Jiang Lin gave it a try and gave up. Danhuo Tianjun stopped him, and he didn't plan to let him move, at least for the time being he couldn't move.

When Danhuo Tianjun and Jiang Lin first met, they were trapped in Jiang Lin, so this time, he directly cut off all possibilities for Jiang Lin to escape.

Moreover, even if Jiang Lin had the ability to break free, he did not intend to stop Danhuo Tianjun.

In order to save Honghua, he could only watch Danhuo Tianjun make sacrifices.

The necessary sacrifices still have to be made.

It didn't take long for a huge momentum to spread from the sword casting room, a murder weapon was reborn, and a magic weapon was transformed.

The Wu Hook Immortal Sword was recast, and the green bamboo umbrella was also cast with immortal blood and immortal body, and the quality directly changed to the level of immortal artifact.

After the two fairy weapons flew in front of Jiang Lin, the restraints on Jiang Lin and Hong Hua disappeared at the same time.

"Safflower, this is a spiritual servant I raised. It can protect your safety. I will go to heaven for my husband, so I can't accompany you to take care of you."

Jiang Lin summoned the last Charming Spirit who had broken through to the level of a ghost king. He might have a lot of bad luck on this trip, and he couldn't bring a red flower with him.

"Jiang Lin, don't worry, Hong Hua has my remaining Primordial Spirit to take care of. Father-in-law, I will wait for your triumphant return. You and Hong Hua's bridal chamber is still on remand."

At this time, Danhuo Tianjun actually walked in again, but at this time, Danhuo Tianjun was just a damaged soul that was about to disappear.


"Okay, don't cry, Dad can still stay in the world for a few days."

Danhuo Tianjun smiled at Honghua and looked at Jiang Lin again: "Zhong Kui told me the plan before, I can't go to heaven now, this is my memory of the treasure hidden in heaven."

A little bit toward the center of the eyebrows, Danhuo Tianjun drew a ray of light out and bounced into Jiang Lin's eyebrows.

"I will definitely be back."

Jiang Lin chuckled lightly, then walked out of the wedding room and flew away on the golden wheel of the sun.

On the way, he contacted Zhong Kui again and explained the situation of Danhuo Tianjun to him.


It didn't take long for a crack to appear in the void beside Jiang Lin, and Yu Canhua flew out of it and threw herself into Jiang Lin's arms.

Zhong Kui had notified Yu Canhua and asked her to assist Jiang Lin.

"Husband, I haven't seen you for a few months. You really did a lot of earth-shattering things outside, which made my seven righteous brothers feel ashamed. Now, husband, your cultivation is also progressing rapidly, Huahua didn't marry the wrong person~"

Xiaobiesheng was newly married, and Yu Canhua acted like a spoiled child in Jiang Lin's arms.

"Of course, do you think I was bragging to you when I was my husband? Well, don't get tired of it, there are still important things to do now."

Taking a sip on Yu Canhua's face, Jiang Lin gently scraped the bridge of Yu Canhua's nose.

His wife used to be a cold and arrogant beauty in heaven, but now she is like a little girl in front of him.

However, Jiang Lin did not continue to chat with Yu Canhua. Now Zhong Kui has stepped up their offensive and created opportunities for them. At this moment, he really doesn't have time to make out with Yu Canhua.

"Husband, during this period of time, I transformed my physical body into a ghost and immortal body in the ghost city. Zhong Kui said that what my husband can do is what a man can't, but his cultivation is a shortcoming, so let me take over my immortal power. Here, everything is up to you. Even if he doesn't say it, I will do it, my husband's ability is much better than mine."

"How else? That would be so convenient."

Jiang Lin raised his brows when he heard the words. If he could gain a body of immortal power like he had previously banned the alien demons, then this action would be much smoother.

"I am attached to you, and you can mobilize the immortal power that belongs to me by using this lotus leaf Qinglian, my natal immortal weapon. The body and mind are already yours, and it is not difficult to operate. Also, Your golden wheel's escaping speed is still a little worse, so just use my Qinglian magic weapon."

"Then if I was attacked, wouldn't it fall on you?"

Jiang Lin frowned slightly, Yu Canhua's method was indeed good, but in case of danger, his wife would bear the brunt.

He is rough-skinned and thick-skinned, and his vitality is strong. There is nothing wrong with him, but he can't bear any harm to Yu Canhua.

"Then people will run away and stay in your heart to see if you miss them during this time."

A hint of slyness appeared in Yu Canhua's beautiful eyes, and then it turned into a stream of light that penetrated directly into Jiang Lin's heart.

I want to run away from my heart.

Jiang Lin laughed. In the past, when his ghost wives went to the underworld to break into the forbidden area, they wanted to occupy his atrium and ventricle to break into the forbidden area together. Now Yu Canhua is here again.

"Then the husband will take you to heaven, and let Wutian's backyard catch fire."

Jiang Lin didn't delay, and directly took the golden wheel back to his dantian, and the lotus leaf Qinglian who controlled the jade remnant flower landed at his feet and flew straight into the sky.

Now, his main task is to steal the enemy's crystal tower and seize all the treasure resources.

