For a long time, Jianglin's Wuji Magnetic Mountain was basically used for body protection, and the immortal staff was used as a powerful attack method.

However, the attack power of the immortal staff is not outstanding among immortal weapons.

If the immortal staff is replaced with the golden sword of criminal industry, then he really has a few traces of the possibility of directly beheading the immortal.

"I know what to do."

"Okay, I need to break through the great formation to protect the wishful jewels with all my strength. It will take a long time. You will be watching over the red flower. You kid, you are quite thoughtful."

After praising Jiang Lin, Tianjun Danhuo took back a ray of his Primordial Spirit. Since Jiang Lin left some means around Danhuo Town, he can feel relieved.

He really hadn't thought of this episode before.

"Jiang Lin, you shed a lot of blood!"

In the sword casting room, Hong Hua saw the bloodstains under Jiang Lin's feet, only to think that when an accident happened before, Jiang Lin flashed in front of him, blocking the strange sharp light and shadow.

She turned to Jiang Lin and covered her mouth in fright when she saw the terrifying wound on Jiang Lin's body.

"It's okay, just wrap it up."

Jiang Lin waved his hand, the wound on his body just looked scary, and it didn't hurt him at all.

"I'll go to the room to get you medicine."

Hong Hua hurriedly went to her room to get Jiang Lin's wound dressing cloth, but as soon as she saw the messy sword casting room, she almost collapsed. There was nothing left, it was completely destroyed!

"My sword casting room! How could this be?!"

Hong Hua grabbed her hair, crying and grimacing, her sword casting room was completely destroyed.

Although she knew that it was because of the golden sword that Jiang Lin brought, she couldn't blame Jiang Lin, after all, Jiang Lin didn't expect this situation at all.

Moreover, Jiang Lin suffered such a serious injury in order to protect her.

While refining his corpse poison and healing his wounds, Jiang Lin walked out of the sword casting room. He had to protect Hong Hua's sword cottage.

This Jianlu is Honghua's foundation and her home. Of course, Jiang Lin can't let Xingye Dao and Wu Hook Jian destroy it.

Moreover, he had to use the sword house to recast the golden sword of criminal industry, and it was even more impossible for the sword, light and sword shadow to completely turn this place into ruins.

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-seventh chapter is sleepy, there is a pillow

When Jiang Lin arrived in the yard, Xingye Dao and Wu Hook Sword had already flown into the sky to slash each other frantically. Although Xingye Golden Sword was inferior in quality to Wu Hook Sword, it also slashed the mortal bodies of Yuan Detai and Gui Baxian. , the magic weapon that made them re-nirvana, the karma and blood on the blade are not comparable to Wu Hook Jian.

Therefore, even if the quality is inferior, the Golden Sabre of Criminal Industry will not lose out in the process of fighting against Wu Hookjian.

Jiang Lin didn't care about the two weapons for killing each other. In fact, he couldn't control it either. The gas field formed by the two killing weapons spurted out the sword wind and sword energy one after another, so that he couldn't even get close. .

He could only move his body quickly in the courtyard to disperse the raging sword wind and sword energy.

In the end, even Jiang Lin couldn't keep up with the speed. He frowned and made a seal with his hands, causing the three-legged golden crow to appear. The golden crow's huge wings surrounded the Xingye Dao and Wu Hook sword, and the red was saved. The sword house of flowers.

At this time, Hong Hua took the medicine cloth and ran out. Seeing that there were bloodstains everywhere in the yard, and there was almost no damage to the yard, and seeing Jiang Lin casting spells in the air, she knew that Jiang Lin must have endured it before. Pain protects her sword house.

Walking to Jiang Lin's side, Hong Hua tugged at his sleeve and said, "Why are you being so brave? The sword house is destroyed, and it can be built again. If you are seriously injured and die, you will be in trouble."

"This is your home. I don't want it to be ruined. There's nothing wrong with this injury."

Jiang Lin responded with a sound from Hong Hua, and then output a lot of spiritual power. Now the Xingye Dao and Wu Hook Sword have also reached the final stage of confrontation. on the ground in the yard.

Honghua listened to Jiang Lin's words, looked at him, and felt a little warm in her heart. She really cared about her Jianhu, which was the only memory her parents left her.

Now, in order to help her preserve this cherished place of memories, Jiang Lin would not hesitate to be seriously injured.

"What's the matter with your golden sword and the Wu hook sword I made? If this happens again in the future, my sword house will be out of guarantee."

After Hong Hua applied medicine and bandage to Jiang Lin's wound, she looked at the two weapons in the yard, and her eyebrows were almost twisted together.

Jiang Lin picked up the Xingye Dao and Wu Hook Sword in his hands, and said to Hong Hua: "They should have initially acquired spirituality and are incompatible with each other, but now both weapons have been damaged a lot, and they should not appear again in the future. Such a thing. Before Danhuo Tianjun gave me a voice transmission, saying that these two weapons can be recast, making them a pair of magical weapons for killing immortals and killing Buddhas. Let's deal with the sword casting room and deal with them Do some repairs and renovations first, and this should not happen again.”

"That's fine."

Honghua breathed a sigh of relief, Wu Hook Sword was entrusted to her by Danhuo Tianjun, and she could not give up halfway. Now that Jiang Lin said that similar situations would not happen again in the future, she felt more relieved.

After that, Jiang Lin and Hong Hua were busy working together, and it took three or four days to restore the sword casting room initially.

"Jiang Lin, hurry up and cook, it's getting dark, I'm starving to death."

