These materials are all necessary for the arrangement of the flying dragon seven-star array. At present, this is the strongest killing method he can come up with.

Once the worst situation occurs, he is discovered by Wangtianxuan. With the help of this killing formation, coupled with the strength of Liu Sheng and the others, even Wangtianxuan will have to peel off his skin if he doesn't die.

"We've all left, what are you going to do?"

Baoyi felt a little worried when she heard Jiang Lin tell them to leave Qingshui County.

Jiang Lin's strength is always too limited, and if something happens while they are not there, Jiang Lin will be in danger.

"At present, although I don't know what the toon tree demon is going to do, I think it won't be bad for me in a short time. As for Wangtian, I can only gamble."

Jiang Lin shook his head, he was not sure if it would be so unfortunate, Liu Sheng and Bao Yi were not there, and he was in danger.

However, he was no longer allowed to worry so much.

Today, the situation is stronger than people, and the ability to be prepared is safe.

Otherwise, once the worst situation occurs, he will most likely die completely.

Baoyi was still a little worried, but she also knew that Jiang Lin really had no other choice now.

"Don't worry, we will be back as soon as possible. Young Master Jiang, you should be careful about everything. Baoyi, let's go now. Come back one day earlier, which can also reduce the chance of danger."

Liu Sheng didn't delay, and let Bao Yi act as soon as possible.

"Oh, by the way, you two, find a veil to cover your face."

Jiang Lin reminded the two girls that he really needed Liu Sheng and Bao Yi to return as soon as possible, so on their way to work, try to avoid them as much as possible.

"What are you doing with your face covered?"

Both Liu Sheng and Bao Yi were a little puzzled, and they didn't do anything improper. It was enough not to show their breath. Do they still need to cover their faces and show their tails?

"What do you two look like? You two have no idea? You look so handsome. If you go out because of your appearance, wouldn't it be a waste of time?"

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, the two girls said to come back as soon as possible, but they didn't even think of that.

"Hey, it's not our fault that you look like flowers and jade."

Bao Yi pursed his lips, but still took a handkerchief from his sleeve and hung it by his ear.

Liu Sheng also smirked, and also covered his own beauty.

After Baoyi and the others left, Jiang Lin started looking for Concubine Jiang.

If he found Concubine Jiang, it would also give him some confidence.

Chapter [*] Kneeling on the washboard as soon as you get married

Unfortunately, Jiang Lin searched for a long time, but there was no trace of Concubine Jiang at all.

After Lei Ninger captured Concubine Jiang and took her away, she deliberately eliminated Concubine Jiang's breath on the road.

She didn't guess that Jiang Lin could rely on his breath to find Concubine Jiang, but simply wanted to avoid accidents. If someone came down from Huaxian Pavilion, it was possible to find Concubine Jiang's whereabouts according to Huaxian's breath.

For the next two days, Jiang Lin stayed in the Fengzhai. There was Wangtian lingering in his house, and he couldn't go back. If he was looking for an inn in the county, he couldn't explain it to others, so, He didn't find another place to live.

In the past two days, Jiang Lin searched around Qingshui County almost everywhere, even in his own house, he also asked Song Yichen to lead someone to find it, but there was no whereabouts of Concubine Jiang.

Jiang Lin could only guess that this was because Concubine Jiang was still angry and deliberately didn't want to see him.

In fact, Concubine Jiang was captured by Lei Ning'er long ago.

On this day, Jiang Lin had no other choice, so he put on the groom's clothes, became the son-in-law of the magistrate Feng, and held a wedding with Feng Yan.

However, although the house was filled with a festive atmosphere, Jiang Lin didn't feel any joy in his heart.

Concubine Jiang didn't find it, Lei Ning'er's goal had been achieved, Bao Yi and Liu Sheng had not come back, and he couldn't guess what Lei Ning'er was going to do next.

He felt that the next period of time would probably be the most difficult day for him.

Although the danger made him feel uneasy, but he could only wait to see if there would be danger, which made him extremely depressed.

After the entertainment came into the night, Jiang Lin entered the wedding room.

However, as soon as he opened the door, he saw Feng Yan, who was wearing a phoenix crown, kneeling on the ground, to be precise, on the washboard.

What's happening here?

Jiang Lin didn't understand what Feng Yan was doing. In any case, today was Feng Yan's happy day, when she was the heroine of the bride.

But now, Feng Yan is kneeling here.

Also kneeling on the washboard.

He had never heard of men kneeling on the washboard, but never heard of women kneeling on the washboard.

Sitting on the chair aside, Jiang Lin said, "What are you kneeling for? I don't blame you for this."

This time, the marriage was mainly about Feng County magistrates, and Lei Ninger's dog took mice, so he wasn't ready to let out his anger on Feng Yan's body.

As for Concubine Jiang's misunderstanding and leaving because of Feng Yan, it was indeed caused by Feng Yan.

However, this girl didn't have a few days left, so Jiang Lin was also ready to question or scold Feng Yan.

A young girl who was about to die, and she was considered an ordinary friend to him, so questioning or scolding was meaningless.

"Xiang... Xianggong."

After Feng Yan heard Jiang Lin's voice, she lifted her hijab and looked at Jiang Lin timidly like a child who made a mistake.

"Get up, there are still other things, and when there are no outsiders, you should stop calling."

Jiang Lin didn't plan to be Feng Yan's husband, except for Feng Yan, he was only forced to worship with Jiang Ting.

At the beginning, after worshipping with Jiang Ting, he also told Jiang Ting that he would not let her follow him any more, and that he was willing to give a letter of divorce, and it would not matter from now on.

