Not to mention her, even Huo Pipa will lose layers of skin if it doesn't die in the face of such flames.

Now, she has no doubts about what Jiang Lin said. She has never seen Jiang Lin's real means, but just because Jiang Lin picked his heart is like nothing, and also has such a terrifying flame, she wants to blast If you kill her, you can definitely do it.

Even if she had a life-saving seal on her forehead, it probably wouldn't change anything.

After all, Jiang Lin knew this, and if she really wanted to do something ruthless, she probably couldn't escape.

"It's not for my husband, but with this hand, I have wiped out the Lord of Heaven, Wutian. Although the blasting power that this heart can form is limited, but without Huo Pipa and the others, it can make the The two goods were not damaged or seriously injured."

Jiang Lin smiled. He was still very confident about this method of his own. Back then, when he decided to burn all the jade and stone, his strength returned to its peak. Wasn't he blown up without even ashes?

"Husband, you're not telling me a joke, are you? The Lord of Heaven, Wutian, is dead? Or was he killed by you?"

When Hu Xueji heard Jiang Lin's words, it was the same as hearing a very ridiculous remark.

Jiang Lin smiled and said, "Do I sound like I'm telling you a joke and talking big? If I'm still after you, it's possible to brag with you. Now, you're all mine, and I'll talk big with you. What's the meaning? Of course my own strength can't do that level, but I used external force at that time. In the future, when you know more about Weifu, you will know that you are not following the wrong person."


Hu Xueji looked at Jiang Lin who was busy again, and her heart was pounding.

Beauties have always loved heroes, even if Hu Xueji is transformed into a fox demon, it is no exception.

Jiang Lin smiled and continued to concentrate on tracing the talismans and patterns on the heart valve in his hand.

The yang flame and corpse qi in the heart need to be detonated at a specific time, which needs to be reconciled with the power of the magic circle.

On the same day, the passenger ship docked, and Jiang Lin's injuries had almost recovered. The two disembarked with Wei Shirou and went to Wei's house by land.

Jiang Lin also sucked the corpse poison from Wei Shilang's throat back into his body. Now that Wei Shilang can't open his mouth, it has no effect.

On the way, Jiang Lin was also thinking about how to make his plan as perfect as possible, and also to prevent unexpected situations.

For this reason, he had to take a defensive fairy clothes left in the cave and let Hu Xueji wear it as an inner lining.

In this way, once there is a large-scale explosion or Huo Pipa and Tianhu Yaosheng want to punish her, she will not suffer any harm.

In addition, he is also preparing to find allies. As Hu Xueji said before, even if the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint is not really resurrected, his own strength may have recovered a lot, at least he should have the strength of a demon emperor, and according to According to the situation he has grasped, even if the seal is not destroyed, the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint may be resurrected by other secret methods.

For example, using its cultivation origin scattered in many celestial foxes to forcibly withdraw it, taking away the vitality of those celestial foxes, and forcibly resurrecting oneself.

However, in this way, Heavenly Fox Demon Saint needs to pay a great price.

Rao is so, the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint is alive, it is not easy to deal with.

After all, this guy was besieged in the hands of the gods, and he was not completely dead. It is impossible to rely on his own innate supernatural powers, and his methods are definitely not comparable to ordinary demon saints.

Even if his strength has declined, his combat experience and vision are far from ordinary.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Lin decided to pull a few teammates over.

The Wei family's iron hand, relying on the fairy weapon, at least has no problem dealing with the fire pipa.

Now that Huo Pipa was first injured by the Hunter King, and then punished by the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint, in a short period of time, he should not be in trouble with the Wei family.

Even if he went to find it, Duke Wei still had a fairy weapon, which was enough to deal with the fire pipa.

The hunter king who has hatred with Huo Pipa and the Tianhu clan can also be his teammates.

Before, Jiang Lin didn't know there was the Heavenly Fox Demon Sage, so he didn't want to join forces with the Hunter King, but now that there is an opponent, the situation is different.

Moreover, he is not worried that the Hunter King will not agree. Over the years, the Hunter King has killed so many Heavenly Foxes. Once the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint is resurrected, the Hunter King will definitely have nothing to do.

It's just that when it comes to finding teammates, it's best to wait until everything is ready on his side.

Hey, I really want someone to come.

While Jiang Lin was thinking about it, he found that the Hunter King came out of the woods not far away, picked up the cake on the ground, and stuffed it into his mouth.


Have a ghost?

The Hunter King suddenly sensed a demonic energy in front of him and looked towards Jiang Lin.


Seeing Hu Xueji, the hunter immediately picked up the axe and charged at her.

"Hunter King?"

When Hu Xueji saw the bearded man on the opposite side and the axe in his hand, she immediately recognized the identity of the hunter king, and then she hid behind Jiang Lin.

The name of the hunter king, in their Tianhu clan, is famous for being fierce.

"Uncle Hunter, what are you doing?"

Jiang Lin took a step forward and blocked the Hunter King.

"What are you doing? You kid, you still have to catch foxes. There is a fox demon beside you!"

"What a fox demon, Xue Ji, she is my wife."

