Not only the Heavenly Sword Immortal, but also the Evil Sword Immortal, they are also calling Jiang Lin.

The skin of the blood cow of Wangtianjian is too thick. If you continue to grind it, you don't know how long it will take. Now, all of them are very tired.

Under such a high-intensity transmission of spiritual power and continuous attacks, these top combat powers can't stand it, let alone others.

"It should be fine."

Jiang Lin, who was watching the battle situation from a high altitude, saw the situation below and was ready to delay any longer.

These strengths of the Sword Kingdom have already been borrowed by him, and if he doesn't make a decisive decision, things may have twists and turns.

The timing of Jiang Lin's choice was indeed very good, and the power of the Sword Kingdom had been fully exerted by him. At this moment, as long as Wang Tianjian was led into the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, everything would be fine.

Wangtianjian really burps.

However, man's calculation is not as good as God's calculation. He planned this killing, but he didn't expect Wang Dijian to come to the rescue in the end.

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight chapters chess difference (five)

In fact, Jiang Lin is really not qualified to kill a Wangtianjian, at least, the killing of Wangtianjian is not something he can do with one layout.

Wangtianjian doesn't know how many thousands of years it has existed, and it is not easy to kill a monster of this level.

Back then, Wutian was still in charge of the Heavenly Court, how much power he possessed, but it was still the same to let Wangtianjian run into the sandy sea in the Northern Territory, and bring his family with him.

At that time, when there was no time, place, place, people, and all in hand, he still couldn't do anything about Wangtianxian. Jiang Lin wanted to make Wangtianxuan disappear completely in one battle.

Wang Tianjian possesses a lot of power of belief, and these powers of belief are not controlled by the fate of the emperor on his body.

However, Jiang Lin didn't take this into consideration, and this time he was forced to be in a hurry. Although everything in the layout was smooth as a whole, it was not enough to want to kill Wang Tianxian.

After Jiang Lin made up his mind at high altitude, he controlled the flying kite to go to the hiding place of the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array.

Now it is impossible to use the power of the Sword Kingdom to persecute Wangtian, so he thought of a way to lead Wangtian to him.

When he reached the eye of the flying dragon seven-star array, Jiang Lin used the spirit stone to embed a phantom array in the array with the help of moonlight and a utensil.

After that, he took advantage of the memory in his mind, used a conch as a loudspeaker, and sent out a corpse.

What he has to do is to imitate Wang Dij's voice and use Wang Dij's voice to achieve the purpose of attracting Wang Tianyu.

At this time, Wang Tianjian was besieged by Tianjianxian and the others, and his attention would definitely not be distracted, so even if there were some risks, Jiang Lin didn't care.


After the roar broke out, it spread in the direction of Wangtianjian.

After that, Jiang Lin immediately stayed away from the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array, placed gossip mirrors in several places around, and used the flying kite to go to a cliff two miles away.

It didn't take long for this roar to reach the place where Wang Tianjian was.

After Wangtian heard the roar, he was stunned for a moment, this is the voice of its child!

Moreover, the roar also contained some information: "Quick, come this way!"

Wang Tianxuan was overjoyed, his child actually came to Sword Country, and it was not far away.

Wait, wait for us to go into battle, father and son!

Because the roar appeared too timely, and Wangtianxuan's current situation was really not that good, so it didn't go to the screening.

Mainly because it didn't even think that someone had been plotting it behind the scenes.

Moreover, the mastermind behind this is Jiang Lin, which is that it can't think of it if it wants to break the dog's head.

Great!Really good!

Wang Tianjian suddenly got excited, raised his head and roared into the sky.

Its four legs are deeply immersed in the ground, and the corpse gas spreads down the ground, and the living creatures in a radius of twenty miles, whether it is animals, plants or insects, have their vitality taken over by it.

At this moment, the area within a radius of twenty miles was completely destroyed.

It can be said that within the radius of twenty miles around this place, apart from the many monks who were alive, there was no other life.

Even those cultivators who died tragically had the life essence in their bodies sucked out.

On the premise that Wangtianjing was besieged by many sword formations, without these sword formations, it would be enough to make the area within a radius of thousands of miles without any life.

However, in the same way, this move also consumed a lot of Wang Tianqi's life source.

After obtaining the supply and nourishment, Wang Tianjian spewed out a terrifying corpse again before Tianjianxian and the others had time to react, and it erupted directly in a fan-shaped area.

At this moment, all the sword formations surrounding Wangtianjian were declared destroyed.

Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian also flew out at the same moment, and blood rained in the air.

Wang Tianjian didn't delay after he got out of trouble, and galloped directly towards the place where Jiang Lin roared just now.

Thief, here I come!

Let's settle accounts with these idiots together!

Wangtian's wings fluttered, and when it reached the source of the previous sound, it let out a roar: "Son, you've done a great job for daddy, come, let daddy touch his head."

At this moment, Jiang Lin, who was on the cliff in the distance, suddenly had a chill in his eyes, and shouted coldly, "Get up!"

The spiritual stone in his hand glowed brightly, and the spiritual light shot towards the direction of a gossip mirror. After several reflections, it gave the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array a power.


