No wonder Jiang Lin said that Zhong Kui would nod and bow when he saw him.

It turned out that Jiang Lin played such an important role in the war against the sky outside.

Wutian, the Lord of the Heavenly Court, who was proud of his strength at the top of the group of immortals, was actually beheaded by Jiang Lin himself.

If he almost killed Wang Tianqi, Jiang Lin's layout was good, and he had a lot of luck. He played such a big role in the war against the sky, but he couldn't just attribute it to luck.

If you don't have enough ability, if you change someone else, even if the conditions are the same, you can't do it.

"Just a fluke."

Jiang Lin waved his hand with a smile. Now he doesn't treat Liu Sheng as an outsider. In front of his own people, he doesn't need to be a fat man.

If compared to his own hard power, he is far from Wutian.

"Following Young Master Jiang is really a good choice."

Liu Sheng smiled slightly, Jiang Lin's flattering appearance really made her look up a lot.

At this time, Bao Yi, who was beside him, looked at Liu Sheng with a slightly unkind look. During this time, this girl was always short of Young Master Jiang and Young Master Jiang, and she always asked her about Jiang Lin's past.

What is this for?

"Hey, Young Master Jiang, I haven't seen you overnight. You have improved a lot in your cultivation, and you are about to break through."

At this time, Liu Sheng realized that Jiang Lin's breath was much stronger than when she left last night.

"On a whim, I was very depressed during this time, but I have made some progress in my cultivation."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then asked, "By the way, do you have any news about Concubine Jiang?"

Now there may be unexpected situations, he no longer wants to delay, he must find Concubine Jiang as soon as possible.

Liu Sheng shook his head and said, "Not yet, will she have returned to Huaxian Pavilion?"

"It shouldn't be. She left Huaxian Pavilion for me this time. If she wants to go back, she doesn't have any credit in her hand, and she is embarrassed. Besides, the tree demon left the county before, and there are so many swords around. Country cultivator, Concubine Jiang will not do it at that time. Liu Sheng, you can continue to look for it. I will also think of a way here."

Jiang Lin felt that Concubine Jiang would not return directly to Huaxian Pavilion, but he still didn't know why, Concubine Jiang had not been seen for so long.

In addition to letting Liu Sheng continue to look for it, he also wanted to go to his own residence in the suburbs of the county, fetch the soil where the Jiang Fei's body was planted, and cast the spell to see if it had any effect.

"Baoyi, I have a premonition that something big will happen soon, and we may be robbed. I already have a coping strategy here, but I still need a lot of formation materials. This matter has to fall on you."

Jiang Lin looked at Bao Yi again and explained her collection of materials for the formation.

The first materials for the layout of the Immortals and Death Bureau also need to be gathered as soon as possible.

Find a capable thug, and use me as an errand.

Bao Yi pursed her lips, she felt that Jiang Lin was not taking her seriously anymore.

Chapter [*] Treat me well! (superior)

After that, Jiang Lin put his hand on Baoyi's forehead, and passed the remaining materials needed by the Immortals Bureau to Baoyi's mind.


Jiao snorted, and Bao Yi left the pine forest.

"Where did I provoke this fat woman?"

Jiang Lin felt a little inexplicable. Baoyi didn't know when it started, and he was always being petty.

"Young Master Jiang, you, she's probably been with you for a long time."

Liu Sheng showed a hint of her aunt's smile, but because Jiang Lin had so much sincerity, she still didn't know much about her daughter's thoughts.

"Cough, she is very stubborn."

Jiang Lin touched his nose and did not continue on this topic.

"Liu Sheng, this sun is really hot. As long as you find Concubine Jiang, it will be fine if she listens to your explanation. If she doesn't listen, you will make her feel wronged, but remember not to hurt her."

Then Jiang Lin released his own small group of true sun fire and gave it to Liu Sheng. Concubine Jiang, a girl with a strong temperament, ran away from home without giving him any chance to explain at first.

Therefore, he was also worried that even if Liu Sheng found Concubine Jiang, Concubine Jiang might not be willing to listen to anything.

Maybe he found out that Liu Sheng was also related to his lover, and he was going to get angry.

"Don't worry, Young Master Jiang, Liu Sheng knows the importance."

Liu Sheng nodded, took the sun's real fire, and flew away from the pine forest.

Jiang Lin did not stay in the pine forest, and went to the house on the outskirts of the county.

After taking some soil, he went straight back to the county seat.

On the way, Jiang Lin stopped by the market to buy an old hen and some ingredients.

Now that Feng Yan has truly become his woman, of course he has to take good care of her to make up for the grievances Feng Yan has suffered before.

Anyway, because the soil he brought from the suburbs of the county has been a long time, even if he casts the spell, it will not yield results in an instant. He can also take advantage of this time to make Xianbao chicken soup for Feng Yan, the bride.

When he arrived at Feng Zhai, Jiang Lin arranged a traceability circle in the backyard and sent the soil into it.

