With a gloomy face, the black snake spirit finally decided to continue to break through and force the pass.

Otherwise, once it fails, it may not have a chance next time.

Moreover, Cai Bao swallowed everything, and if he gave up, it would be completely in vain.

"Ha ha……"

Outside the cave, after Jiang Lin heard the roar of the black snake spirit, he lowered his voice and laughed.

"Hey, just wait until you don't want to give up."

Sensing that there were more and more thunders in the sky, Jiang Lin controlled the three Charming Spirits with his mind, and let them rush through the gate in unison.

The black snake spirit just wanted to break his head, but he didn't expect Jiang Lin to be doing a ghost outside.

The three Charming Spirits were in the sky above its cave and took the initiative to attract the thunder.

No wonder it couldn't think of it. You must know that the entire Chu country is already in the core area of ​​human beings. In this country, there are almost few monks, and there are even fewer evil spirits and demons.

Even if there is, it is impossible to come around the capital of Chu State.

As soon as the three Charming Spirits made a breakthrough, the cave that had been blinded by part of the secret became a target again.

One after another, the thunder struck down.

In addition, there were quite a few lightning stones thrown by Jiang Lin around the cave—it turned into a big scene.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin summoned with his mind to let the three Charming Spirits break the breakthrough process. Now that their role has been achieved, Jiang Lin does not want to raise tigers for the time being.

After he breaks through in the future, let them break through again.

Anyway, there are many treasures in heaven and earth, and smashing them with treasures can also make them smashed to a higher level.

After recalling the three charm spirits, Jiang Lin hid them in the ancient mirror.

Keep watching.

The mountain where the cave was located was directly smashed by dozens of thunderbolts, and the cave house of the black snake spirit was also exposed.

Oh~ it turned out to be a black snake demon emperor, a black snake spirit.

Seeing that the black snake spirit in the cave was revealed, Jiang Lin knew that his enemy this time was a black giant snake spirit.

It really corresponds to the image of the black python swallowing the dragon.

"Spicy Gobi! What's going on? What's going on here??!"

What a swollen fat west! ! !

At this time, the black snake spirit, the protagonist in the play, was completely dumbfounded.

Confused face, full of anger.

It's okay to absorb the national fortune of the Chu State. TNND, how can there be so many thunderstorms?





After the black snake spirit was exposed to the thundercloud, every time it was struck by a thunderstorm, it cursed one more "day" in its mouth.

Furious, full of foul language.

This script, his Amu's, his second uncle's, his seventh uncle's grandfather's, is not right at all!

Even, it cursed its Heavenly Master fiercely and greeted its eighth ancestors.

It is said that the treasure of the day can avoid the catastrophe?

It is said that the breakthrough progress will be smooth!

I say you fairy board board!

While scolding, the black snake spirit showed its body, madly swallowed the surrounding spiritual energy, and used itself as a relay to send the spiritual energy into its own demon pill.

"I'm angry! I hate it!"

An hour later, the black snake spirit finally broke through and became a demon ancestor, but unfortunately, the demon spirit he condensed couldn't be worse.

Really became a cripple demon ancestor.

Not only that, in the process of breaking through, it suffered a lot of lightning strikes, resulting in damage to its own origin, which cannot be completed in a short period of time.

"Just jump on your feet. When the Prince Regent thinks he has succeeded, it will also be the moment for you to perish."

At this time, Jiang Lin had already taken Zhong Chuchu and flew away under the cover of the green bamboo umbrella.

Now, as long as he continues to wait for a few more days, there will be no problem at all.

Chapter [*]: Fighting the Demon Ancestor Again (Part [*])

"Xianchang, what exactly is that big black snake? It's so terrifying. Why is there such a monster lurking near the capital of Chu State?"

On the way, Zhong Chuchu asked Jiang Lin about the black snake spirit. She didn't understand why there were such monsters around the capital.

Their Chu country has always worshipped the heavens and was blessed by the heavenly court. Such a situation has never happened before.

"It's a black snake spirit with a very high level of cultivation. I told you before that if you have a national disaster in Chu, it should be on the regent, but behind the regent, there is that black snake spirit. Support, this is the catastrophe that your Chu country is destined to have. You don't have to worry too much about these things, even if I explain to you, you may not understand. Anyway, I am here, naturally they will not succeed. "

Jiang Lin didn't talk to Zhong Chuchu too much, and it was meaningless to say it. As long as Zhong Chuchu acted according to his instructions in the next few days, the national fortune of Chu State could be preserved.

