Chapter [-] The sun robbery is coming, breaking the realm!

Jiang Lin not only conveyed Heavenly Court with words, but also completely exposed his own breath.

If Wutian finds out, it is estimated that not only will his lungs explode with anger, but his internal organs will also explode.

However, just because Zhong Kui promised him again and again, even if he is so untidy here, there is no need to worry.

As for whether Zhong Chuchu will lead him to be implicated, he is not worried.

As early as last night, he put his corpse pill into Zhong Chuchu's body, and put a lot of protective measures on him.

Unless the Heavenly Soldiers go directly to arrest Zhong Chuchu, she will not be in any danger.

Yungong Heavenly Court, the monitoring fairy confirmed that the aura that belonged to Jianglin emanated from the territory of Chu State, did not dare to conceal the matter at all, went directly to Heavenly Court's Wutian Hall, and informed Wutian of the matter.

"You said that he scolded extremely ugly, what did he swear at? Bring it up!"

After listening to the report of the monitoring fairy, Wutian's face turned iron blue, and the monitoring fairy asked the monitoring fairy to release the content of the monitoring.

The monitoring immortal officer shook his head again and again, and said, "The humble post... the humble post does not dare."

The faceless fairy on the side said: "Your Majesty asks you to submit it, you submit it, quickly submit it!"

"Send it up, forgive you and forgive you, but if you act arrogantly, you will be punished!"

"Your Majesty forgives your sins, and the humble post will be presented here."

Hearing that Wutian was going to commit a crime, the monitoring fairy dared to neglect, so he played Jiang Lin's scolding below along with the video.

"It's better to be an old sow..."

"No Heaven idiot~~"

"The children and grandchildren are in infinite scarcity..."

As soon as Jiang Lin's words and actions were released, the entire hall fell silent.

My God, this is too cruel.

Xing Tianqiang suppressed the smile in his heart, at this moment, he could not laugh.

Not only Wutian, but also many immortal officials are also holding back their smiles.

This old face of Wutian can't be lost anymore.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!"

There was no weather and he was trembling all over, and all the veins on his face were bulging.

He had never been so angry in his life.

Jiang Lin, the fugitive, not only got away with impunity, but also slept his titular daughter, and the whole country knew about it.

Still dancing and scolding him below.

Also scolding death is ugly.

Also scolding.

Jumping and yelling!

"Your Majesty, this son is daring to swallow the sky, and he doesn't take Heavenly Court and His Majesty in his eyes at all. If we don't get rid of it, what is the majesty of Heavenly Court? How can His Majesty's face be saved!"

At this time, Xingtian bowed to Wutian with the wad board, and asked him to send the soldiers of the heavens to destroy the Jianglin.

After that, Wutian really did just like what Zhong Kui said. After being slammed by someone, the explosive anger in his heart could not be contained. Many immortal officials who persuaded him were scolded by him.

You have to destroy Jianglin, no one can speak!

Jiang Lin doesn't know what happened in Heavenly Court. Anyway, after he was doing things down there, someone cleaned up the mess.

At noon, the originally gloomy sky suddenly cleared up, and the sun gradually became blazing, but this situation only lasted for a short while, and a lot of black air filled the sky, and finally the whole sky became like a dark night.

The big sun in the sky also began to turn dark red.

The calamity has arrived!

"Husband, what happened today? It's scary."

"This is the catastrophe of the great sun. Every hundreds or thousands of years, such a situation will occur. You don't have to worry. By the way, you should ask the guards not to approach the body of that black snake."

Jiang Lin explained to Zhong Chuchu, and then asked her to order the guards guarding the body of the black snake spirit to stay away properly.

Although the black snake spirit is dead, the demon spirit is still there, but it was killed by the golden sword of the immortal weapon punishment industry, and the spirituality in the demon spirit no longer exists.

However, if during the calamity of the sun, the demon spirit can still automatically absorb the evil spirit and improve its quality.