"I'm still sick, and you don't have any sympathy for me."

"Your body is like a bull. The wounds on your body have been scarred in just a few days. Cooking can still tire you out."

Hong Hua pushed Jiang Lin, and in the past few days, her mouth and stomach were completely captured by Jiang Lin's craftsmanship.

Over the years, except when Danhuo Tianjun brought her a candy man, the time she and Jiang Lin ate together made her feel the happiest.

Jiang Lin smiled. Just as he was about to take a step, he suddenly felt a few demonic energy appearing in Danhuo Town, moving quickly towards Jianlu.

"The Demon King is right, the previous momentum is the sign of the holy weapon before the birth of the divine weapon!"

"Yes, I heard that there is a swordsmith here, and most of them have made some treasures."

"Kill it, take the baby and give it to our Demon King!"

Outside the Jian Hu, a group of black-faced monsters landed at the door, making a sharp and unpleasant sound.

A few days ago, the Xingye Dao and the Wu Hook Sword clashed, and the vision caused by it spread to a hundred miles away from Danhuo Town, alarming a demon king.

The Demon King sent a group of his men to search around and finally found Danhuo Town.

"It seems that if you want to eat, you have to wait for a while. There are some devils outside, who came to Jianlu. I have to deal with it."

Jiang Lin showed a helpless expression to Honghua. Although Honghua was already starving, she had to wait a while if she wanted to eat.

After he finished speaking, Jiang Lin walked out with the bone sword.

It seems that this is really sleepy, so there is a pillow.

Jiang Lin rejoiced in his heart again, now that the Sun Tribulation is coming, it is only half a year away, and when he gets the Wishful Orb, he will have to go to Chu State.

Just after the breakthrough, he has to participate in the great event, which requires a lot of hostility to upgrade the level of the Sun-Earning Art, or to open the upgrade authority of some thaumaturgical spells to upgrade.

And he didn't have much time to slay demons and eliminate demons on the road. At this moment, some monsters took the initiative to send him to the door to recharge him.

Just don't get too comfortable.

He had already heard the exchange of the few monsters just now. Apart from the little demons at the door, there was a demon king behind him.

Then come as many as you want, and he will not refuse anyone who comes.

All chopped off.

"It's those abominable monsters again!"

Hong Hua was so angry that she bit her teeth lightly. She knew that there were some sneaky demons around Danhuo Town. In the past, Danhuo Town was often harassed by these demons, but after the appearance of Danhuo Tianjun, these demons and demons were taken away. , dare not come again.

But now, the guts are fat again.

If you delay this girl to fill her stomach, I will kill you with my own hands.

Hong Hua snorted and endured hunger in her stomach. She went to the sword-casting furnace to forge and repair the damaged Wu hook sword.

Even if she is just an ordinary person, with Wu Hook Sword in hand, she can kill ordinary demons.

"Whoops! There's actually a monk here, so I can't go wrong. He must have entrusted the swordsmith here to cast the treasure!"

"That's right, if we take away the baby, we'll swallow a few of this kid and increase his cultivation, wouldn't it be beautiful?"

"I haven't tasted the monk's body for a long time."

A few black-faced demons entered the yard and ran into Jiang Lin head-on. When they saw Jiang Lin, they all laughed awkwardly.

Although they were fighting alone, they couldn't fight against Jiang Lin, the cultivator at the pinnacle of foundation building, but they believed that as long as they joined forces together, it would not be difficult for them to kill Jiang Lin.

The first thousand four hundred and seventy-eighth chapter is called play hard to catch

"How do you know there are artifacts here?"

Jiang Lin looked at the five black-faced demons on the opposite side, and deliberately asked this question. He actually wanted to reveal the information about the powerful magical weapons being cast here.

The demon king who sent these demon cubs to capture the treasure did not come with him, and Jiang Lin needed to prevent other demons from coming to Jianlu to harm Honghua, so he had to watch in Jianlu.

I couldn't go to the Demon King's lair, so I destroyed it.

If these devil cubs know that there are artifacts here, and if one escapes and goes back to tell the devil, then the devil probably won't miss the opportunity and will come in person.

He just has to wait and see.

"Haha, boy, there really is an artifact. If you are wise, hand over the artifact you cast. Our brothers will also leave you a complete soul for you to die."

"That's right, as long as the word 'no' comes out of your mouth, I'll turn you into a jerk in an instant!"

The five black-faced demons held their arms and looked at Jiang Lin with smiles on their faces.

"If you want to get an artifact, you have to see if you have the ability."

Jiang Lin snorted, and charged forward with the bone sword upside down.

"It's just too much!"

The few black-faced demons didn't take Jiang Lin as anything, they immediately dispersed and surrounded him in the center.

Jiang Lin didn't use the means of thunder. Since he planned to let the Demon King come over, he couldn't show his full strength. If he killed a few black-faced demons in one fell swoop, he might let one go back to report, and that Demon King would throw the rat against the mouse. .

"This kid, I didn't expect to have some strength!"

"What should I do? Withdraw first?"

"Remove you, if we can't even take him, can the devil give us good fruit to eat when we go back?"

"Maybe it will kill us, let's fight with all our strength!"

Even if Jiang Lin didn't show his strength, these black-faced demons couldn't do anything to him. A few demons attacked Jiang Lin again.

After a while, Jiang Lin was no longer ready to grumble and start killing.

Kill a demon with one sword.

However, he did not show a crushing attitude, and it was not easy to pretend to win on purpose.

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