Even if he survived the calamity in the past, the consequences of surviving the calamity now cannot be resolved by a simple battle.

It must take him a lot of time and energy.

If this is the case, then he will admit it, these things are difficult to handle, and they are still far-sighted, but he still has immediate worries.

There are both near and far concerns.

Jiang Lin can't take Xianbao now. Wangtianjian's corpse poison is in his body and cannot be effectively dealt with. If he takes Xianbao again, most of the medicinal power will be taken away by Wangtianjian's corpse poison. If things go on like this, He may not have survived until he finds an item to solve the poison, and the crisis will break out first.

Moreover, the medicinal power of Immortal Treasure has accumulated a lot in his body, and if he continues to nourish with Immortal Treasure, the trace amount of toxins in it will accumulate.

If it was normal, Jiang Lin would naturally not care, but now his physical condition is extremely poor, and if he continues to take it, it will do more harm than good.

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, because of the chaos in his body, he can't directly channel the spiritual power to form a new pill.

The corpse poison that belongs to him is relatively weak. Once he forms a golden pill, it will make the local corpse poison in his body worse.

Therefore, at least before absorbing the Yin Sha Qi, he was very weak. If he encountered a strong man and quarreled, he might not be able to take advantage of it.

It's a pure sickness.

The days that followed were really difficult for Jiang Lin.

"The only way is to find Yin Qi first."

Jiang Lin wiped the blood that was overflowing from the corner of his mouth, and could only leave the cave. He went to a crowded place to find out where he was, and at the same time, he was also looking for a place suitable for him to absorb the evil spirit.

After asking the pedestrians, Jiang Lin realized that he had actually arrived in Ermao Country, which is already the westernmost part of the Sand Sea in the Northern Territory.

Chapter [*]: Tiger Falls Pingyang

After thanking the pedestrians, Jiang Lin headed towards the county seat.

The closest county to where he woke up was Weinan County in Ermao Country, where he was unfamiliar, so he could only go to Weinan County to learn about the situation in Ermao Country, and by the way, ask where there are mass graves nearby. Or a place like Yizhuang.

After walking for a long time, by noon, Jiang Lin had walked less than twenty miles.

With his current state, it is not bad to be able to go that far.

What a terrific tiger to fall in Pingyang.

After arriving at a tea stall on the side of the road, Jiang Lin laughed at himself. The second uncle's outfit was treated as a beggar by the tea stall staff.

Due to the explosion in his body, many holes were blown out of his clothes, and they were stained with a lot of black blood, which was extremely dirty.

It's really like a beggar gang disciple.

Jiang Lin was going to take some gold nuggets from his arms, but thinking that the tea stall had no income at all, so he couldn't exchange for any tickets, so he went straight to the side to sit and rest.

Not long after, the sound of hooves was heard in the distance, and two young men dressed as literati came on horseback.

"Brother Jiang, you really impress me."

At this time, one of the young people spoke out to communicate with his companions. Jiang Lin thought that someone was calling him, so he looked at the source of the sound.

Then the young man continued to say to his companion: "Your equestrian skills are improving day by day."

"Brother Tao, you can't let me go just because you want to come to my house."

Another young man surnamed Jiang responded with a chuckle, and then dismounted with his companions at the tea stall.

Jiang Lin glanced at it, only to realize that he had misheard and that no one was talking to him.

Huh?Women dressed as men?

After his eyes fell on the young man surnamed Jiang, Jiang Lin picked it up. This young man with a fair face was actually a woman.


Jiang Lin thought about it for a while, and was ready to talk to the man and the woman. He was in a strange country now, and he no longer had superhuman abilities.

He intends to find these two people in exchange for some notes circulating in the Ermao country.

Now, if he only relies on walking, the speed is too slow. As long as he can exchange some money, he can buy a carriage and find the target place much faster.

The girl dressed as a man was dressed in luxurious clothes. She should be a rich family, and she must have some change and banknotes on her body.

At this time, several tea guests dressed as business travelers beside Jiang Lin were also paying attention to the young people and girls not far away.

"Brother, look at that little white face, there should be a lot of money on him, let's go and get a piece of it?"

"No, that little white face should be rich, but the guy beside him is that hateful Tao Wangsan, who likes to meddle in his own business. I know him. With him around, that little white face won't be fooled."

The middle-aged man at the tea table shook his head and denied his companion's proposal.

really interesting.

Jiang Lin thought it was quite a coincidence after hearing the discussion of several tea guests. He prepared the girl to exchange tickets, and the people next to her were also trying to make money on the girl.

After Tao Wangsan, who was traveling with the girl, sat down, he asked the tea stall staff for tea, and then let the girl wait for a while and went to the woods for convenience.