This is the reason why Jiang Lin never took it away, nor did he deal with the body of the black snake spirit.

"If you're afraid, go back to your room. I have things to do for my husband."

After appeasing Zhong Chuchu, Jiang Lin let Baoyi come out and let her guard Zhong Chuchu in secret.

Afterwards, he went directly to the Temple of Heaven of the Subaru.

The calamity he had been waiting for had finally arrived.

When he arrived at the Temple of Heaven on the Subaru Sun, Jiang Lin arranged some isolation circles, then sat down, took out Danhuo Tianjun's wishful orb, and made a wish on it.

Because the Wishful Orb can only be used once, Jiang Lin made a wish that he would not be detected by the sun in the future.

The Ruyi Orb burst into a strong light, and then turned into a puddle of powder.

Jiang Lin took out a lot of cold marrow and forbidden medicinal materials, and then took out the ring.

"It's finally time to start, system!"

Jiang Lin (codename zero): the seventeenth generation disciple of Maoshan Chendao School

Physique: Brutal body

Cultivation Realm: Celestial Master

Corpse level: Mao Zong

Soul level: the fourth floor of the Hongqiao realm

Exercise: Yanri Jue (not getting started)

Body Refinement: Hair Stiffness (Level [-]), Liangyi Palm (Consummation)

Divine Refinement: Daily Dafa (Beginner)

Mysterious Art: Jinwu Shuyang (Introduction), Luyang Xuanguang (Introduction), Yang Finger Sword (Completion), Ossification Sword (The Fifth Stage - Triple Layer), Huayuan Escape Technique (Introduction), Evasion from Service (Introduction) +

Talismans: Yang Yang Talisman (Perfect), Breathing Talisman (Perfect), Frozen Talisman (Level [-])+

Spells: Secret Poison Slave Mantra (Completion), Six Yang Soul Mantra (Xiaocheng), Sedentary Mantra (Beginner)

Formation/Enchantment: Flying Dragon Seven-Star Formation (Mastered), Seven-Star Xuanji Formation (Mastered), Traceability Formation (Mastered), Immortals and Death Bureau (Unmastered), Ten Absolutes Formation (Unmastered)+

Corpse Ability: Invisibility, Levitation, Short-range Teleport, Limb Extension +

Violence: [-]

Jiang Lin called out the system, glanced at the hostility value stored on it, and calculated it in his heart.

During this period of time, although he was both a beast slayer and a celestial soldier, they couldn't transfer their anger to the system. At this moment, he still had to think about how to distribute them.

"Let's break through the border first!"

Shaking his head, Jiang Lin stretched his finger and clicked behind the Yanri Art on the interface.

Immediately, the spiritual power liquid ball in his body began to rotate rapidly, and the last depression on the surface of the liquid ball was gradually filled due to the rotation of the liquid spiritual power, making the entire spiritual power liquid ball into a pure circle.

Jiang Lin's body released a strong high temperature, and the high temperature melted the altar base of the Temple of Heaven.

And the spiritual power liquid ball in his body also solidified due to the heat released, and the volume was shrinking.

Spiritual Golden Elixir.

However, the spiritual power transformed by the treasures he consumed and the spiritual energy absorbed by his body from the outside world were also gradually adsorbed on the golden elixir and assimilated into a solid state.

The aura above Jiang Lin's head formed a giant tornado that merged into his body from the top of his head.

At this time, Jiang Lin also used the mental method of Daily Dafa to capture the essence of the great sun in the sky by taking the sun ring as a medium.

A beam of light swayed above and was directly connected to the surface of the dark red sun.

The essence of the Great Sun captured by Seizing the Sunlight Ring was directly brought into the body by Jiang Lin, directly to the Golden Core.

A little light source in the center of the golden core absorbs the essence of the sun, and automatically attracts the true sun fire and many yin fire and yang flames outside the golden core of Jianglin.

That little light source, together with many flames, gradually formed the shape of a three-legged golden crow.

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