out of anger.

What's even more amusing is that Jiang Lin was so angry that Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian all cheered after a brief shock.

Here comes another Wangdi!

Now that Wangtian was severely disabled, and they were captured alive, Wangdi was not as difficult to deal with as Wangtian, so they could capture two monsters at once.

What a surprise.


"Take them!"

Tianjianxian and Xiejianxian immediately ordered everyone to chase the two monsters at the fastest speed.

So, in a few blinks of an eye, everyone around the Flying Dragon Seven Star Array disappeared, and they all chased away in the direction of Wang Dij's escape.

"Hum hum……"

Looking at the excited flying cultivators, Jiang Lin laughed out of anger.


You motherfuckers can catch up, and I will cut off my head and play it for you!

Wang Di Feitian's speed, although not as fast as Dapeng's class, but in terms of speed, even the monks at the level of gods can't catch up with the escape technique.

These idiots are still chasing, you are chasing your horse!

Smelly fish and rotten shrimp, a group of stinky fish and rotten shrimp!

The more Jiang Lin thought about it, the more angry he became. In the battle of so many people and tens of thousands of people, all of them were pig teammates.

Even if there are so many pigs, the pigs will do.

Anyway, if the pig is on, Wangtianjian is still alive.

The result is the same.

If at the beginning, these idiots were not rushing to capture Wangtianjian, if all the attacks were powerful attacking sword formations and consumed more Wangtianjian's blood, even if Wangdijian appeared, Can't change the ending.

In that case, things would have turned out differently.

"You two, it's been a bit of a grievance this time, and now Wangtianjian is no longer a threat. You can do whatever you want, and you should also relax. By the way, you can also help me find my Jiang'er on the way."

Jiang Lin waved to Liu Sheng and Bao Yi. He was not going to take the two girls with him. On the way back, he had to get angry at random to dissipate the anger in his heart.

Guess it's inappropriate.

"Then Young Master Jiang, you can go back. In fact, you don't need to worry too much. After all, the results are not bad now, at least you don't have to do anything."

Liu Sheng persuaded Jiang Lin, although he failed to completely kill Wangtian, but at the very least, Wangtian was no longer in Qingshui County, and even wanted to escape from Jian Kingdom. What happened next, they All can cast their fists.

Then she said to Baoyi, "Baoyi, let's go for a walk."

Now Liu Sheng really wanted to ask what Jiang Lin said about Wutian's death in his hands, but now Jiang Lin's heart is burning to his forehead, so she wants to ask Baoyi.

Jiang Lin left the cliff, folded his arms, and walked at a pace that his six relatives did not recognize. He kicked every stone and stone along the way.

"I'm knocking mommy!"

"Grandma is a bear!"

"A bunch of idiots!"

On the way back to Qingshui County, Jiang Lin didn't know how many poplars and plums he kicked down.

After traveling for dozens of miles, Jiang Lin entered the county seat of Qingshui County, and the anger in his heart subsided a lot.

In fact, what Liu Sheng said also makes sense. Now that Wangtian is gone, this means that things have reached the bottom line of expectations, and he has been controlling everything behind the scenes. Wangtian has suffered such a big loss in Sword Kingdom this time. It is estimated that he will not come to trouble him in the future.

However, Jiang Lin still thought too well. The unexpected chess piece that appeared in the layout this time has already revealed the identity of the man behind the scene.

It's just that he doesn't know it yet.


Thousands of miles away, Wangtianjian let out a startled scream. After it was rescued, in the process of galloping just now, I heard that this time it was besieged by the Sword Kingdom with the power of a whole country, and it was with the humanoid Jiang Lin. corpse related.Knowing this, Wang Tianqian was really angry.

The throat behind its head kept spewing out a massive amount of corpse gas.

"It's him! It's actually him! Wow!"

Wang Tianqi was so angry that the corpse gas around his head kept exploding.

It has lived for thousands of years, and even the corpse evil that was under the siege of Daluo Immortal Realm was never made so angry.

who is it?Look to the sky!

Even the corpse ancestors are not afraid of Wangtian!

But this time, it was planted so ruthlessly that it almost disappeared.

However, this time, it was Jiang Lin who had a grudge against it and beat its child.

Who is Jiang Lin?In its eyes, it was a little demon corpse who was lucky enough to get the luck of the corpse emperor, and it was still in human form.

Therefore, Wangtianjian really exploded with anger. If it wasn't for the body being gone, it is estimated that the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys, as well as the large and small intestines, could directly explode with qi.

Not long ago, its child Wang Dijian went looking for Jiang Lin's bad luck, and was beaten as a backwater dog. This time, it came over to find a place for the child, but as a result, it almost became scum and fly ash, and it was only slag ash in an instant. .