Tao Wangsanyi left, and several business travelers not far from Jianglin began to act.

Jiang Lin was watching from the side, and he wasn't prepared to meddle in his own business. It was really impossible. After he arrived at the county seat, he could also find a silver number to exchange.

However, if the opportunity is right, he will also remind the girl, as for whether the other party can understand what he means, it is not within his control.

"Brother, can I ask you a favor?"

When the middle-aged man arrived at the girl's tea table, he had a bitter face, posing like a mourning concubine.

"What is it?"

"Is such that."

While speaking, the middle-aged man put the burden in his hand on the girl's tea table.

After the burden was untied, the gold ingots inside were exposed.

However, these golds are all fake.

The middle-aged man continued: "I am in a hurry to go back to the country to save my wife and children. With so much gold, I am worried that I will meet a bandit on the way. Because I was in a hurry, I didn't change it into a silver ticket. Brother, I see you. The clothes on your body should have some banknotes on your body, so I want to beg you to exchange them with me."

"But I don't have much on me."

When the girl heard the middle-aged man say this, she took out the bank note from her body.

At this moment, Jiang Lin waved his hand towards the girl.

Although he can't use all his abilities now, he still has eyesight.

This middle-aged man and several accomplices probably used this method to deceive people and property.

When the girl saw Jiang Lin's prompt, she immediately became suspicious. That is, at this time, Tao Wangsan came over.

"Do you think your tricks can deceive me here?"

When the girl became suspicious, Tao Wangsan had already run over. He took the tea bottle on the table in one hand and smashed the gold ingot in the bag.

After that, these gold ingots were directly smashed into pieces, all forged from lime.

"It's you Tao Wangsan again! You'll meddle in your own business!"

When the middle-aged man saw that the matter was revealed, his face became furious, and his accomplices also surrounded him.

"Let me tell you, this son is the young master of the Jiang family, a famous family in Weinan County. If you dare to make trouble, you must think about the consequences. I am also a guest of the Jiang family, do you dare to touch me?"

Tao Wangsan warned the middle-aged man, and at the same time pulled the girl's tiger skin.

The middle-aged man and his accomplices stopped when Tao Wangsan said that Xiaobailian was from the Jiang family, and finally ran away after a few harsh words.

After a while, Jiang Lin got up and went to Tao Wangsan and the others, and said, "Two little brothers, although they are very abrupt, can you help me change some change?"

After speaking, Jiang Lin took out a few gold nuggets from his arms and continued: "I am from the country and I am seriously ill. Fortunately, I dug up a few gold nuggets from the yard of my house. Can you help me exchange some zeros? Yes, this tea stall is a small business, I can't change it, I don't even have a sip of tea."

"Are you here to change the bank note too?"

The girl looked at Jiang Lin strangely, because when he was about to be deceived, Jiang Lin waved at her, so her impression of Jiang Lin was not bad.

But as soon as a group of liars left, this person came to change the banknotes.

Is there such a coincidence?

"Okay, cough, cough..."

Jiang Lin smiled, and then blood dripped from his mouth.

Wiping the corners of his mouth, Jiang Lin continued: "My gold nuggets are not the same as those liars, you can test them."

"Hey, you beggar is really interesting. If you really have all this gold, how can you mix up like this? Let me see, you unkempt, I'm afraid you're not a murderer."

Tao Wangsan folded his arms and continued: "I think you got all the gold from killing people, and you dare not look for silver numbers, but you only dare to take advantage of others in private. You must have a ghost in your heart, these are absolutely not wealth of righteousness."

Afterwards, Tao Wangsan even shouted that he was ready to take action, to capture Jiang Lin and hand it over to the government.

I bought a watch last year!

The blue veins on Jiang Lin's forehead came out. He was first treated as a beggar by the tea stall staff, but now he is better than a beggar.

He was treated as a murderer.

I lost Lei Lou, and I'm also a murderer of the crime department.

They will also be sent to the government.

The first thousand seven hundred and seventy-four chapters come without effort

"Can you say that again?"

Jiang Lin's eyes turned cold. What he hated most was being called a murderer.

Although his body is not at all in state now, he can still teach a scholar who is helpless.

Tao Wangsan looked at the fierce light in Jiang Lin's eyes, his body shivered involuntarily, and he immediately stopped.

"Brother Tao, this person warned me just now that he should not be a bad person. You should first see if the gold is real. If it is real, I can exchange it with him. Our Jiang family is a virtuous family. He also does a lot of good deeds on weekdays.”

The girl took the gold nuggets on the table to Tao Wangsan, and then said to Jiang Lin: "If these golds are real, I will exchange them with you, but you need to go to the county to find a clerk and tell him that you are busy. Our Jiang family helped."

"That's it."

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