In short, stealing home, stealing treasure!

It didn't take long for him to arrive at the Xitianmen of the Yungong Heavenly Court.

Jiang Lin himself was transformed into a corpse, and he also had a green bamboo umbrella that was promoted to immortal artifact to hide. In addition, he obtained the map of heaven and the distribution of guards from Danhuo Tianjun, and soon, he bypassed one. After another wave of Heavenly Soldiers, we reached the last level.

"Husband, I'm in trouble. Above the Tianguan in front, there is a treasure of heaven and earth. Even if we have your corpse and a fairy umbrella to hide, it will be difficult to pass there."

Yu Canhua saw everything in front of him through Jiang Lin's eyes, and warned Jiang Lin not to rush in.

This is a problem.

Jiang Lin felt a little embarrassed after hearing what Yu Canhua said.

It seems that the Heavenly Court's Wutian is not purely a fool, and the defense against the army's "grain and grass" is quite strong.

Just when Jiang Lin frowned, an angel flew from behind.

It is the faceless immortal Xingtian who has no trust and added trust.

"Lord Xingtian!"

Seeing Xingtian coming, the celestial soldiers who were guarding Tianguan immediately bowed to him and saluted.

"According to the report of the Heavenly Soldiers, the gang of rebels from the ghost city will come here to destroy it. I have already reported it to His Majesty Wutian, please come here to guard, you can quickly check around, maybe they have already lurked around here."

After Xingtian nodded, he let a group of heavenly soldiers go around to investigate.


After the heavenly soldiers in front of Tianguan took their orders, they quickly dispersed.

Bad thing!

Jiang Lin's heart tightened when he heard the conversation ahead.

Chapter [*]: Mustard Seed Nasumi ([*])

However, although he was a little uneasy, Jiang Lin still did not act rashly, at least before the arrival of this faceless fairy and now, he has not been discovered.

Even if Tianting receives any news, it will only focus on the large number of people. It should be unexpected that he is the only one coming, or he and Yu Canhua and his wife.

Jiang Lin's guess was good, and it was because he was a single-handed man, and it was not easy to be discovered, so he sneaked in so quickly.

After the guards before Tianguan left, to Jiang Lin's surprise, the faceless fairy who arrived leaned on the pillar and lowered his head.

Although this angel has no face, not even nose and eyes, in Jiang Lin's opinion, this guy seems to be sleeping there.

"Not yet!"

Just as Jiang Lin was observing carefully, a sound transmission suddenly sounded in his mind.

Hearing this sound transmission, Jiang Lin's body froze, and he was actually discovered.

Although the voice transmission in his mind seemed to be from this faceless fairy, Jiang Lin did not act rashly.

For fear of any trap.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that something was wrong. After the faceless fairy came, he dismissed the guards.

This is not normal.

And if he has been discovered, he can attack directly.

Then he doesn't reveal it.

Jiang Lin transmitted his thoughts to Yu Canhua in his heart.

"Husband, since this is the case, I think he is likely to come to meet us. Let's try it first. If the situation changes, it's not too late for us to withdraw."

Yu Canhua thought about it for a moment, and let Jiang Lin try it out. Anyway, with Jiang Lin's ability to adapt and the immortal power she inherited, retreating should not be a problem.

If you don't have any worries, you can give it a try.

Jiang Lin nodded, and slowly closed the door to the sky and floated past.

With the green bamboo umbrella, Jiang Lin would look exactly like the void if he didn't investigate it specially.

When he entered the gate of Tianguan, the treasure mirror of heaven and earth hanging on it directly reflected him in the mirror.

There is absolutely nothing to hide.

However, the faceless fairy next to him still lowered his head, as if he hadn't noticed.

Seeing this, Jiang Lin didn't waste time and rushed in directly.

After entering Tianguan, Jiang Lin was hiding not far away. It was not until half an hour later that nothing abnormal appeared at all, and he was relieved.

It seems that this faceless fairy really came to meet him.

According to the memory given by Tianjun Danhuo, Jiang Lin passed a few lines of defense, and what he saw completely shocked him.


This Nima is Baoshan!

Pieces of medicine gardens and fruit forests came into his sight. On the mountain in front of him, there were all kinds of trees that he could not name, and many fairy fruits that he also did not know.

In addition, there are various halls on the other side, and there are traces of Rui Mi Xiaguang emerging from it.

Just the area, I don't know how many acres it occupies!

It is too small to measure in mu, it has to be measured in hectares!

"Huh? Huahua, this is not right, this is the Heavenly Court, why is there not a single Heavenly Soldier in it?"

After a brief period of astonishment, Jiang Lin couldn't figure it out. There was no one guarding such a treasure.

Yu Canhua responded: "What's so strange about this, there are hundreds of thousands of treasures here, let alone one or two, even if there are less than one hundred and eighty-eight thousand, it is not easy to check. Do you think that Is Heavenly Court really monolithic? Therefore, in order to ensure the safety of the treasures and magical treasures here, unless there is a Heavenly Hand oracle, Heavenly Soldiers will not be allowed to stay here."

"It's so beautiful!"

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