And he can also borrow the Temple of Heaven from the Pleiades Sun on the grounds of saving the state of Chu.

When they arrived at the foot of the mountain forest where the garrison area was located, Jiang Lin controlled the whereabouts of the Rijin Wheel and let Zhong Chuchu go to the palace by himself.

"Xianchang, are you leaving again? Where do you live? Why do you show up as soon as I am in danger?"

Seeing that Jiang Lin was leaving again, Zhong Chuchu felt a little empty in her heart, and wanted to ask where Jiang Lin lived in Xianju.

"You may not believe me when I say it, but I've always been by your side."

"Ah? By my side?"

Zhong Chuchu was taken aback. If Jiang Lin was always by her side, wouldn't that mean that she did some shameful things, such as finding someone to play Jiang Lin, and rehearsing the script were all known?

"Why didn't I see you?"

However, when Zhong Chuchu thought about it, he felt that it was impossible. If Jiang Lin, a great living fairy, was by her side, how could she not be able to see, and she was not blind.

Jiang Lin spread his hands and said, "That's because I can be invisible."

In fact, he told this lie, that is, to make Zhong Chuchu restrain a little bit, and stop looking for his other identity - that waiter officer to play some plots with deep love and rain.


Hearing Jiang Lin say this, Zhong Chuchu screamed and hid behind a big tree, only showing his head.

She looked at Jiang Lin with a bitter face, and asked, "What are you saying? What about when I change clothes and fall asleep, or even take a shower?"

"Of course I'm there too."

Jiang Lin laughed himself, but looking at Zhong Chuchu's face, he could make a red lacquer, and he said, "I'm joking with you, you're scared."

"Huh! So you're lying to me."

Zhong Chuchu stomped his feet and ran to Jiang Lin's side. A pair of soft fists gently beat Jiang Lin's chest.

Jiang Lin grabbed Zhong Chuchu's wrist and said, "Look at you, a princess, how decent is this."

"I... I'm going back, Baby Belle and the others will be worried."

Being grabbed by Jiang Lin's wrist, Zhong Chuchu took a few steps back timidly, and ran out in a heartbeat.

Jiang Lin also went not far away, put on a beard and black face again, and went to the stationed area.

In the next few days, as expected by Jiang Lin, Zhong Chuchu's single-mindedness was cured, and he has been very honest.

When Jiang Lin explained, Zhong Chuchu took a group of guards and maid Kui Ye to the capital.

The defenders of the city were already under Jiang Lin's control, so naturally they did not stop them.

As for the guards of the palace, they were loyal to the royal family themselves. Zhong Chuchu and many others went directly to the palace and lay dormant.

"Haha... This throne is finally mine!"

On that day, the Prince Regent was in the square in front of the main hall of the imperial court, smiling with a radiant smile on his face.

Now that the enthronement ceremony has begun, as long as he is crowned emperor, even if the emperor's seal is not there, he will still become the ruler of Chu State.

"The princess is here!"

But just when the regent was intoxicated, Zhong Chuchu's chariot suddenly appeared.

On the imperial carriage, Zhong Chuchu was wearing a dragon robe, sitting gracefully and gracefully, looking at the regent who was also wearing a yellow robe.

At this moment, the civil and military officials in the square, including the regent, were all stunned.

The princess is not dead?

"The daring rebel regent! He sent someone to assassinate this palace in Taohuayuan, and now he wants to be crowned emperor again, you scoundrel with wild ambitions!"

Zhong Chuchu stretched out his arm and pointed, and scolded the regent in a eloquent manner.

This girl really looks like it.

Jiang Lin, who was after the imperial carriage, looked at Zhong Chuchu at this time, covered his mouth and laughed.

If he hadn't known what kind of girl this princess was, he would have been deceived by her.

Being drunk by Zhong Chuchu like this, the Prince Regent almost lost his footing.

It's like a thunderbolt.

Wasn't she already killed?

I have even seen the head, how can it still appear here?

For a time, the regent's brain circuits were about to be short-circuited.

The other courtiers were discussing each other and looked at each other in dismay.

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