What's even more outrageous is that it would have been kept in the dark if it hadn't been informed by their own children.

He was almost killed by others, and he didn't know anything yet. Wang Tianxuan felt that his face was all shattered.

Shame, it's so humiliating.

Lose the face of the world!

"If I don't avenge this revenge, I will destroy myself! I explode myself! From the palace! I will not survive in the world!"

Wangtian roared towards the sky. Now, it doesn't think about anything. If it doesn't tear Jiang Lin to pieces, it will feel shameless to live for the rest of its life.

Not only does it not live, it also kills its own children.

If you are alive, you will lose your life, what are you doing alive!

Next, either Jiang Lin died, or they, the father and son, died.

Chapter [*] This revenge will not be repaid, nor will it be shared! (Down)

"Father, I haven't told you a piece of good news yet, do you know? Heavenly Court is destroyed! Wutian's body is gone!"

Wang Dijian saw that his father was so angry that he was scared, so he told him good news.

"What? Impossible?"

Sure enough, after Wang Tianjian heard the news, because of shock, he forgot to continue swearing and getting angry.

"It's true, there won't be any fakes, Heavenly Court is completely destroyed, and now it has been completely spread outside. There was a Sun Tribulation before, when external forces suddenly attacked, Heavenly Court was defeated, and Wutian, the Lord of Heavenly Court, also lost. already."

"That's right, that's great, great!"

Wang Tianyu screamed to the sky again. After so many years, they did not dare to show their faces easily in the sand sea of ​​the northern region, just because they were worried that their existence would be known to the outside world, causing Wutian to send a large number of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals.

If the sky is destroyed now, it will not be stared at, that is to say, it can act recklessly in the future.

"I will sacrifice Liang Guo when I go back. I want to recover as quickly as possible and wash away the shame of this time!"

Wang Tianjian immediately made up his mind, to restore himself at the cost of destroying the entire Liang Kingdom, and then seek revenge on Jiang Lin, this Sword Kingdom, it will not let go.

"Father, I feel that since the biggest threat from outside is gone, we should keep a low profile..."

Wang Dijian spoke out to persuade him. To be honest this time, he was a little scared. He planted himself in Jiang Lin's hands. It was nothing, but he was beaten violently, and his injuries were not light, and he was still far from death.

But his father is different. He has lived for so many years, and this time he almost fell completely. If Fu Yu hadn't notified him and he arrived in time, things would have been unimaginable.

If you are entangled in such hatred, who knows what will happen in the future.

It is better to expose this matter and let go of their hands and feet to develop themselves. It will not take too long to walk out of the sand sea in the northern region, and they will have their own powerful forces.

Separate one side, continue to endure the time steadily, and the entire Daluo Immortal Realm may surrender in the future, isn't it better?

"Idiot! Trash!"

Wang Tianxuan yelled, "Hidden and bide your time, hide your mother!"

Jianglin is immortal, and every day it lives, it lives like it is swallowing dung.

If this revenge is not repaid, it will not be shared!

After Wang Di was scolded, he did not dare to say a word, and continued to fly in the direction of Liang Guo.

After flying for half an hour, they merged with Fu Yu. Fu Yu didn't go to the scene because he couldn't keep up with Wang Dijian's speed, and after she went, she would be dragged back.

Wang Tianjian asked her about the whole story again, only to know that his location information was probably revealed by Jiang Lin.

Moreover, Jianglin has always been in Qingshui County.

It's fine if you don't ask, but when Fu Yu answered this question, Wang Tianqian was very angry.

Yeah, doing things right under its nose and almost killing it.

As for Jiang Lin, who was regarded as a thorn in the flesh by Wangtianxian, who was unwilling to live unless he was removed, he still did not know that he would meet Wangtianxuan and the others in the near future.

This is another life and death catastrophe for him.

Wang Tianqian wants to kill him desperately.

Just do nothing.

No one speaks well.

Jiang Lin entered the house, and when he reached the courtyard, he found that the lights in his room had not gone out.

He frowned slightly and let out his spiritual sense. After all, Feng Yan had been targeted by a masked woman before.

As soon as the spiritual sense dissipated, he discovered the situation in the room. Feng Yan knelt on the ground and fell on the window sill, and there was a Guanyin porcelain statue on the window sill.

There are still many papers on the windowsill and around Feng Yan.

At this time, as soon as the breeze passed, Feng Yan in the room woke up from a cold sneeze.

"I'm sorry, Goddess Guanyin, please forgive the letter girl Feng Yan. The merciful and compassionate goddess Guanyin, please bless my family with justice. The believer girl is willing to eat fast food and recite the Buddha in the future, accompanied by the Buddhist scriptures of the blue lamp."

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