After dawn, Jiang Lin went back to Taoist Tian's Taoist temple. From today onwards, he was going to let Taoist Tian learn some side-by-side techniques, the most important thing being the light-avoiding spell.

From Jiang Lin's point of view, it is not feasible to inquire about Qiurong's information from the elderly population in Weinan County.

Even if I find out, after so long, at least thirty or forty years ago, I can remember a few things from that year, and maybe there are not many people who knew it.

It's a pity that Tian Taoist's talent in these side-door left-hand techniques is not far behind.

This kid is good at comprehending his talents in attacking Taoism techniques, such as the Sun-Inducing Talisman and the Thunder Technique, but he seems to have a bit of a struggle for the light-avoiding spell and the retrospective method.

Although Jiang Lin was anxious, he did not scold Taoist Tian.

This kid's previous progress has already exceeded his expectations, and the time has been shortened a lot. Now even if he delays a little time, he can make up for it with what he won earlier.

And now Taoist Tian is in a state of full of enthusiasm, and he should not be suppressed.

"Okay, then, go outside, look at the mountains and rivers, sort out what you have learned, and settle it down. You can also think about your doubts on the road, and I will point you to the key points that you should teach. Well, after all, seniors lead the door, and cultivation has to rely on individuals."

He also taught Taoist Tian some Taoist techniques, and Jiang Lin let this kid understand it on his own.

Although he is a master teacher, he cannot replace Tian Taoist to learn.

Moreover, he had other considerations for him to let Taoist Tian go outside.

"Besides, you can do something for me..."

Jiang Lin explained the matter about Qiurong, and asked Tian Taoist priest to visit the old people with longevity in Weinan County to check the information about Qiurong.

Tian Taoist didn't dare to ask any more questions. Originally, he had not been able to learn the light-avoiding spell very well, and he was worried that Jiang Lin, the senior Tianzun, would be angry, so after taking the order, he left the Taoist hall directly.

In the evening, Tian Taoist came back tired.

After Jiang Lin asked, he realized that Taoist Tian had searched almost all the elderly people in Weinan County, and no one had ever known a woman named Qiurong.

"Is that so..."

After Jiang Lin heard this, he could not help frowning.

In this way, it is a bit difficult to fulfill the promise to Qiurong.

It's a bit difficult.

Although he was mentally prepared, after listening to Tian Daoshi's report, he still felt a little disappointed.

After all, Qiu Rong has been dead for many years, and trying to find out the truth of that year is like looking for a needle in a haystack in some respects.

If it is people in this world, there will always be traces and news left, but when people leave, the tea is cold, let alone when people die.

Jiang Lin can't use some abilities by himself now, even if it is the magic of Pan Gui Wen Nie, he has to use the hands of Taoist Tian to do it.

Whether this guy can master it well is still unknown.

Chapter [*] is sensible, really sensible

"Senior, does this Qiu Rong girl have a relationship with the old man?"

When Taoist Tian saw Jiang Lin's worried expression, he asked.

He was very surprised that this senior Tianzun was not from Weinan County, and even had nothing to do with Ermao Kingdom. How could he care so much about a woman who had been dead for many years?

Jiang Lin randomly arranged a reason: "It's just a cause and effect. An old friend of the old man has some blood relationship with this Qiu Rong. He knew that the old man was traveling, so he said hello to the old man."

"It turns out to be the case. Since he is an old friend of the senior, he should also be a figure at the level of Tianzun? Don't worry, senior, if you have anything, just entrust it, and the kid will definitely try his best to do it."

Without any doubts, Tian Taoist patted his chest again, saying that as long as he can contribute, he will definitely work hard to do it.

Jiang Lin nodded and said, "It's still a kid who has a heart. I think you used to be half a bucket of water, so I guess you've been scorned a lot? I'll give you some tricks to hide your eyes, and then you can show your skills in front of people. Let your old folks see you differently."

"Thank you so much, senior!"

When Taoist Tian heard Jiang Lin's words, his exhaustion seemed to be swept away.

In the past few days, although his mind was focused on cultivation and study, when he was resting, he didn't think about raising his eyebrows in Weinan County sooner or later, but Jiang Lin was here, and he didn't dare to make trouble.

But now Jiang Lin is actually willing to let him go out and show off the Taoism he has learned, and re-establish his image in the hearts of the neighbors.

Although this can't be said to make him shine on the lintel, at least this is the first step.

Jiang Lin pretended to be stroking his beard and said, "You kid still has a conscience, and this old man is like a mirror in his heart. Let's go and meditate first to relieve our exhaustion."

In fact, as Jiang Lin said, he was quite satisfied with the little brother Tian Daoshi, and he might as well give him some benefits.

In doing so, in addition to giving Tian Taoist some real benefits, he also has his own plans.

Now, Taoist Tian's visit to the elderly in Weinan County has no results, and he can't understand the light-avoiding spell for a while. Therefore, he plans to let Taoist Tian learn some Maoshan blindfolding techniques. The threshold for this kind of magic is relatively low. With these left techniques, Taoist Tian can enter the county government office in Weinan County, go to the archives there to find the household registration of previous years, and find information about Qiurong.

If he still doesn't have it, he can only do cramming again, and let Tian Taoist learn the Taoist technique of Pan Gui Gui Nie.

As long as he can have some clues, after Tian Taoist has learned the light-avoiding spell, Qiu Rong can appear in the daytime, and maybe he can think of something in the place where he lived or stayed before.

