She was sneakily attacked by the toon tree demon. Even though a lot of flower fairies and flower demons came later, the toon tree demon had a way to target them, and she had the true fire of the sun in her hands, which caused the beautiful woman and others to do nothing at all.

"It's you? You dare to come!"

After the beautiful woman saw Jiang Lin, her already bad mood became worse.

Jiang Lin kidnapped her designated heir, and now he has appeared in their Huaxian Pavilion again.

At this time, the other Huaxian and Huayao's attacks on the Toon Tree Demon also stopped temporarily.

Among them, the tree demon was even more confused. He didn't know what was going on. Jiang Lin was able to fly here without the help of Concubine Jiang.

Moreover, her fellow Water Demon Daoist was standing beside Jiang Lin now, and he looked like he was following his horse.

What is this scenario?

For a time, there were countless big question marks on the tree demon's head.

"It's me, what's wrong? Is there a problem?"

Jiang Lin looked at the beautiful woman calmly, and then said: "Not only have I come here again, but I have also obtained the Qiankun lock. What do you do with me?"

"Jian'er, what's going on?!"

The beautiful woman was stunned when she heard the words, and looked at Concubine Jiang beside Jiang Lin. Without Concubine Jiang's help, Jiang Lin would never have obtained the Qiankun Lock.

"Auntie, the Qiankun lock is basically optional for us in Huaxian Pavilion. Jiang Lang came here empty-handed, or it's nothing to lend him. And he just borrowed it, and it's not that he won't return it."

Concubine Jiang also tried to convince the beautiful woman. Speaking of this, the beautiful woman did something wrong, not because she became Jiang Lin's wife, and she had a heart for Jiang Lin.

When Jiang Lin was kicked out of Huaxian Pavilion, she still didn't know her intentions, and she also thought that the beautiful woman's handling was biased.

"Bastard! You are from Huaxian Pavilion, and now you are facing outsiders?"

The beautiful woman was very angry, and Concubine Jiang brought Jiang Lin in and let him get the Qiankun Lock, and she still helped Jiang Lin to speak.

Turn your elbows out.

"What kind of outsider? I'm Jiang'er's husband now, what kind of outsider do you think I am?"

Jiang Lin snorted coldly, and then said, "I advise you to think about your own situation. I don't think your position as the Lord of the Flower Fairy Pavilion is guaranteed today."

The first thousand seven hundred and forty-six chapters forced the palace (middle)

"What do you mean?"

The beautiful woman's face changed suddenly, and she only realized now that when Jiang Lin appeared in Huaxian Pavilion, he released some terrifying flames, and the tree demon they had been dealing with also had a terrifying flame in his hand.

Could it be that the toon tree demon and Jiang Lin joined forces to attack this time?

"It doesn't make any sense, I just want you to hand over the seat of the master of Huaxian Pavilion to Concubine Jiang, and then you get out."

Jiang Lin said it very directly, without any euphemism. He didn't do anything to the beautiful woman, he was already looking at the face of his wife, Concubine Jiang.

"Joke, I am Huaxian Pavilion, how can you be presumptuous!"

The beautiful woman had a cold face, raised her sword and charged towards Jiang Lin.

"If you want to get out, get out!"

Jiang Lin immediately activated the Zhuanlingzi card in his hand and adopted Liu Sheng's cultivation. After that, his hands quickly formed a seal, and a huge three-legged golden crow of more than a thousand meters appeared behind him. .

The huge three-legged golden crow folded its wings, and the beautiful woman was fanned out by the steaming heat wave like a scrap of paper. The trees behind her did not know how much the beautiful woman had broken.

It was also the beautiful woman who did not expect that Jiang Lin would suddenly use such a terrifying method, so she suffered such a loss without taking extra precautions.

However, Jiang Lin just wanted her to suffer a loss, and didn't plan to do it.

Otherwise, if his hand was so hot just now, even if the beautiful woman didn't die, she would have to be directly crippled by his hand, the Golden Crow's Yang.

"I don't have any ill will towards Huaxian Pavilion, just stop it for me!"

After repelling the beautiful woman, Jiang Lin's handprint changed, and a roar erupted at the same time.

The terrifying three-legged golden crow behind him spread its wings, and under the wings, there are thousands of Daoyang pointing swords, just like the three-legged golden crow's flame feathers.

When the group of Hua Xian saw their aunt being attacked by Jiang Lin, they originally planned to besiege Jiang Lin, but when they saw the change of the Three-legged Golden Crow and heard Jiang Lin's shout, they had to stop.

This time Jiang Lin unleashed all the spiritual power he had inherited from Liu Sheng, and the various flames in his body, the yin fire, the yang flame, and the real fire immortal fire also condensed into a three-legged golden crow.

The three-legged Golden Crow is already terrifying enough without showing its means. Now that the power of killing has been released, all those Hua Xian Hua Yao have been intimidated.

"You are all Jiang'er's sisters, and I won't hurt you. What I want to do is to target your aunt. If you don't know what kind of grievance I have with her, you can ask her."

After Jiang Lin said this, he folded his arms and stopped moving.

If the beautiful woman is no longer sensible, then there is no need for him to be polite.


At this time, the beautiful woman flew over in a bit of embarrassment. She had a gloomy face, but there was nothing to do.

Just the terrifying three-legged golden crow behind Jiang Lin was enough to give her a headache, and now there was a toon tree demon who had a deep hatred with her.

Several Hua Xian who didn't know the reason asked the beautiful woman what was going on, but she couldn't explain it.

After all, she didn't take care of it at all when she said it.

