"Chopsticks, I want you to die!"

At this moment, Wangtian's roar full of resentment came through.

"I'm really not reconciled. Hahaha..."

A look of determination appeared on Jiang Lin's face, he had already decided to expose his greatest roots.

In such a situation, he had no choice but to ask the system for help.

However, just at this moment, a loud noise came from mid-air, and then, a black lightning landed down and bombarded Wang Tianqi directly.

"N... Nani?"

At this moment, Jiang Lin was once again stunned. The black lightning that landed on Wang Tianjian belonged to the Immortals Bureau!

Not to mention Jiang Lin, even Liu Sheng and Bao Yi are staring at each other with big eyes at this moment.

Then the two of them looked towards the sky above the Immortal Ward Bureau, and found that the thick clouds in the air were not only not diminishing, but were increasing.

One was smiling, and the other was smiling. After Liu Sheng and Bao Yi glanced at each other, they both rushed towards each other and hugged each other together.

The immortal death bureau arranged by Jiang Lin is not over yet!

They are saved!

"Oh ho ho ho..."

Because of the sudden change of things, Jiang Lin's laughter was very strange.

Weird smile.

This Nima is really like acting in a TV show.

Chapter [*] The killing bureau is sincere and do not deceive me! (Down)

The twists and turns, really the twists and turns!

Jiang Lin's mood now is even more exciting than when he first became a bridegroom.

Oops, what is this for?

Can you stop these idiots!

Jiang Lin kept gasping for breath, spitting charcoal in his throat.

Now he can really catch his breath.

Since the Immortal Death Bureau has not stopped, and locked Wangtian, then this time, no matter how big Wangtian's life is, there is absolutely no possibility of returning it.

Just now, Jiang Lin had already reacted. After all, he had also seen Wangtianji's blood when it came out from under the ground.

Therefore, at this time, he has already deduced what happened to him.

It's simply a matter of the Immortals Bureau.

The Immortals Bureau does not take the blame.

That group of blood essence did not enter the scope of the Immortal Death Slaughter Bureau.

It was left by Wang Tianqi before.

Knowing this, Jiang Lin no longer worried.

"Killing Bureau honestly does not deceive me!"

Jiang Lin laughed loudly, and now the thick clouds over the Immortal Ward Bureau had moved and were gathering over Wang Tianji's head.

Jiang Lin and the others were all smiling, but Wang Tianxuan in the distance was immediately stunned.

It did not escape this death catastrophe?

"No! Impossible!"

Wang Tianjian looked at the dark clouds and lightning in the sky in horror, and let out a roar of unwillingness.

It has already snatched its own child, yet it still failed to escape this catastrophe.

When it screamed, another thunderbolt fell on its body, causing half of its body to dissipate in an instant.

"Vengeance! I want revenge!"

Knowing that he was going to die, Wangtianxian was completely crazy. He didn't care that his wings would be twisted into powder, he directly flapped his wings and rushed towards Jiang Lin at the speed of electric shots.


The expression on Jiang Lin's face suddenly froze. He ignored that although Wang Tianjian was locked by the Immortals Bureau, he was no longer in the killing game.

That is to say, Wangtianjian is not trapped - it still has the power to move.

Even if it will be completely smashed by the Immortals Bureau in the end, Wang Tianyu still has the ability to counterattack.

"Young Master Jiang!"


Liu Sheng and Bao Yi exclaimed together, and then they rushed out without thinking about anything, blocking Jiang Lin's face.

Jiang Lin's situation was far worse than theirs, but Jiang Lin was relying on extremely powerful vitality to support him.

It has now reached its limit.

After that, the two girls burst into two screams. They were not attacked by Wangtianxuan, and Wangtianxuan didn't target them at all.

The two of them were affected by the black lightning that fell on Wangtian.

"Liusheng, Baoyi!"

Jiang Lin looked at Liu Sheng and Bao Yi who fell into the distance like a kite with a broken string, his eyes were completely bloodshot.

"Bind me!"

Jiang Lin stretched out his palm and patted his dantian, and directly took out his golden dan.

After that, he squeezed the golden pill alive, and after obtaining the spiritual power, he drove the spirit sword and dragon that had not disappeared to entangle Wangtianxian.


But even so, Jiang Lin still couldn't stop Wangtianjian, and was hit by Wangtianjian's mouth on the top of his heart.


Jiang Lin flew out upside down, and his body did not know how many rocks were broken.

If it wasn't for the Demon Dragon Sword Formation's blocking and sharing part of the impact force, Jiang Lin's entire body would have completely disintegrated and shattered directly.

Afterwards, the killing power of the Immortal Sect Bureau immediately exploded with the strongest power because it sensed Wang Tianji's displacement.

Within a radius of ten miles, it directly turned into a sea of ​​thunder.

Wangtianjian was also completely submerged in countless black lightnings.

Total demise.

That set of high-quality spirit swords, which were quasi-immortal weapons, also became nothingness.

"Crack! Kill Wang Tianji and get [*] Angry Qi."

In Jiang Lin's mind came the system's prompt sound, this time Wangtianji, the terrifying corpse evil, was completely killed.

However, at this time, Jiang Lin had only a trace of consciousness left.

Before fainting, he gave an order to the charming spirit in his ancient mirror, asking the spirit to take out the cold marrow and immortal treasures such as immortal wine and immortal soup from the ancient mirror and pour it on him.

In this battle, Jiang Lin, Liu Sheng and Bao Yi won. Fu Yu was bitten to death by Wang Dixian, and then he was hanged into ashes by the Xianshu Bureau. burp.

The biggest threat, Wang Tianjian, was completely hacked to death by the Immortals Bureau after the twists and turns of the matter.

But Jiang Lin and the others, the price they paid was also extremely heavy.

Jiang Lin was dying now, and he only had half a breath left, and there was a constant booming sound coming from his body.

Convulsed all over.

And Liu Sheng and Bao Yi were also accidentally injured by the black lightning of the Immortal Death Bureau, and they didn't know whether to live or die.

Later, the killing power of the Immortals Bureau was fully unfolded. Although the target was Wangtian, the power of destruction still spread to them.

After half a day, Jiang Lin's eyelids moved, and after a while, he woke up.

However, now his state is completely the same as that of a living dead.

He couldn't control his body at all.

During the period of time when he fainted, Meiling continued to nourish his body with immortal treasures according to his instructions.

Two hours later, Jiang Lin's body absorbed a lot of the medicinal power of the immortal treasure, which made him feel a little bit.


Just as he put his hands on the ground, Jiang Lin vomited a mouthful of turbid blood.

These bloods were born because of the medicinal power of the fairy treasures.

But as soon as it was made, he spat out a lot.


Jiang Lin scolded, Wang Tianjian caused him a lot of trouble before he died.

Now, there is a powerful corpse poison in his body.

If he hadn't always had the medicinal power of Immortal Treasures, he might have been assimilated by these corpse poisons.

This is on the one hand, on the other hand, Jiang Lin also found that the balance of yin and yang in his body was completely broken, the bones and the Tao body were no longer compatible, but they were mutually exclusive in his body.

In other words, all the work he has done to make his body compatible with the Tao body over the years has been completely in vain.

For this result, of course, he forced to use spells and abilities at the same time, and also because he blew up the corpse pill and destroyed the golden pill. He sent his domineering corpse poison into his body.


Jiang Lin held his head and screamed again and again. At this time, the sequelae of his mental thoughts also appeared.

It was as if his mind had turned into a piece of lava, which made him really unbearable.

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