This will help him find the cause of Qiurong's death and find the murderer.

Presumably Qiu Rong will not cooperate with this.

After half an hour, Jiang Lin continued to call on Taoist Tian.

Taoist Tian is now full of thoughts about re-establishing his tall image, not selling [*]% of his strength, but [*]% of his strength.

Fortunately, with his hard work, and the threshold of these blindfolding techniques is not too high, even if it is also a side-street, he will quickly get started.

"Boy, it's not for me to teach you these strange techniques. After you master it, you will go to the county government office for me, and go to the household registration archives there to check the file of Qiurong's daughter. Information. The old man disdains to do such a thing, but he is helpless to be entrusted by others, and he cannot be disloyal to others.”

"Senior, don't worry, it's the county government office. After the boy has mastered these blindfolding techniques, even if you turn the county government office upside down for you, you will have to help the old man find Qiurong's clues! The county government, what's the big deal. In two days, the boy will dig into the old man's root for you. If you can't find it, I will dig it on the ancestral grave of the magistrate of Weinan County."

Taoist Tian looked like this matter was wrapped up in me, and didn't want to shirk anything at all.

What is this?

The seniors treated me so well, and let me shine on the lintel, didn't they just turn over the county government archives?

It doesn't matter!

In fact, Taoist Tian would agree to Jiang Lin, in addition to this main reason, there are also some personal factors of his own.

He used to be half a bucket of water, cheating to eat and drink, to swindle, and the people on the county magistrate's side looked for him a lot.

Caused him to be very worried about the county government.

But now, since he is about to have a blinding spell, is it okay to walk to the county office a few times without swaggering?

What a broken county government, Daoist I, I will swagger in from now on, and walk out with the steps that I don't recognize six relatives!

"Okay, this matter falls on your boy's head."

A very satisfied smile appeared on Jiang Lin's face.

This little guy is sensible, really sensible!

"Practice diligently, go to rest when you are tired, this old man will go elsewhere first."

Jiang Lin explained to Taoist Tian, ​​and then left the Taoist hall.

Yesterday on the fifteenth, and tonight on the sixteenth, the moon was still full, and he did not want to miss the moonlight that was beneficial to the corpse.

At midnight, Jiang Lin opened his eyes and looked into the distance.

Then, the corners of his mouth lifted.

Xiao Xie ran away shyly yesterday, but came back today.

You, you are just obsessed with my prosperous beauty.

Thinking so in his heart, Jiang Lin laughed himself, and now even he feels a little narcissistic.

Xiao Xie did come again, and she felt restless after not seeing Jiang Lin for one day.

Moreover, she also wanted to ask why Jiang Lin thought badly about her.

"That... Young Master Jiang, when I left yesterday, you were calling me, what's the matter?"

Xiao Xie sat next to Jiang Lin, cleared his throat, and found such a question.

She was obviously the one who came to Jiang Lin, but she asked Jiang Lin why he called her yesterday.

Jiang Lin smiled lightly and said, "It's nothing, I just want you to accompany me, okay?"

"Poor mouth, no matter how poor you are, I will ignore you."

Xiao Xie Nu gave Jiang Lin a blank look, but his heart was still pounding.

Chapter [*] I don't feel bad, what do you feel bad for!

"Then I won't tease you. I wanted to give this to you yesterday."

Jiang Lin took out a talisman from the ancient mirror in his arms and threw it, and then said: "You have a cold essence on your body, I'm worried that the smell in it will escape, I'm afraid you will be in danger because of this. Dao Lingxin talisman is divided into Yin talisman and Yang talisman. As long as you tear up half of them, there will be movement here. Although I am not in the state now, as long as you encounter any crisis, even if you pay some price, I can't let you have any problems."

"So this is ah."

Although there was no expression on Xiao Xie's face, she put away the spiritual letter in her hand. At the same time, she glanced at Jiang Lin without a trace.

Even if she now believes that Jiang Lin is malicious to her, she is very moved.

In the past, Jiang Lin bleeded her blood to heal her wounds so as not to leave scars on her wounds, and then sent her cold marrow later, and now she has given her a spiritual talisman, just hoping to make her safe and sound, all these made her feel safe. I feel very favored.

" I asked you before, didn't you say that I had misunderstood and had no idea about me? Why is it now..."

Xiao Xie hesitated, but still asked the doubts in his heart.

"How should I say it, you reminded me that I asked Miss Qiurong to get her grievances that day. Later, you found me and said that you had no grievances and couldn't help me. This reminded me that although you have no grievances , but there are still a lot of ghosts in the ghost body, which is helpful to my body. In addition, you are a kind-hearted girl and beautiful as a flower, so I'm thinking about it. "

Jiang Lin didn't hide it from Xiao Xie, the girl was interested in him, and he chose to be honest.

"You... did you see the ghost in me?"

Xiao Xie seemed to have a basin of cold water poured on her head. She thought that Jiang Lin also had feelings for her, but Jiang Lin said that it was for the ghosts in her.

"It's because of your ghosts, but I also like you. Don't keep saying that I'm thinking badly. If you girl didn't mean it, I wouldn't think about it."


Xiao Xie was speechless again. She felt that she was at a loss, because she didn't know that Jiang Lin had discovered her existence long ago and exposed her inner thoughts, which made Jiang Lin have confidence in what he said now.

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