Immediately, a loud noise erupted from the place where the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array was located, and beams of light shot into the sky, connecting the stars on Xiao Han.

There are also twenty-eight constellations in the Daluo Immortal World. As for why they exist, whether it is the same starry sky as the Middle-earth world, Jiang Lin has not thought about it. It has nothing to do with him. There is no need to explore these things.

The stars moved again, and the endless power of the stars descended, converging in the sky to form a phantom horizontal image of the ancient Milky Way.

Immediately, a force capable of slaughtering gods and exterminating immortals fell down in an instant, and these powers eventually formed a giant dragon, the beginning and the end of which were unknown how many miles away.

At this time, Wang Tianqian in the formation was stunned.

What is the situation?

What's going on here?

However, it didn't dare to be stunned anymore. This time, it really felt the feeling of death.

It's very real, and the real thing makes an old monster who doesn't know how many years to live can't stop trembling.

At the same time, the battlefield on Tianjianxian and the others also discovered a vision in the sky. Although they were not in the formation, such a vast power also made them feel that their souls were shaking.

" this Shuimu Tianzun? Is this his method?"

Heavenly Sword Immortal was speechless, and his whole body was in a cold war. What kind of chaotic sword dance formation formed by so many of them is simply incomparable with such power.

"Quick! Come and have a look!"

After Tianjianxian was shocked, he flew over with his sword, and then Xiejianxian and others, as well as many monks from the Sword Kingdom, also flew in the direction of the great formation.

One thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine chapters chess difference (six)

"Tianjianxian, is this really the handwriting of that Shuimu Tianzun?"

After Xie Jianxian caught up with Tianjianxian, he asked the other party. Although he also guessed that the master of the world might not be an ordinary person, he did not expect the other party to be so terrifying.

The cultivators of their Sword Country have basically arrived, and during this time, no other aura has appeared, so whether it is Xie Jianxian or Tianjianxian, they all think about the change that appeared this time on Shuimu Tianzun.

"It's probably him. This Daoist brother is really scary. Fortunately, at present, he and us are friends rather than enemies."

Tianjianxian breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. The opponent not only has such accomplishments in the talisman, but also the cultivation base in the formation method is terrifying. There is such a terrible formation around them, and they didn't even notice it.

If the other party has malicious intentions towards their sword country, just arrange this formation and kill them, and they may be wiped out.

"Liu Sheng, Bao Yi, come out."

When Tianjianxian and the others flew to the flying dragon seven-star formation, on the cliff, Jiang Lin quickly arranged a hidden formation around him, and then called Liu Sheng and Bao Yi out.

Although Wangtianjian is now trapped in the formation, if Wangtianjian feels the crisis of death and stimulates his own potential, he may break out of the formation.

Since he has already done this, he definitely doesn't want to have any accidents.

Although the power of the flying dragon seven-star formation is terrifying, it will take some time since the formation of the formation and the fall of the great power in the wild. This Wangtianyu is not as good as Zuo Ci of the year. Wangtianyu's strength is extremely terrifying, and the trapping effect formed by the power of the stars is unknown. Can it be completely trapped.

Therefore, he planned to let Liu Sheng and Bao Yi come forward to let the monks from the Sword Kingdom come here and continue to attack Wangtian.

"Is it time for us to show our skills?"

Baoyi felt extremely comfortable watching the flying dragon seven-star formation in the distance exerting its might.


Jiang Lin smiled, and then took out two more flying kites from the ancient mirror, and continued: "You use this kind of flying kite to go to pick up Tianjianxian and other sword country cultivators, they should be taken by the cultivators here now. The movement is alarmed. Cough, you say that you two are the servants under the throne of Shuimu Tianzun. He called you to go and let them attack Wangtianjian wildly. And you, right behind them, are attracted by them. Firepower, you have always had the means to hide your breath, and you can also let out your breath."

In the past few days, Jiang Lin learned from Feng Yan's mouth that Wan Shengnan and the others were very respectful to him, the master of the world, especially the old man from Wanjian Mountain, who became very polite to Feng Yan, so he guessed The Sword Country side should really treat him as an outsider.

Now that the seven-star array of flying dragons is forming together, he has confirmed his status as a master.

At this moment, he asked Liu Sheng and Bao Yi to spread the word, and the other party should cooperate more.

"Who... who is your servant?!"

After Baoyi heard Jiang Lin's words, she immediately pursed her lips and put her hands on her hips.

She always wanted to reunite with Sanhua in the future and regain her peak. Then she would take this fatty Jiang, who had been mad at her, as a servant. As a result, now Jiang Lin asked her to admit that she was someone's servant.

How could she want to?

"Fat woman, are you getting fat and panting now? You'll follow me outside after that, trying to harm my baby again, but there's no way."

Jiang Lin rolled his eyes, now is the critical moment, this Baoyi is still entangled in these trivial matters.

"You... hum!"

Bao hummed with anger, but he could only be soft. Now, apart from Jiang Lin, no one could really afford her.

Liu Sheng looked at Bao Yi and smiled, but she could see the loveliness on Jiang Lin's body, and among these loveliness, there was Baoyi's share.

It is estimated that this fairy in distress has not yet discovered it.

"You take the fairy sword and cut it to death."

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