit, was fed a mouthful of dog food before she died. Until she died, she didn't believe that she would really burp.

After all, she had done things for Heavenly Court before, and now that she was retaliated against, Heavenly Court should rescue her.

She could not have imagined that Jiang Lin had isolated the area of ​​Poison Spider Mountain long ago. If it hadn't been specially checked by Heavenly Court, he would never have found out that there was a battle here.

After knocking the poisonous spider woman to death, Jiang Lin took out the old woman's soul and burned it with the real fire of the sun, including her body, and no ashes were left.

Jiang Lin didn't even plan to take away the demon pills of the Demon Spider Poison Woman, but if he took it on his body, it might have exposed the jade flower.

"Pop! Kill the demon emperor and get [*] points of anger."

The sound of the system sounded in Jiang Lin's mind. After confirming that the poisonous spider woman was completely destroyed, he let all the Yang flames in his body be released, and the entire poisonous spider mountain was burnt into ruins, and he couldn't see it at all. There are signs of fighting.

Yu Canhua looked at Jiang Lin and asked, "You... what are you going to do?"

In order to deal with the demon spider poisonous woman, Jiang Lin took a pair of eyes. Even if Yu Canhua had any opinion on Jiang Lin, at this time, she still had an indescribable feeling in her heart.

"If you are blind, you will be blind. What else can you do? See it."

Jiang Lin smiled. He had a lot of rare materials and treasures on him, as well as fairy grass and fairy flowers. It shouldn't be a big problem to restore his eyesight.

"Why are you calm? Since you have so many magical tools, why didn't you use them earlier? Do you want to show yourself in front of me to prove yourself? You do this, it seems very naive to me, do you know that? Now your eyes They are all blind, and they are still trying to be strong.”

Jiang Lin's calm attitude directly caused Yu Canhua to explode, just to vent her anger and to show herself in front of her, she blinded her own eyes.

Does this make any sense?

The first thousand four hundred and sixty-two chapters war of ghosts and gods

Jiang Lin: "..."

Do I really need to prove myself in front of you to express myself?

You are destined to be my woman.

Jiang Lin was speechless, Yu Canhua actually misunderstood his intentions.

He also regarded him as the kind of man who smiles for Bo's face and has a convulsion in his head.

"Why do I have to prove myself in front of you and express myself? Can't I really feel sorry for you? Avenge you sincerely? I didn't use the magic weapon in advance, that's because I need to confront the demon emperor head-on to increase my experience in cultivation. , do you really think I'm messing around?"


After listening to Jiang Lin's explanation, Yu Canhua was speechless for a while, and then she thought that Jiang Lin was able to hide from the sky before, but Jiang Lin's temperament and mentality are definitely far beyond ordinary people, such a thing should not happen. Do.

"I am your destined husband, do I need to capture your heart in such a stupid way?"

"Who said you were my husband! You idiot, big bad wolf!"

Yu Canhua looked at Jiang Lin angrily. It was not that she had never met a man who loved her, but no man had ever come up and said that he was her destined husband.

"Since you are so calm, it is estimated that blindness is nothing to you, I am leaving."

Yu Canhua flew out directly. She didn't really want to leave Jiang Lin, she just wanted to keep a safe distance from Jiang Lin. When Jiang Lin's situation improved, she was ready to leave.

She felt that if she didn't leave, Jiang Lin might actually do something.

After all, Jiang Lin didn't know what the wind was, thinking he was her husband, and God knew if he would make some kind of request.

You don't want to run!

Jiang Lin threw out the Yin Huo Whip, wrapped around Yu Canhua's waist, dragged her back, and grabbed her hand again.

"You let me go!"

"I'm blind now. How can I drive without you as my eyes? If you run away, I'll make you a ghost bride."

Jiang Lin smiled, then recalled all the magic tools, and let the golden wheel fly out of the body, and flew up with the jade remnant flower.

It seemed that the poisonous spider woman did not know the original fate of Yu Canhua, but in order to avoid more troubles, Jiang Lin decided to leave the poisonous spider mountain as soon as possible.

After flying for hundreds of miles, the originally clear night sky suddenly darkened, the dark clouds above fell down, and the loud battle drums and shouts of killing came from it.

"That's... Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals!"

Yu Canhua looked up and saw that under the bright moonlight, auspicious haze bloomed in the dark clouds above, and there were countless warships floating above the dark clouds.

At the same time, the sky in the distance suddenly cracked a big hole, and dense black spots flew out from it, and the endless ghosts spread to all directions, spreading for thousands of miles.

Ghost Soldier Ghost General.

"It seems that it should be a battle between Heaven and the Nether Ghost City. Let's go down and fly close to the ground."

Jiang Lin saw this scene from Yu Canhua's eyes, and based on what Zhong Kui said before, he was sure that this was the war between Yungong Heavenly Court and Nether Ghost City.

After Jiang Lin and Yu Canhua lowered their flying heights, the battle really started in the distant battlefield.

Ghost war.

Really eye-opening.

Jiang Lin had never seen such a battle before, I am afraid that only the battle of the gods he had heard of could create such a momentum.

It's like the sky has changed.

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