Only later Jiang Ting desperately begged her adoptive father, King Zhennan, and sacrificed her life to save him, so he accepted Jiang Ting.

Marrying Feng Yan now is also out of helplessness, it is impossible for Jiang Ting's situation to happen again.

Moreover, Feng Yan was about to suffer death. Now that Liu Sheng and Bao Yi have not returned, and Lei Ning'er is not far around, there is nothing he can do.

In this case, he didn't want to do anything more.

"Jiang... Big Brother Jiang, Feng Yan admits to you, but, Big Brother Jiang, can you listen to me and finish what I have to say?"

"You can get up and talk, I said, I don't blame you for this."

Jiang Lin asked Feng Yan to get up again, but the girl still didn't plan to get up, so he didn't force it any more, and wanted to hear what Feng Yan wanted to say.

"Actually, Brother Jiang, I didn't tell my father about the matter I asked for your help. Later, he forced you to marry me, and I didn't refuse. I was playing tricks in order to marry you."

Now that she is married to Jiang Lin, and even the wedding has been done, Feng Yan has no intention of concealing what she has done before.

"What did you say?"

Jiang Lin was stunned for a moment, but Feng Yan didn't explain to the magistrate Feng that he asked him to go to the competition that day.

"Feng Yan, I'm looking at the relationship between you and me. I help you, and you sell me when you turn around."

Jiang Lin's attitude changed suddenly. He always thought that Feng Yan had told the magistrate Feng about this situation, and it was unreasonable for the magistrate Feng to force him to marry.

But now, Feng Yan actually said that she had never explained to the magistrate Feng at all.

So many of the things that happened later must be attributed to Feng Yan's concealment of asking him for help.

If Feng Yan explained to the magistrate Feng, and the magistrate Feng felt ashamed again, it would be impossible to come to him.

In that case, it really doesn't matter.

And if the magistrate Feng didn't want to force him to marry him, Lei Ning'er wouldn't be able to get involved, causing him to be trapped in the Feng family.

"Brother Jiang, I know it's my fault, but can you hear me finish?"

With tears in her eyes, Feng Yan bent down and bowed to Jiang Lin.

Jiang Lin looked at Feng Yan and said, "I'm listening."

Feng Yan wiped her tears and said, "Brother Jiang, I don't know whether to call you Jiang Liyang or Jiang Lin."

"you know me?"

Jiang Lin raised his brows. Since Feng Yan said so, it means that he knew his identity early in the morning.

Yes, she once asked my name when she first met me.

At this time, Jiang Lin remembered that when he first met Feng Yan, Feng Yan's expression seemed as if he knew him.

Feng Yan continued: "When I was in my hometown, there was a girl friend who was young, but she was a practitioner. On the way to Qingshui County, I went to her place, and it was there, I met her. Brother Jiang, your portrait. From her mouth, I heard about your deeds, and I know that you were brave and courageous. You led the righteous people of the Sword Kingdom to destroy the Demon Sect, but after the Demon Sect was destroyed, you disappeared. Therefore, many people I want to find you, and that's why I was able to see your portrait."

"Since you know me, why didn't you reveal my identity?"

Jiang Lin was a little puzzled, and Feng Yan had no reason to conceal his identity for him.

If Feng Yan told the magistrate Feng or others that he was Jiang Lin at the beginning, then all his plans would not be able to be implemented.

Chapter [*]: Misfortune and Water (Part [*])

"Brother Jiang, since you've changed your name and you're here as an errand to catch fast, I think there must be a reason. It's probably something you need, so I didn't mention it to others."

"I do have something to change my identity."

Jiang Lin nodded, and after hearing Feng Yan say that, the anger in his heart subsided a little.

Although Feng Yan is the daughter of the county magistrate, her temperament is quite commendable, at least she is considerate.

It was just this marriage that made him feel quite uncomfortable.

"Brother Jiang, I heard from Faxiao that you were willing to sacrifice your life in order to save those innocent children. In fact, at that time, you were a hero in my heart. Even if I never met you, Knowing the legendary story between you and Wen Jiu Jian, I also thought that if I could marry such a man, it would be a blessing from God. When you left the house and lived in the suburbs of the county, I picked flowers. When I found out where you lived, I found a reason to avoid the matchmaker, and when I came to you, I just wanted to get along with you."

As she spoke, Feng Yan's tears fell. She wanted to pursue Jiang Lin, but even though she had been with Jiang Lin for ten days and a half months, Jiang Lin still didn't feel anything towards her.

Now, although the two of them are married, Jiang Lin is still unwilling to accept her.

Afterwards, Feng Yan's emotions went out of control, she felt her life experience, and she cried completely.

Her mother died early, and when she grew up, she became a tool for her father to win over the relationship. She finally met the hero in her mind, and even after getting married, the other party still did not regard her as a wife.

"Brother Jiang, I once asked you, if you were from a different world, would you be brave enough to pursue it? At that time, I was referring to you and me. You are a practitioner, and I am just a girl from an ordinary family. You said that you can encourage I have the courage to pursue it, but what can I do to chase you? I don't have a mother, and my father doesn't care. Feng Yan knows that she has done too much, and it's embarrassing for you, Brother Jiang. As long as you are willing to keep me by your side, I don't If you want to have any status, even if you treat me as a maid of the house. If you really don't want to, give me a divorce letter and let me cut it out and go home. I don't ask for anything else, I just ask Big Brother Jiang, don't Just remember to hate me."

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