Then he went to work in the kitchen.


A few hours later, Jiang Lin brought chicken soup into the room, Feng Yan had woken up, and she had put on her bellyband.

Jiang Lin walked over and took a sip on her forehead, saying, "Don't get out of bed, take a good rest."

Some time ago, Feng Yan also often stayed up late with his husband. When he went to deal with Wangtian, Feng Yan didn't sleep for a few days, and last night, Feng Yan was killed by him, so he couldn't rest at night, so He just wants Feng Yan to rest now.

"I'll fetch water to rinse your mouth and wipe your face."

Jiang Lin went outside and filled two basins of water, taking care of Feng Yan to wash.

After that, Jiang Lin brought the chicken soup and sat beside the bed, without Feng Yan doing anything, he put the spoon to Feng Yan's mouth.

"Xianggong, it smells so good. Did you make this? The servants don't make it like this."

Feng Yan smothered the food in her mouth and looked at Jiang Lin in a daze. Jiang Lin only accepted her yesterday, and today she cooks for her and feeds her.

Jiang Lin smiled slightly and said, "There are many wives in the family, and my mouth is open, so my husband, as time goes by, his cooking skills are pretty good."

"Xiang Gong, Yan'er doesn't know why you are so nice to me? It's not that you shouldn't be nice to me, but Yan'er thinks your attitude change is too abrupt. Yan'er is really afraid that this is a dream."

Feng Yan blinked her eyes and looked at Jiang Lin. Jiang Lin was kind to her, of course she was happy, but Jiang Lin's kindness made her feel a little unreal. Jiang Lin's change was too fast.

Jiang Lin thought for a while and explained, "Actually, I think I have a special mentality. As for me, I am a very possessive man. If I want a woman, no matter who she is, then I I want her all my life, let her be tied to me for the rest of my life, and only belong to me forever and ever. Yes."

Smiling and scratching the bridge of Feng Yan's nose, Jiang Lin continued: "You silly girl, don't worry, in the future, even if you want to run, you will never be able to escape from my palm. You can be self-willed, It doesn't matter if you have a temper, as long as you are chained by my side, you can be a stubborn princess."


Feng Yan's eyes turned red again. Although Jiang Lin said it interestingly, the implication was that he would treat her like this in the future.

She grew up so big, and she didn't receive much love, not even her own father. Now someone is finally willing to love her, and it's still the kind of pampering.

"Stop crying."

Jiang Lin gave Feng Yan a head slap with a doting face.

"Jiang Liyang, come out for me!"

At this moment, there was a sudden shout from outside.

Jiang Lin was overjoyed when he heard this voice.

This is Jiang Fei's voice!

Looking at the sound, Jiang Lin found the figure of a sword-wielding girl in the courtyard.


Just as Jiang Lin was about to rush out, he suddenly discovered something was wrong.

This girl is not a Concubine Jiang!

Jiang Fei's aura is not like this.

Toon tree demon!

Jiang Lin's eyes narrowed, and he realized that Concubine Jiang in the yard was actually disguised by the toon tree demon.

At this time, the coquettish shout also alarmed all the servants in Feng Zhai, and even the county magistrate came out.

"who are you?"

Feng county magistrate snorted, but what responded to him was a spiritual qi training.

The concubine Jiang, who was pretending to be the tree demon, directly attacked the magistrate Feng, causing him to fly upside down and hit the courtyard wall, bleeding from his nose and mouth.

This is still the result of the tree demon deliberately keeping its hands.

When Qingshui County had gathered a large number of Sword Country cultivators before, the Toon Tree Demon had been paying attention to the situation. After all the Sword Country cultivators had left, it immediately started its own plan.

That is to kill Feng Yan and frame the blame for Concubine Jiang.

So, there is this scene now.

As for the fact that it left the county magistrate, it was because the magistrate was alive that it was able to put pressure on Jiang Lin.

After injuring the magistrate Feng, the toon tree demon flashed to Jiang Lin and Feng Yan's room in an instant, and stabbed Feng Yan with his sword.

This is the catastrophe in Feng Yan's life.

It's just because of Jiang Lin's appearance that the development of things changed, and her disaster was postponed until today.


Jiang Lin kicked away the long sword stabbed by the toon tree demon, and kicked the toon tree demon in the abdomen with another kick, causing it to fly out.

After the toon tree demon fell into the yard, it was stunned for a moment, but it was kicked flying by Jiang Lin.

However, it didn't think much about it, and now the anger on Jiang Lin's face seemed to burst into flames, and its purpose was achieved.

Seeing Jiang Lin rushing out with the sword, it tapped the ground and flew out of the house.

However, what the tree demon never imagined was that Jiang Lin was so angry not because of Concubine Jiang, but simply because of it.

Originally, its trick was to frame the blame, and it played very well. If Jiang Lin was not a Taoist, but an ordinary person, he would definitely be calculated.

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