It can be seen from the fact that Concubine Jiang is standing on Jiang Lin's side. If she explains it, she will make these juniors criticize her.

Now the beautiful woman has some regrets in her heart. If she lent Qiankun Lock directly at the beginning, there would be no such thing as now.

"Jiang'er, how do you say that you are all from Huaxian Pavilion, do you really want to help outsiders deal with aunt? You also united with my old enemy to deal with me?"

The beautiful woman looked at Concubine Jiang, and now she can only hope to win Concubine Jiang over.

After all, Jiang Lin also said just now that Concubine Jiang was already his wife. With Concubine Jiang joining in, the situation would definitely be much better.

Jiang Lin sneered and said, "You don't need to spend any more time. Jiang'er brought in this toon tree demon just to help me get the Qiankun lock. I have no time to deal with the enmity between you."

After the beautiful woman heard the words, she narrowed her eyes, and then set her eyes on Concubine Jiang.

"Auntie, forgive Jiang'er, Jiang'er really just wanted to help Jiang Lang get the Qiankun lock this time. I received the grace of my aunt's upbringing, and I will not do anything unfavorable to you, it's just Jiang Lang's decision, I It can't be changed."

Concubine Jiang looked helpless. The people on both sides were very important to her, but her aunt was the first to lose. Even if she wanted to turn her battles into jade and silk, Jiang Lin would definitely not listen to her.

Before the beautiful woman could speak again, the toon tree demon had already moved. It also heard what Jiang Lin said just now. Jiang Lin said that he had no time to deal with the grievances of the beautiful woman, and the implication was that it would not interfere with its revenge.

Therefore, it is ready to hurry up and complete its revenge plan first.

As for why Jiang Lin suddenly turned into such a capable ruthless man, he didn't have time to think about it.

As long as it kills the beautiful woman, things may turn around.

After all, Jiang Lin didn't go all the way with the beautiful woman, and not only did they not go all the way, but they still had conflicts with each other.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Even if Jiang Lin and Jiang Lin fail to meet the conditions for becoming friends for the time being, they will at least not be mortal enemies.

Unfortunately, it never thought that Jiang Lin was not going to let it go.

After that, the beautiful woman once again broke out into a fight with the tree demon.

Concubine Jiang flew down when she saw the beautiful woman and all the flower fairy and flower demons are dealing with the toon tree demon.

But at this time, Jiang Lin's arm stretched, wrapped around her waist, and pulled her over.

"If you want to go down and help, I won't stop you, but you must ask your aunt to give up being the master of Huaxian Pavilion and transfer the power to you."

Jiang Lin knew that Concubine Jiang could not let go of the beautiful woman and the sisters here, so she just watched.

He can let Concubine Jiang join the battle here, but there must be preconditions.

When he said these words, Jiang Lin also raised the volume so that the beautiful woman could also hear it.

No one can change his decision today.

"Jiang Lang..."

"I think Feng Yan also told you that I can leave everything to you, but, as my wife, you must be on my side."

There was some anger in Jiang Lin's eyes. He has always been considerate of his wife, including Concubine Jiang, too.

In the past, he had never had any grudges and disputes with his wife's family, but once there was a conflict, it was still a situation where his family didn't take care of him. His wife didn't agree with him. What did he want her to do?

Chapter [*]: Forcing the Palace (Part [*])

Seeing the sullenness in Jiang Lin's eyes, Concubine Jiang did not speak again. Ever since she knew Jiang Lin, she had never seen Jiang Lin set fire to her.

Even if she retorted and wanted to leave Jiang Lin, and after she became a husband and wife, she became angry and played with her temper, Jiang Lin still only had pampering in her eyes.

"Don't say anything about your aunt's abdication. Wait until the toon tree demon has been dealt with and then discuss it. Is she a reasonable person? If she knew how to write the word "reason", what would happen today? You can let her put Give you the position of Huaxian Pavilion?"


Jiang Lin's words left Concubine Jiang unable to answer.

Jiang Lin was right, as long as her aunt was reasonable, she would never have borrowed a piece of ashes under such circumstances before.

There would be no such thing as now.

Looking at Concubine Jiang, Jiang Lin said again: "Do you think that I just let your aunt be in the meditation position just to exhale? If you can decide to hand over the fairy artifacts of Huaxian Pavilion to me, let me go. Facing the dangers that are coming later, I will let you pass now."

"Dangerous? What is dangerous?"

Concubine Jiang was stunned for a moment. Jiang Lin had already said that Wang Tianjian had already escaped from the Sword Kingdom, and he would definitely not appear again in a short period of time. How could there be any danger?

"Before I asked Baoyi to go out, just to find some materials for me. It may not take a month, and I will suffer a catastrophe of life and death. This is what I had a premonition. If you don't take charge of Huaxian Pavilion , and I can't deal with those immortal artifacts, or I will forcefully rob it and become a complete enemy of your Huaxian Pavilion?"

"Why didn't you tell me?"

Concubine Jiang's face turned pale, and Jiang Lin was about to encounter a life-and-death catastrophe in the near future.

And Jiang Lin forced her aunt to abdicate and forced her aunt to the palace, but also to deal with the fairy weapons she got from her.

She always felt that she was a little embarrassed, but she hadn't thought about it for Jiang Lin.

"Jiang Lang, don't be angry. I didn't know it before, and you didn't tell me, can I just depend on you for everything?"

Concubine Jiang leaned closer to Jiang Lin and clenched his palm tightly. When she heard such information from Jiang Lin's mouth, she also felt that what she had done before made Jiang Lin angry.

"Oh, if I don't tell you, you won't be with me?"

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