Jiang Lin hasn't explained the whole story to the Hunter King for the time being. Now that the fake seal of destruction in his hand has not yet been found, it is best not to reveal his cultivation base at this moment.

Of course, if the King Hunter was going to be unfavorable to Hu Xueji, then he wouldn't care about anything else.

"Your wife? Has your kid slept with her? What a sin! I really missed my eyes, you are actually a kid who is addicted to beauty!"

The King Hunter looked at Jiang Lin with a look of hatred. After he met Jiang Lin, he had a good impression of Jiang Lin, but after more than half a month, Jiang Lin actually got involved with a fox spirit.

"I think you are confused to the end, just you poor boy, you don't want anything, you don't urinate and look like yourself, if the fox is a real person, and people are beautiful like a fairy, why do they like you Think about it, you taste it! Fine taste! You are still indulging in beauty."

Pointing to Jiang Lin's nose, the hunter put it there to teach Jiang Lin a lesson.

Jiang Lin has blue veins on his forehead. My family has four beauties who are exactly like Xue Ji. Second uncle, do you want me to pee and look in the mirror?

You are enough!

Why don't you let me taste it?Fine items?Do you have a sample of Huangshan?

Addicted to beauty, I do!

Chapter [*]: Meet the Hunter King Again (Part [*])

"Tell me, why do people live with you?"

"Because of love."

Jiang Lin twitched the corners of his mouth and responded to the Hunter King.


When the hunter heard Jiang Lin's words because of love, he immediately pretended to vomit.

Jiang Lin had more blue veins on his forehead.

With a snort, the hunter continued: "I tell you, what kind of bullshit love! It's because she is a fox demon!"

The hunter king sneered and continued: "Do you know that the more beautiful a female fox looks, the more poisonous her heart will be, and if she becomes a demon, they will seduce men, and Yin is ridiculously cheap! Moreover, fox demons harm people, not only It's so easy for you to die, but you have to drain your blood, deceive your feelings, and make you go bankrupt.

"I think it's Uncle Hunter, you must have been abandoned by women before, that's why you hate women so much. The more beautiful a woman is, the more you hate it. No wonder you want to kill that nine-tailed fire fox fire pipa. I'll tell you again. On the other hand, Xue Ji, she is my wife, not a fox demon. Xue Ji, let's go."

Jiang Lin didn't continue to talk to the hunter king, he directly took Hu Xueji's hand, and went on his way.

Wei Shilang, who has been eating melons, didn't say anything. First of all, he didn't believe that Hu Xueji was a fox demon. Otherwise, how could he be the only son of the Wei family and be safe all the time.

Secondly, every time the hunter said that Hu Xueji was as beautiful as a fairy, he would pierce his heart once.

If Jiang Lin didn't scare him, maybe he would have had a chance.

"Don't go, you stinky boy, I'm saving you! Demon, die!"

The King Hunter did a backflip, stopped Jiang Lin, and slashed at Hu Xueji with his axe.

Jiang Lin quickly pulled Hu Xueji aside, then looked at the Hunter King with a cold face, and said, "Uncle Hunter King, this is my precious lady, don't force me."

If it weren't for the fact that the Hunter King had no malicious intent, and Jiang Lin himself did not explain the situation, he would not have let it go if he rushed at the Hunter King's actions.

"Forcing you? What's the matter with you? After a while, she shows her true form. You have to kneel there to thank me."

The King Hunter ignored Jiang Lin at all and continued to do it.

"Don't force me~~~"

Jiang Lin stopped him again, his whole body was struggling.

"You kid still wants to do it with me, you are really biting..."


Jiang Lin didn't even allow King Hunter to finish speaking, so he stepped up and kicked him.

He directly kicked the King Hunter twenty or thirty meters away, and mourned while covering his stomach on the ground.

This hunting king, after eating Jiang Lin's foot, knelt down on the ground, almost like a dog eating shit.

"I told you not to force me."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, if it wasn't for the hunter king being so blind, he wouldn't have been kicked like a dystocia.

"Xue Ji is my careful liver. If you leave her here and touch her, I will kick whoever comes."

"Husband, I hate it, there are outsiders."

Hu Xueji's face turned red, and her face was shy.

Then, the husband and wife and Weijurou continued on their way, leaving only the hunter king, who seemed to be moving with fetal gas, who kept groaning there.

Jiang Lin's kick, if not for a bit of force, would have kicked him with a perforation of his stomach and even made him die.

"Husband, you just said you were going to find that Hunter King to deal with Tianhu Demon Saint and Huo Pipa, but you just kicked him just now."

Not long after, Jiang Lin and the others went to a town to buy two horses, and Hu Xueji asked Jiang Lin who was behind him.

Jiang Lin told her about his plan just now, which made her a little confused.

Jiang Lin had just kicked the Hunter King like a ghost, so Jiang Lin had to join forces with the Hunter King to fight the enemy.

"Don't worry, I kicked him, and when we find him again, he will have to thank me."

Jiang Lin was not at all worried that the Hunter King would get angry with him later, and if he didn't join forces with him, the Hunter King would have no chance to deal with the Heavenly Fox Demon Saint and the Huo Pipa by himself.

Therefore, even if he was kicked, the Hunter King had to honestly agree to cooperate with him.

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